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Owing to the spread of COVID-19, visiting loved ones has become something seemingly impossible.

Even so, when 9-year-old Romeo Cox decided what he wanted more than anything else was a hug from his 77-year-old grandmother, he didn’t let any small things, like separation, or that she was 1,700 miles away and there were no flights from his new home in Sicily to his native UK, stop him from making the trip.

“I hadn’t seen Granny for ages, so I planned secretly to go see her,” Romeo said in an interview with the Times. His parents disagreed at first, but Romeo finally talked them into letting him make the trip.

With his folks’ blessing, Romeo turned his plans into action. “I drew a map. I would walk and take boats,” he told the Times. “And I’d take Dad. It would be handy to have an adult.”

Handy indeed, since Romeo’s father, 46-year-old Phil Cox, is a retired journalist and filmmaker whose rich experiences gave him invaluable knowledge about making the way in less than ideal conditions.

Romeo and Phil set off on their journey on June 20. The pair trekked (跋涉) across Italy, Switzerland, and France.

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While travelling, the two did meet some hardships or danger.

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On September 21, father and son finally made it to Grandma Rosemary’s home in London.

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It was the last day of school, and the long year spent in fourth grade had finally come to an end. It had rained heavily all day, and by the afternoon it became chilly. The sun had dipped below the horizon (地平线) as I got home soaked (湿透) and cold. I rushed into my room and slipped into some dry clothes. Once I had changed, I joined my mother in the kitchen. She had already lit the fire to prepare supper.

The wood soon caught fire, and the warmth spread around the room. I tried to get closer to the fire as my body was shivering with the intense cold. My mother gently rubbed my back and said, “I am proud of you, my little hero,” as I told her how my schoolwork had improved. I remember her bright smile and the joy in her eyes.

My mother started humming the lyrics to one of my favorite songs, “Heal the World” by Michael Jackson. I immediately began to sing with my mother. We would always sing songs like this together. My mother knew how much I loved singing. She always felt sorry that she couldn’t afford to pay for music classes for me.

Life was not easy for us during that period. I was living with my mother after she separated from my dad, which happened the year before when I was in third grade. Sometimes the nights were tedious (单调乏味的) and tiresome as we did not have a television and the batteries in our old radio would often run out. However, I enjoyed the 20 songs that my mother and I sang together. As she hummed the tune and I sang along, I dreamed of a world where performing on stage would be the pillar (支柱) of my life. The turning point of my childhood came after the end of fourth grade. Our neighbor moved away and left his old piano to us.


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My mother was so happy that she could teach me singing at home with this piano.


The next term, I became the lead singer of the school chorus, which was one step closer to my dream of becoming a singer and inspiring people with my voice.



The couple, Ella and Ken, lived in a fancy countryside house every summer together with their boys Jim and Dick, aged 7 and 11.

The two kids got on well with each other, unlike some other brothers who would often fight over small things. They shared everything happening in their school and exchanged their favourite toys and books. Except for one thing, cleaning! One sunny morning, Ella called out to her children, “Jim and Dick, it’s time to clean your room!” The kids sighed deeply. Cleaning their room was always the last thing they wanted to do.

Unhappy, Jim and Dick dragged their feet into their messy room. Toys were thrown randomly here and there on the floor, clothes were piled up on chairs, and books were haphazardly (随意的) piled on the shelves. It was a total mess!

Mom came in, “Oh, God! How come? We need to work together to clean it up.” Jim and Dick exchanged looks, clearly not delighted with the task at hand. There were a few arguments between them, especially when it came to cleaning their room.

Mom, realizing their unwillingness, said to the kids, “A clean room not only looks nice but also helps us arrange our life in an orderly way. It’s important to take care of our belongings and keep our surroundings clean.” The boys didn’t respond, seemingly thinking about something.

Their father happened to hear the conversation and decided to give them a hand. He came up with a good idea. He said, “I know that cleaning can be dull, but what if we change it into a fun contest? The winner, who can find the most interesting item hidden in this messy room, will decide what we have for dessert tonight!”

Their faces lighting up with excitement, they accepted their father’s suggestion.

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Curious about what they would find, they took immediate action individually.


The room became less messy gradually.


My mother eyed me with suspicion. I dared not look at her. Knowing that I was late from school five days continuously, I could not offer an acceptable explanation. I knew she did not believe that I had extra classes every day and arrived home after 5 pm. However, realizing she had little choice but to believe in me, she told me that dinner was in the refrigerator. She had to rush for her night shift at the local clinic.

Ever since we lost our dad in an accident, my mother became the breadwinner. I was the eldest among the four siblings and it fell upon my shoulder to ensure that they could become responsible adults. Besides helping mother with the housework, I regularly coached them in their studies. Thankfully, never once had I had to raise my voice or force them to complete their homework. But all of us missed dad very much. He was a model father and husband.Life was cruelly taken away from him at a very young age of 42.

However, my mother managed to pull through and found a job at the clinic. It was very tough on someone like her who had never worked before in her life. But money was scarce and there were five mouths to feed. Dad did not leave much behind.He never suspected he would die so young.We stopped dining out and had our meals mostly at home. We basically lived from hand to mouth.That's when it dawned on me that I had to do my part for the family. I knew mother would not agree but I threw caution out of the window and managed to get a part-time job at a fast-food restaurant.I worked three hours a day and managed to bring home money so that my siblings and I could go out for occasional movies or meals. I was sure that mother suspected something. But she could not quite point the figure to the source of her suspicion.


One day,while I was busy serving the customers, I was shocked to see mother standing opposite the counter.


Mother made me sit down. She was already crying, so were my siblings.

