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The walls of our house were supposed to be white. But I never remember them being white. At first, they were grey, then turning black. My father was a coal worker. He made charcoal (木炭) in our house. Have you ever seen charcoal being made? The little bags you buy in the store for barbeque, they come from somewhere, and honestly, it’s a very dirty business.

I remember one day I was bagging up the charcoal with my dad, and it was really cold and raining. All we had was the tiny roof over our heads. After a few hours, I got to go to school, where it was warm. My dad stayed out there working, all day. If he didn’t sell that day, maybe we wouldn’t have enough to eat. I thought to myself: At some point, everything is going to change.

For this, I owe football everything. I started football early. I played so much football that every two months, my boots would break apart. When I was seven, I must have been pretty good, because I scored 64 goals for my neighborhood team. That year, my dad got a call from a coach saying they wanted me to play there. My dad asked, “Oh, it’s too far away. Nine kilometers. How will we get him there?” My mom said, “No, no, no! Don’t worry, I’ ll take him!” And that is when Graciela was born.

Graciela was an old yellow bicycle that my mother would use to drive me to training every day. It had a little basket in the front. Imagine this: A woman biking through town with a little boy on the back and a bag in the basket with his boots. Up hills. Down hills. Through the dangerous neighborhoods. In the rain. In the cold. In the dark. Graciela got us where we needed to go.

Nowadays people look on YouTube, watch the World Cup and see the results, but they don’t know the journey. They don’t know about my living room walls turning from white to black. They don’t know about my father working under a little roof. They don’t know about my mother riding Graciela through the rain and the cold.

【小题1】Why did the walls of the author’s house turn black?
A.His family wanted to change the look of their old house.
B.The color black could cover up his father’s dirty business.
C.The author often made indoor barbeques with the charcoal.
D.There was a lot of coal dust created from his father’s work.
【小题2】What can we learn about Graciela?
A.Graciela was a yellow bicycle with a basket.
B.Graciela was named after the author’s mother.
C.Graciela was born when the author was nine.
D.Graciela got the family wherever they wanted to go.
【小题3】What good quality do the author and his parents have in common?
【小题4】What does the author intend to tell us?
A.In time of test, family is best.B.Happiness is a choice, not a result.
C.One who fears failure limits his activities.D.Behind every glory there is always a story.
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I stood in my father's garden one late summer evening, watching my three kids dig in the dirt with toy bulldozers (推土机). I had driven up to my parents' house that afternoon in a fit of desperation. My husband was working a double shift, my twins hadn't napped, and I was one misstep away from a complete breakdown.

"Come up," my mom said, "Let's rest for a white."

As the day of temporary relaxation drew to a close, I wandered along Dad's once-neat garden rows and noticed the tomato plants Dad had planted.

"Roma tomatoes, the kind for sauce. Remember when your mom used to make sauce?" my father said.

I hadn't thought of it in years actually. It was a recipe passed from my Italian immigrant great-grandmother down to my grandmother and then my mother. And that's where it had stopped. Though I liked cooking, I didn't want to waste much time on the dish. Why should I simmer (慢慢地煮) tomato sauce all day when I could make different kinds of dishes?

Dad gave me an idea. "I'm going to make sauce," I said. My father raised a skeptical eyebrow but grabbed some boxes and told the kids to start picking. The twins threw tomatoes like softballs to each other as the youngest begged to join me. Everyone was crying at one point, and I almost gave up on grand scheme. Yet something inside me fought back, a deep-seated fancy for finding the link between the recipe's owner and me.

At last, I successfully finished my sauce and it was approved by my parents. The efforts I made with those boxes of tomatoes gave me a sense of accomplishment. Each crank of the handle, each slice of the knife, each stir of the stockpot was a prayer for comfort and confidence. Like most things that are worthwhile, the mess was part of the process.

【小题1】The author went to her parents' house that afternoon to ________.
A.pick up her childrenB.relieve herself from daily chores
C.visit her father's gardenD.learn to cook tomato sauce
【小题2】What made the author continue her grand scheme?
A.The encouragement from her father.
B.The expectation from the recipe's owner.
C.Her children's requirement.
D.Her desire to follow a family tradition.
【小题3】What message does the story convey?
A.Experience helps to promote excellence.
B.A strong-willed soul can reach his goal.
C.Life is most beautiful when it is imperfect.
D.Ups and downs make one strong.

Growing up in Venezuela, there was never really much cause to learn English. For five years, I spent two hours a week understanding “to be”, numbers, colours, and the differences between saying “good evening” and “good night”. I would always get top marks. Yes, that used to be me, walking like a queen among Spanish speakers every day. “Bring it on, life,” I said. “I can deal with whatever you will give.”

But when I moved to Canada, life hit me so hard that it knocked me down. Years later, I was still recovering. Living in a new land, with different people, new rules, new weather, a new culture and language, I was no longer a queen. Did I speak English? No, not at all. So, I went back to school, thinking that it was a challenge I would conquer in record time. But English was more like a wall in my path. Even after getting a job, it took all my courage to stop myself from crying. I was completely at a loss and scared. Learning English, speaking and listening—it hurt me. Not the language. Not the unkind people. It hurt because I wasn’t good, despite my efforts.

Now, after almost seven years in Canada, I’ve decided not to say sorry for my accent, grammar mistakes, or pronunciation. I’m going to run after my dreams and enjoy a beautiful, rich and fascinating language. Don’t get me wrong. My brain still screams “Give me a break!” from time to time, but that’s completely natural. I know it’s going to take a while, but at least now I accept the person I am—not the perfect person I thought I was.

【小题1】What can we learn about learning English in Venezuela from the passage?
A.Everyone put in much time.B.The author didn’t need much effort.
C.Its standard was very high.D.It brought advantages to students.
【小题2】What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 1 show about the author?
A.She looked down on others.
B.She was brave in competitions.
C.She was proud of her level of foreign languages.
D.She felt confident enough to face any challenge.
【小题3】What happened right after the author moved to Canada?
A.She regretted not working hard in English.
B.She expected to improve her English easily.
C.She quickly put her language talent to use.
D.She found her feet in the new environment quickly.
【小题4】What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.The author has a practical understanding of herself.
B.The author can speak English quite well now.
C.The author has conquered her fear of English finally.
D.The author is worried about her English.

Medicine is a degree that consists of an endless number of exams, and recently I received my first year results. Waiting for those results was one of the most anxiety-generating experiences.

【小题1】 Failing brings judgement from others, a topic of discussion for people, and the right for others to say you are not capable. The stress associated with failing is created by others around you, rather than by the event itself.

I have recently been reading The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel, which clarifies that failure has a strong presence among those who have achieved success. People will always focus on Warren Buffett’s success as an investor. 【小题2】

The process of achieving success has often involved setbacks and “failures” along the way. I received a “pass” grade on an important research paper during my master’s, which put my final grade in a dangerous situation. I was rejected from medical schools which I’d spent time and effort applying to and preparing for. 【小题3】 I also began studying Medicine last year.

【小题4】 But you should know that with each failure you are closer to success, building further layers to the foundations you started. Behind every successful person are more obstacles and setbacks, but these are not as interesting to focus on or as enviable.

The noise around you, whether it be from co-workers, friends or parents, should not shake your belief in your abilities. 【小题5】 Learn what you need and correct your approach until you reach your success.

A.Failure is your platform to success.
B.You are guaranteed a lifetime of success.
C.I was turned down by countless graduate schemes.
D.You may not be successful the first, second or however many times.
E.Upon reflection I believe that this is partly as a result of the failure itself.
F.Despite all of this, I ended up getting a distinction in my master’s degree.
G.However, rarely will they see how many times his investments have failed.
