完形填空 适中0.65 引用2 组卷65

How many times have you complained about airline food being tasteless? New research suggests that, to a large degree, the reason for the “bad food” might just be a change in our ability to perceive taste.

The Fraunhofer Institute, a German research organization, conducted a study on why a dish that would be perfectly ________ in a restaurant would seem unattractive while in the air. In a mock aircraft cabin, researchers tried out ingredients at both sea level and in a pressurized condition.

The air inside an airplane cabin is 15 percent drier than the air that we would ________ breathe while on the ground. In an environment like this, our powers of smell begin to drift away. ________ actually starts to deteriorate the moment we step on a plane. The situation worsens once the airplane begins to climb. In this situation, our nasal cavities swell (肿胀). The swelling messes with our taste buds, making food taste less ________. You know how dining in such conditions can be like if you have ever tried to eat while you are suffering from a cold or the flu. Research has also shown that the lower temperature and air pressure inside of an airplane can make it harder to detect aroma. These airborne molecules (空中的分子), by ________ the nose’s sensory cells, play an important role in the process of tasting.

________, vibrations from the air striking the hull (机身), as well as the roaring of the plane’s engines and the winds outside of it, collectively produce a rather constant “________”, which is equivalent to city traffic. Researchers have found that loud noises ________ our ability to appreciate sweet flavors.

All that being said, “bad food” can’t be blamed solely on the in-cabin conditions. Preparing and serving tasty food for passengers above the clouds is no ________ task. All meals must be cooked on the ground, which demands that the food be robust (味道浓郁的). Such ________ for mass production definitely ties down the chef’s hands.

A.spread outB.hold backC.take awayD.pull over
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Scientists find that hardworking people live longer than average men and women. Career women are _________ than housewives. Evidence shows that the _________ are in poorer health than the job-holders. A study shows ___________ the unemployment rate increases by 1%, the death rate _________ correspondingly (相应地) by 2%. All this comes down to one point: work is _________ to health.

Why is work good for health? It is _________ work keeps people busy, away from loneliness and solitude (孤独). Researches show that people feel _________, worried and lonely when they have nothing to do. Instead, the happiest are those who are _________. Many high achievers who love their careers feel that they are happiest when working hard. Work serves as a _________ between man and reality. By work, people __________ each other. By collective (集体的) activity, they find friendship and warmth. This is helpful to health. The loss of work __________ the loss of everything. It affects (影响) man spiritually and makes him liable to (易于) __________.

__________, work gives one a sense of achievement (成就感). Work makes one feel his __________ and status in society. When a __________ finishes his writing or a doctor successfully __________ a patient or a teacher sees his students __________, all of them will be happy beyond __________.

From the above we can __________ the conclusion (结论) that the more you __________, the happier and healthier you will be. Let us work hard, study well and live a happy and healthy life.

A.come up withB.have contact withC.look down uponD.look up to
A.managesB.controlsC.operates onD.deals with
A.come toB.turn toC.stick toD.point to

Programmes using animals to calm patients and reduce tension are called animal therapy.

Kristin Gist and her dog Ollie are with patient Ricardo Martin, 6, at Rady Children’s Hospital in San Diego, California. The hospital has eased some of its COVID-19 restrictions. In the United States, these treatments are popular, ______ there is a lack of evidence to show that they work.

There are, however, many stories about animal therapy ______ people. For example, some children have a ______ of injections. That may make getting the COVID-19vaccine a difficult experience. So, some hospitals use therapy animals—like Ollie, a six-year-old therapy dog. Ollie is helping children at Rady Children’s Hospital in San Diego, California ______ their fear of vaccine shots. One of those children is nine-year-old Avery Smith. When she cried over her fear of the vaccine, Ollie came in and sat ______ her feet. “It helped me calm down because I never had a COVID vaccine before,” said Avery. Ever since November, Ollie and 14 other dogs have been helping them get vaccinated at the California hospital. They are part of a ______ programme paid for by a pet supply company.

However, some experts say there is a lack of scientific evidence proving that animal therapy improves a patient’s ______ condition. One such expert is Hal Herzog. He is a professor of psychology at Western Carolina University. He has been studying the relations between humans and ______ for more than 20 years. Herzog said that an animal can ______ a patient. Other things, he added, such as a favourite toy might have the same ______ .

“Some studies have shown that for short-term preventing pain— ______ with a dog can put your mind on something else. And in that case, I see ______ in doing it. And for some kids it’s probably going to be effective.”

However, Herzog ______ the use of animals as a medical treatment, like a drug. He said research does not show that animal therapy is effective. “Some of the better studies have found that therapy dogs did not really have any impact on kids and adults that were put in stressful, experimental situations.”

However, Herzog thinks ______ about the long-term effects of using animals as a medical treatment. For some people, even if there is not proof, the smiles and happy distraction may be enough. Last year, when hospitals put COVID-19 restrictions in place, the dog visits at Rady Children’s Hospital stopped. They restarted in August 2021. “There was nothing. It was silent. The kids were bored,” said Carlos Delgado, a spokesperson for the hospital. “However,” he told Reuters, “we were able to start bringing the programme back.” Delgado added that even a short three-minute visit with a dog makes a(n) ______ in the day of a patient.

A.no goodB.no pointC.no harmD.no occasion

The benefits of a bilingual brain

Hablas espafiol?Parlez-yous francais? 你会说中文吗?If you answered, “sí,” “oui,” or “会” and you’re watching this in English, _________ are you belong to the world’s bilingual and multilingual majority. And besides having an easier time traveling or watching movies without subtitles, knowing two or more languages means that your brain may actually look and work _________ than those of your monolingual friends.

So what does it really mean to know a language? Language ability is typically measured in two active parts, speaking and writing, and two   _________ parts, listening and reading. While a(n) _________ bilingual has near equal abilities across the board in two languages, most bilingual around the world know and use their languages in varying proportions. And   _________ their situation and how they acquired each language, they can be _________ into three general types. For example, let’s take Gabriella, whose family immigrates to the US from Peru when she’s two-years old. As a compound bilingual, Gabriella develops two linguistic codes simultaneously (同时地), with a single set of concepts, learning both English and Spanish as she begins to   _________ the world around her. Her teenage brother, on the other hand, might be a coordinate bilingual, working with two sets of concepts, learning English in school, while _________ to speak Spanish at home and with friends. Finally, Gabriella’s parents are likely to be subordinate (次要的) bilinguals who learn a secondary language by filtering it through their mother_________.

Because all types of bilingual people can become fully proficient in a language __________ accent or pronunciation, the difference may not be apparent to a casual observer. But recent   __________·in brain imaging technology have given neurolinguists a glimpse into how specific aspects of language learning affect the bilingual brain. It’s well known that the brain’s left hemisphere is more dominant and analytical in __________ processes. while the right hemisphere is more active in emotional and social ones, though this is a matter of degree, not an absolute split. The fact that language involves both types of functions while lateralization (脑部的偏侧性) develops gradually with age,has led to the critical period hypothesis. According to this theory, children learn languages more easily, because the plasticity of their developing brains lets them use both hemispheres in language acquisition, while in most adults, language is lateralized to one hemisphere, usually the left.

But regardless of when you acquire additional languages, being multilingual gives your brain some__________ advantages. Some of these are even visible, such as higher density of the grey matter that contains most of your brain’s neurons and synapses, and more activity in certain regions when engaging a second language. The heightened __________ a bilingual brain receives throughout its life can also help delay the onset of diseases, like Alzheimer’s and dementia by as much as five years.

So, while bilingualism may not   __________ make you smarter, it does make your brain more healthy, complex and actively engaged, and even if you didn’t have the good fortune of learning a second language as a child, it’s never too late to do yourself a favor and make the linguistic leap from, “Hello,” to, “Hola,” “Bonjour” or “你好’s” because when it comes to our brains a little exercise can go a long way.

A.depending onB.in favor ofC.concentrating onD.thanks to
A.regardless ofB.due toC.on the contraryD.otherwise
