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Should humans explore space? If you ask me, I’ll definitely give a positive answer.

The space exploration has a direct impact on the lives of humans, as well as the state of our world. Satellites moving around the earth enable communication across the world, connecting people of different continents and broadcasting information worldwide. The Global Positioning System(GPS) can identify our location anywhere. Furthermore, weather satellites can forecast harmful weather conditions, which allows humans to prepare for deadly natural disasters and save lives.

Space programs can also indirectly lead to the solution to poverty and world hunger. For example, large plots of land could be used far better if humans applied technologies. The most effective tool is the artificial earth satellite. It can screen areas of land within a very short time, indicating useful measures, such as the condition of crops, soil, rainfall, and droughts. It can then transmit this information to ground stations on the earth for better use.

In recent years, space-based technologies have become an important factor to reach and expand global health objectives. Information provided by remote technologies can be applied to study the epidemiology(流行病学).This data provided by space technologies can monitor disease patterns, understand the environmental causes that spread it, make predictions about where it can spread in the future, and make plans to fight it efficiently.

Furthermore, space exploration is something we can do for future generations. Mankind is using the resources provided on the planet, but these will run out one day. Overpopulation can be an existential threat for all mankind. With the advancement of space technology, it will be wise to use and explore the vast potential of other planets, such as the availability of mining resources on asteroids or other planets.

For the exploration of the universe, perhaps the most advantageous of all is that it will unite us to work together for a common purpose, regardless of our differences.

【小题1】What can space exploration do according to Paragraph 2?
A.Improve the traffic on the earth.
B.Help humans communicate and spread information.
C.Help prevent deadly natural disasters.
D.Promote travel between countries.
【小题2】How can space programs help solve poverty and world hunger?
A.By benefiting crop production with artificial earth satellites.
B.By transporting food worldwide more easily.
C.By creating job opportunities for the poor.
D.By protecting available land resources.
【小题3】What does the writer think of mining resources on other planets?
【小题4】What is the purpose of the last paragraph?
A.To ask people to explore space independently.
B.To encourage people to explore space cooperatively.
C.To tell the readers the importance of exploring space.
D.To show the readers the advantages of exploring space.
【小题5】What is the text?
A.An advertisement.B.A short story.
C.An argumentative essay.D.A news report.
知识点:科普知识 科学技术 议论文航空航天 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Educators and business leaders have more in common than it may seem. Teachers want to prepare students for a successful future. Technology companies, like AT&T, have an interest in developing a workforce with the STEM(science, technology, engineering and math) skills needed to grow the company and advance the industry. How can they work together to achieve these goals? Play may be the answer.

Focusing on STEM skills is important, but the reality is that STEM skills are enhanced and more relevant when combined with traditional, hands-on creative activities. This combination is proving to be the best way to prepare today’s children to be the makers and builders of tomorrow. That is why technology companies are partnering with educators to bring back good, old fashion play.

In fact many experts argue that the most important 21st century skills aren’t related to specific technologies or subject matter, but to creativity; skills like imagination, problem-finding and problem-solving, teamwork, optimism, patience and the ability to experiment and take risks. These are skills acquired when kids tinker(捣鼓小玩意). High-tech industries such as NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory have found that their best overall problem solvers were master tinkerers in their youth.

There are cognitive benefits of doing things the way we did as children — building something, tearing it down, then building it up again. Research shows that given 15 minutes of free play, four- and five-year-olds will spend a third of this time engaged in spatial, mathematical, and architectural activities. This type of play — especially with building blocks — helps children discover and develop key principles in math and geometry.

If play and building are critical to 21st century skill development, then that’s really good news for two reasons: Children are born builders, makers, and creators, so fostering(培养) 21st century skills may be as simple as giving kids room to play, tinker and try things out, even as they grow older; and the second piece of good news is that it doesn’t take 21st century technology to foster 21st century skills. This is especially important for under-resourced schools and communities. Taking whatever materials are handy and tinkering with them is a simple way to engage those important “maker” skills. And anyone, anywhere, can do it.

【小题1】What does the author say about educators?
A.They seek advice from technology companies to achieve teaching goals.
B.They have been successful in preparing the workforce for companies.
C.They help students acquire the skills needed for their future success.
D.They partner with technology companies to enhance teaching efficiency.
【小题2】How can educators better develop students’ STEM skills, according to the author?
A.By blending them with traditional, stimulating activities.
B.By inviting business leaders to help design curriculums.
C.By enhancing students’ ability to think in a critical way.
D.By showing students the best way to learn is through play.
【小题3】How do children acquire the skills needed for the 21st century?
A.By engaging in activities involving specific technologies.
B.By playing with things to solve problems on their own.
C.By familiarizing themselves with high-tech gadgets.
D.By mastering basic principles through teamwork.
【小题4】What does the author advise disadvantaged schools and communities to do?
A.Train students to be makers to meet future market demands.
B.Develop students’ creative skills with the resources available.
C.Engage students with challenging tasks to foster their creativity.
D.Work together with companies to improve their teaching facilities.

Sometimes parents wonder if they should really give their children chores (家务活). After all, isn’t it the parents’ responsibility to manage the household? And don’t children need an opportunity to “just be children” for now because they have the rest of their lives to worry about chores?

Most children have really busy schedules. They rush around from one activity to another with little time to clean the house. Despite those concerns, however, giving your children chores may be one of the most important things you’ll ever do.

While giving your children chores can certainly take some of the stress off you, that’s not the only reason you should expect your children to do the chores. Studies show chores are good for children. Research from a well-known 75-year Harvard study shows that chores can shape children to be more likely to become happy, healthy and independent adults.

Why are chores like sweeping the floor and clearing the table so important to children’s happiness in life? One reason is that children feel a sense of achievement when they do their chores. No matter whether they’re making their beds or they’re sweeping the floor, helping out around the house makes children feel qualified. Doing chores also helps children feel like they’re part of the team and learn responsibility. Helping family members is good for them and it encourages them to be good adults.

Children who do chores gain important life skills that will serve them well throughout their lives. Life skills such as meal preparation, mowing the lawn, or doing the laundry will be important after high school, which helps your children live independently.

【小题1】Why does the author raise questions in paragraph 1?
A.To express doubts.B.To make a warning.
C.To lead in the topic.D.To provide background information.
【小题2】What helps children grow up healthily according to research from the Harvard study?
A.Chores.B.Less homework.
C.School activities.D.Learning schedules.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “qualified” mean in paragraph 4?
C.Having no time.D.Having the ability.
【小题4】What does this text focus on?
A.Skills to deal with chores.B.Advantages of doing chores.
C.The importance of life skills.D.Ways to balance study and chores.

Do you know how to protect yourself during an earthquake? Even if you’ve experienced one before, the sudden shaking of an earthquake can catch you off guard 【小题1】

Protect Yourself at Home

Stay inside your house and take cover 【小题2】 Look for other potential falling danger, such as bookshelves and other heavy objects, and move away from them. A safer option than standing in a doorway is climbing under a strong table to protect your body from falling objects.

Protect Yourself in Public Spaces

Public spaces can be more dangerous because of other people and the potential falling items 【小题3】 So if you also head toward the doors, you could get pushed or hurt in the crowd. Don’t hurry to move. If you’re in a store, try to avoid shelves or displays with lots of items that could fall on you.

Protect Yourself Outdoors

If you’re already outdoors when the shaking starts, the best way to protect yourself during an earthquake is to stay outside   【小题4】 Instead, an open area away from anything that could fall is the safest spot outdoors.

Protect Yourself While Driving

【小题5】 Choose a spot away from things that could fall on your car. Engage your emergency brake and stay inside your car. After the earthquake, do a quick assessment before you move. If power lines land on your car, don’t get out or try to drive.

A.Other people might try to make a quick exit
B.Stay away from windows to avoid broken glass
C.The right thing to do is to try to stay where you are
D.You are likely to meet other dangers like strong winds and darkness
E.Step far away from buildings whose pieces from their outside can fall off
F.Stop your vehicle and pull to the side of the road as soon as the earthquake starts
G.The following immediate responses to the earthquake may greatly ensure your security
