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Winter is here! Are you also wondering how that happened so quickly? If you are now experiencing the 【小题1】 (pleasant) effects of little sunlight, you are not alone.

Many people’s mood goes slightly down as the days are getting shorter. Even if you don’t suffer from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), 【小题2】 is also called winter depression, you might feel different than just a few weeks ago.

Does that sound familiar? If so, I hear you and a possible solution can 【小题3】 (recommend) to you! That is—laughter!

As Mirthy’s Laughter Yoga Leader, I 【小题4】 (strong) believe in the health benefits of laughter, which are indeed impressive. The most obvious gain is that 【小题5】 puts people in a good mood. After 【小题6】 (assess) mood levels before and after the Laughter Yoga session, we find many participants’ mood goes up by at least two points—and that’s without drugs or pills, just by “a little bit” of laughter.

Dr Madan Katana, who is a medical doctor and created Laughter Yoga, 【小题7】 (do) quite a bit of research and found that laughter is a mild antidepressant (抗抑郁药) as it releases endorphins and serotonin. What’s more, laughter can be 【小题8】 natural pain killer—and without side effects.

Laughter is also a great stress relief and reduces the levels of stress hormones in our bodies. If you keep in mind that almost 90% of all illnesses are associated with stress and tension 【小题9】 (hold) in our body, laughter is an easy remedy, isn’t it? So there is some 【小题10】 (true) in the old saying: “Laughter is the best medicine.”—well, at least it’s a start!

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