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On September 26, 2022, NASA successfully completed its Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) mission by intentionally crashing an unmanned spacecraft into the asteroid(小行星) Dimorphos. The goal was not to destroy the asteroid but to change its orbit. With the successful mission, NASA proved the concept that this technique could keep a potentially dangerous asteroid from crashing into Earth in the future.

Dimorphos is a small asteroid orbiting the larger asteroid Didymos. NASA noted that Dimorphos is not a threat to Earth, but because it passes relatively close to Earth, it was chosen as the target for the test mission.   

Although the intended crash should change the asteroid’s position slightly, it will add to a major shift over time. “If you were going to do this for planetary defense, you would do it 5, 10, 15, or 20 years in advance for this technique to work,” said NASA program executive Andrea Riley. “This is why we test. We want to do it now rather than when there’s an actual need.”

Asteroids can pose a significant threat to planet Earth. For example, around 66 million years ago, an asteroid around 6 to 9 miles across struck the Earth in what is now the Yucatan Peninsula. The resulting impact was so catastrophic(灾难性的) that it caused one of the largest extinction events in Earth’s history. Therefore, DART’s success is an important step forward in protecting the planet from potential damage from an asteroid. This shows humans are no longer powerless to prevent this type of natural disaster.

The DART spacecraft was launched by NASA on November 24, 2021. It was accompanied by another craft called LICIACube, supplied by the Italian Space Agency, and separated from DART just 15 days before the crash. LICIACube remained in orbit around the asteroid and took photographs of the crash and material ejected(弹出) from the asteroid’s surface.

【小题1】What is the purpose of the DART mission?
A.To destroy Dimorphos completely.
B.To change the orbit of Dimorphos.
C.To track potentially dangerous asteroids.
D.To prevent Dimorphos from hitting the Earth.
【小题2】How can we describe the test according to Andrea Riley?
A.Better late than never.
B.Rob Peter to pay Paul.
C.Prepare for a rainy day.
D.Bark up the wrong tree.
【小题3】Why does the author mention the example in paragraph 4?
A.To prove the significance of DART’s success.
B.To present the effect of the largest extinction events on humans.
C.To explain the difficulty of protecting the Earth from asteroid strikes.
D.To show the necessity of conducting research on natural disasters.
【小题4】What is LICIACube intended for?
A.Recording the crash test with photos.
B.Collecting rock samples from Dimorphos’s surface.
C.Providing additional energy for the DART spacecraft.
D.Increasing the force of crashing the DART spacecraft into Dimorphos.
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In a 1993 experiment, researchers reported that college students who listened to a Mozart sonata (奏鸣曲) for a few minutes just before taking a test did better on the test than students listening to relaxation instructions or sitting in silence. Music of Mozart, the investigators concluded, seemed to cause changes in the brain that "warm up" neural (神经) connections, thereby improving thinking. But the gain in performance--widely publicized as the "Mozart effect"--lasted only 15 minutes and proved difficult to repeat. Rather than causing a real change in ability, Mozart seemed to improve excitement and mood, producing better concentration on the test.

Research suggests that to produce lasting gains in intelligence-test scores, involvement must be long-lasting and involve children's active participation. Consequently, Glenn Schellenberg, psychologist from University of Toronto, wondered, can music lessons enhance intelligence?

Schellenberg recruited 132 six-year-old children for formal lessons. First, the children took an intelligence test and were rated for social maturity. Next, the children were randomly assigned to one of four experimental conditions. Two were music groups; one received piano lessons and the other voice lessons. The third group took drama lessons--a condition that shed light on whether intellectual gains were unique to musical experiences. The fourth group--a no-lessons control--was offered music lessons the following year. After 36 weeks of lessons, the children's intelligence and social maturity were assessed again.

All four groups showed gains in intelligence-test performance, probably because the participants had just entered grade school, which usually leads to an increase in intelligence test scores. But the two music groups consistently gained more than the control groups. Their advantage, though just a few points, extended across many mental abilities, including verbal and spatial skills and speed of thinking. At the same time, only the drama group improved in social maturity.

In sum, active, sustained musical experiences can lead to small increases in intelligence among 6-year-olds. But other enrichment activities, such as reading, science, math, and chess programs, may have similar benefits. All demand that children invest far more time and effort than they would in listening to a Mozart sonata.

【小题1】What did the 1993 experiment show?
A.Mozart effect will change students' ability to study.B.Music of Mozart improves students' concentration.
C.Listening to Mozart will produce lasting gains in test scores.D.Brief exposure to Mozart results in lifelong intellectual gains.
【小题2】Why did Glenn Schellenberg conduct his experiment?
A.To rate the children for social maturity.
B.To give 132 six-year-olds formal music lessons.
C.To see if music lessons can improve children's intelligence.
D.To test the Mozart effect on children's intelligence and social maturity.
【小题3】What does the underlined phrase "shed light on" probably mean?
【小题4】Which of the following may serve as the best title of the passage?
A.What is the Mozart Effect?
B.Tune Your Brain with Mozart
C.Mozart for Newborns: A Bright Beginning
D.Can Musical Experiences Enhance Intelligence?

Official figures show that 101 people were killed in road accidents on the streets of London last year. The city wants to reduce the number of deaths and serious injuries on the capital’s roads to zero. It seems impossible. But it focuses more minds on an important question: What can help reduce accidents in a big city? Transport for London (TfL), the capital’s road and rail authority, has some answers: safe speeds, safe vehicles and so on.

A safety standard for Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs), which harnesses blind area cameras and sensors (传感器), is pioneering. Blind area cameras and sensors are widely placed where they are needed. The European Commission has followed it. TfL has also helpfully identified London’s most dangerous places. Half of Britain’s most dangerous roads run through the capital. Around three-quarters of accidents that cause deaths or serious injuries happen at crossing near the British Museum, which has been the site of the most deaths since 2012. Westminster is the most dangerous area for walkers and cyclists, so it introduced 20 mph speed limits on all its roads in 2021.

“Vision Zero” was launched in 2018. Deaths and serious injuries on London’s roads have fallen — by 53% and 40% respectively in 2022. But movement is not one-way. Deaths were record breakingly low in 2020 and 2021. But in 2022 the deaths rose again. “We are moving in the right direction,” says Will Norman, London’s walking and cycling commissioner.

Lack of funds for TfL has put off improving the riskiest areas. Only a few parts of the1010 Avenue have bike paths with guardrails (护栏). Safety is the biggest problem to people taking up cycling or letting their children walk or cycle. But greener vehicles may be unsafe themselves. Electric scooters (滑板车) are the latest ones to confuse planners. “One of those doing 50 mph down the road is not good for anybody,” said Mr Norman.

【小题1】What is the author’s purpose in writing paragraph 1?
A.To make the article interesting.
B.To stress the importance of TfL.
C.To call on scientists to study the question.
D.To give some background information.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “harnesses” mean in paragraph 2?
【小题3】What is the Will Norman’s attitude to the “Vision Zero”?
【小题4】What does the author intend to tell us in the last paragraph?
A.Bike lanes are not safe anymore for riders on roads.
B.Children should think twice when taking up cycling.
C.Safety has been a problem for some eco-friendly vehicles.
D.Electric scooters have become the biggest confusion for planners.

The brain is an important organ of the human body. So what can we do to to keep our brains healthy both physically and functionally?

·Turn ordinary activities into brain-stimulating ones

【小题1】 while out for a walk in your neighborhood. Use detailed and expressive language to describe your surroundings, as well as what you can see and hear when talking on the phone to a friend or a family member.

·Go out as much as possible

Going outside to take exercise every day, like running slowly, even for a short period of time, can build up the body, increase heart rate and improve mood. A little sunshine outside is great for vitamin D production. 【小题2】

·Think about returning to a previous hobby

The best activities for brain health are the ones that challenge your brain to be quick and accurate. Do you have a musical instrument sitting in the closet? 【小题3】,dust it off and try it. Or use one of the previous adult coloring books that are so popular now, which can help you relieve stress and focus.


You can adopt a brain exercise program at home to keep your brain fit. The exercise is based on the principles of brain plasticity, the way the brain reorganizes through learning and exercising.

·Eat a healthy diet and be sure to get adequate sleep

As we know, food provides nutrition for the brain. 【小题5】. Getting adequate and quality sleep also will do wonders when it comes to improving your mental health.

A.Now it is time to pull it out
B.Do some brain training indoors
C.Adopt a training program at a gym
D.A jog also helps strengthen the brain
E.Some people are trying learning some new instruments
F.You can stimulate your brain by taking a different route each time
G.So eating high-quality food like vegetables and fruit will keep it healthy
