语法填空-短文语填 适中0.65 引用3 组卷305
阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Su Shi, a famous scholar of the Song Dynasty, was 【小题1】(high)thought of in poetry, prose and painting.

At the age of 21, his fresh prose style earned him the 【小题2】(recognize)of Ouyang Xiu. He 【小题3】(say)that Su Shi’s writings were outstanding. This made Su Shi instantly famous. However, 【小题4】 his political dream was realized, he had to leave his position and return home.

His dreams cut short, Su Shi turned his focus toward nature. In the spring of 1082, he took an outing with his friends. When 【小题5】 sudden shower of rain made his companions rush for shelter(遮蔽物), Su Shi burst into laughter as if completely unaware of the rain.

Along both sides of the path were growing trees, 【小题6】 leaves made soft sounds as the rain-drops fell. With wet clothes, he walked along while 【小题7】 (sing)a happy song. Then it hit him: “I shall go through this life in a 【小题8】 (peace)mind, if only wearing a straw rain cape(蓑衣).”

Su Shi’s optimistic and open-minded attitude 【小题9】 life ensured his advancement despite political ups and downs. Expressed in his poetry and essay, which have been passed down through generations, such an attitude has truly inspired us 【小题10】 (keep)a broad mind and persist in our struggle against all difficulties

知识点:哲理感悟文学家生活故事 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!
Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct.For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

Over the past sixteen years of my life, I have grown to be a very independent person.This can be both good and bad in the sense that I am able to do things 【小题1】 my own, yet at times struggle with taking advice from others.Sometimes, hearing what other people have to say can be one of the hardest things to do.However, getting advice from【小题2】cares about you can impact your life in great ways.Because of this, I began realizing that my mom’s guidance throughout my life has never steered me wrong.This is why I believe you 【小题3】 always listen to your mother.

This belief has not been easy 【小题4】 (realize).It has taken endless amounts of time in which I decided to go against what my mom had to say, and later discovered that she was right.I think we can all agree that【小题5】 (admit) your mom was right is always a hard thing to do.But what else are you supposed to say 【小题6】 you are standing outside in the freezing cold, shaking because you did not wear that extra jacket you【小题7】 (tell) to wear?

When I was twelve years old, I had the experience of a lifetime.However, I would have missed out if it hadn’t been for my mom.She had been planning a trip to Turkey for work, 【小题8】 (offer) to bring my sister and me along with her.When I first heard about this opportunity, I was terrified.Never had I been out of the country before.I thought to 【小题9】, “Is she crazy?” My mom then began to say, “【小题10】 is known to all, one need's to step out of his comfort zone and try something new in order to encounter larger-than-life ideas.” After going back and forth with my own thoughts, I decided to go on the trip.And boy, she was right.Going to Turkey will forever be one of my greatest memories and I am thankful I got to visit that amazing country.
