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Our guided tours here at Shakespeare’s Globe are an experience 400 years in the making.

Heaven to hell tour

Our unique heaven to hell tour experience offers Globe members the opportunity to discover the backstage world of Shakespeare’s Globe.

Join us in the heavenly attic (阁楼) towering above the theater before going down into the depths of “hell” underneath the stage to discover the secrets behind how our productions are staged. You’ll have the opportunity to visit our backstage stores and see props and costumes from the famous Globe productions before experiencing the thrill our actors feel when they step out onto the stage.

Twilight walking tour

Be transported back to a time of late-night cakes and ales (麦芽酒), midnight revels (狂欢) and demons, and the “Kingdom of Night” on our Twilight walking tour around the Bankside area and beyond.

Imagine city life without streetlights and visit the locations of Shakespeare’s own night-time adventures across the River Thames on the Northbank, including the original site of his candlelit Blackfriars playhouse.

Festive family tour

Celebrate the holiday season on a festive family tour of the magical Globe Theatre. Hear how Christmas was observed in Shakespeare’s time and the folk traditions that people practiced to welcome in winter.

This family-friendly guided tour will fascinate and warm even in the coldest of weather. But do still wrap up well- don’t forget our playhouse is outdoor!

Globe Theatre guided tour

Our world-famous Globe Theatre is a faithful reconstruction of the open-air playhouse in which Shakespeare worked, and for which he wrote many of his most famous plays!

Our expert guide-storytellers will provide your group with a fascinating tour of the Globe Theatre auditorium (礼堂), colorful stories of the 1599 Globe Theatre, the reconstruction process in the 1990s.

Our guides will also bring the theater to life, exploring how the theater works today as an imaginative and experimental space for performance.

【小题1】Which is an ideal tour for people who are fond of backstage stories of Shakespeare’s Globe?
A.Heaven to hell tour.B.Twilight walking tour.
C.Festive family tour.D.Globe Theatre guided tour.
【小题2】Where does the twilight walking tour take place?
A.On the River Thames.
B.Around Bankside area and beyond.
C.In Shakespeare hotel.
D.At Shakespeare’s Globe.
【小题3】What can people do if they take part in the festive family tour?
A.Go for a walk along the river.
B.Watch some plays on Christmas.
C.Explore how the theater works during the Christmas season.
D.Learn something about Christmas in Shakespeare’s time.
【小题4】What is special about the Globe Theatre guided tour?
A.It shows what inspired Shakespeare to write his plays.
B.It is only available to Globe members.
C.Visitors can enjoy imaginative performance.
D.Visitors can hear the stories of the 1599 theatre.
【小题5】What is not mentioned in the passage?
A.Today’s Globe Theatre is a reconstructed work of the open-air playhouse.
B.The experience will also bring the theater to life.
C.You’ll have the opportunity to visit our stage stores and see our customers.
D.The experience will help us hear how Christmas was observed in Shakespeare’s time.
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“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.”

George R.R. Martin, Author of “A Game of Thrones”

What do these 4 guys share that you don’t?





No, it’s not their shoe size.

They read. At least two books a month, They’re also among the top 10 richest people in the world. And they’re not alone in their love for books, with 1,200 other millionaires, who quote reading as a core part of their self-education

You knew that reading books makes your life better, It’s not even all about money, fame and success. It’s about becoming a more knowledgeable and valuable person. Additionally, reading help; you prevent stress and keep depression at bay, while enhancing your confidence, improving your decision-making, increasing your empathy and overall satisfaction with life.

You know all the benefits of reading, so what’s stopping you from reading more books?


“I don’t have time to read.”

Have you said those words before?

You say it because...

you have an incredibly demanding college degree to study for…

your loved ones are sitting at home, counting on you to put food on the table...

you are too occupied with work to open a book.

But let’s imagine another reality for a second. What would your life look like if you read just two books every month?

Would you finally...

have what it takes to start that business?

be a better parent?

feel more fulfilled?

Hold on to that vision for a second. If you want to make it a reality, this email course, Time 2 Read, will be your guide for the next 10 days. Its free of charge and specifically designed to help you take time back, start building a daily reading habit and turn wanting to read into actual reading.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

Lesson 1: How to get your attention span back

A simple, yet powerful idea and a fun experiment to help you start giving reading the place in your life that it deserves

Lesson 2: Why no one compares to you

Discover “The Rainbow Principle” & how to take stock of your current situation

Lesson 3: How to show yourself you DO have time to read

Why Charlie Munger doesn’t let himself get away easily with an opinion & what you can learn from the Italian Squad

Lesson 4: How you can make reading effortless

We’ll adapt a technique used by the world’s best mountaineers to help you build your reading habit like a pro would

Lesson 5: How you can trigger yourself to read without having to remember it

“The Bobby Fischer Principle will show you that what you think is a weakness might be your biggest strength

Lesson 6: What “The Nothing Alternative’ can teach you about consistent reading

Why neither inside the box, nor outside the box gets the job done & how Stoics happily trade control for consistency

Lesson 7: How to make reading more fun than ever & why that matters

What you can learn from Pokemon Go about reading & the one thing that’s totally okay for you to steal from Warren Buffett

Enter your email below to make time to read, start learning daily and become more valuable to the world

You’ll be sent 7 lessons via email over the next 10 days, starting right after you sign up here. Each email contains a story, a principle, and an experiment, Get started, and your reading life will never be the same!

【小题1】Where does this passage probably come from?
A.A leaflet publicizing a reading activityB.A website promoting a reading course.
C.A TV program advertising reading skillsD.A handbook providing reading materials
【小题2】Why does the author mention the four famous people at the beginning?
A.To express his admiration for them.B.To indicate the importance of reading.
C.To highlight their time management skillsD.To illustrate the success of the course.
【小题3】Who are most likely to be interested in Time 2 Read?
A.Those who are willing to read more but struggle with time.
B.Those who are sick of making excuses to delay their life plans
C.Those who are eager to become a millionaire like the four guys
D.Those who are determined to be more and more self-disciplined



- in person

The Box Office is open Monday to Saturday, 10 am-8 pm.

- by post

Stating the performance and choice of seats, enclosing a cheque, postal order, or your credit card details to Oscar Theatre Box Office, PO Box 220, Main street. All cheques should be made payable to Oscar Theatre.

- by telephone

Ring 0844 847 2484 to reserve your tickets or to pay by credit card (Visa, MasterCard accepted).

- on-line

Complete the on-line booking form at www.oscartheatre.com.


Saver: $2 off any seat booked any time in advance for performances from Monday to Thursday inclusive, and for all matinees (下午场). Savers are available for children up to 16 years old, over 60s and full-time students.

Supersaver: half-price seats are available for people with disabilities and one companion. It is advisable to book in advance. There is a maximum of eight wheelchair spaces available and one wheelchair space will be held until one hour before the show (subject to availability).

Standby: best available seats are on sale for $6 from one hour before the performance for people eligible (有资格的) for Saver and Supersaver discounts and thirty minutes before for all other customers.

Group Bookings: there is a ten per cent discount for parties of twelve or more.

Schools: school parties of ten or more can book $9 tickets in advance and will get every tenth ticket free.

Please note: we are unable to exchange tickets or refund money unless a performance is cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances.

【小题1】How can you pay for a ticket when you book by post?
A.By visiting the website of a post office.
B.By going to you local bank in person.
C.By enclosing your MasterCard in an envelope.
D.By providing your credit card information.
【小题2】What benefit can bookers enjoy according to the text?
A.A group of ten adults going to a performance can claim a discount.
B.A school party of 15 persons that book in advance pay $135 in total for a performance.
C.Someone accompanying a wheelchair user to a performance receives a discount.
D.An 18-year-old teenager is eligible for Saver discounts.
【小题3】According to the text, who can get Standby tickets?
A.Full-time students buying tickets 45 minutes before a performance begins.
B.65-year-olds buying tickets an hour and a half before a performance begins.
C.Theatre-goers who are unexpectedly unable to be present at a performance.
D.Anyone who buys tickets an hour before a performance begins.

The Getty Villa

You won’t need a passport to travel back in time at the Roman Holidays celebration this summer. Discover the sights ( and smells) of ancient Rome, offer your prayers to Venus, read your future in a sheep’s liver(肝脏), and enjoy live musical and comedy performances by the Troubadour Theater Company.

Date: Saturdays and Sundays

Time: 11:00 a.m.--- 3:00 p.m.

Location: The Getty Villa, 17985 Pacific Coast Highway, Pacific Palisades, California

Admission: Free; an advance, timed entry ticket is required

Smelling the Rome Way

What did ancient Rome smell like? Visitors are invited to use their noses (and imaginations) to discover the good. Bad, and sweaty smells of daily life. Take a smell challenge! Be transported back in time and guess the smells familiar to most Romans, like Roman cooking materials and more.

Prayers to Venus

At this small shrine (圣地) of Venus, visitors may honor the goddess and seek her help for important moments in their lives, as Greeks and Romans did. And they are invited to write a wish to the goddess and post it near her statue.

Troubadour Theater Company

In the fancy outdoor setting of the Getty Villa, visitors will enjoy games and comedic performances, meet the actors, and participate in unique photo opportunities. At 11:15 a.m. and 2:15 p.m. , visitors are invited to the Inner Peristyle for “ Mercury in Uranus”, where the group of the actors will perform a sheep sacrifice to Mercury and examine the sheep’s liver to interpret the will of the god.

【小题1】What can we know about the Getty Villa?
A.It asks for no entry ticket.B.Its service lasts for three hours.
C.It’s only accessible to the locals.D.It provides several different activities.
【小题2】What can visitors do at the Getty Villa?
A.Perform comedy with the actors.B.Feed sheep in person outdoors.
C.Get pleasure from the performances.D.Catch a chance to design a game.
【小题3】What’s the purpose of this passage?
A.To attract people to the Getty Villa.B.To stress the uniqueness of Roman culture.
C.To show the best time to visit the Getty Villa.D.To introduce the Troubadour Theater Company.
