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Even the most talkative and energetic children can feel a little discouraged after school. So the age-old question “how was your day?” can sometimes be met with half-hearted responses. Dr Siggic Cohen, a family psychologist in child development, has uncovered why kids struggle to answer this question.

The professional, who goes by the name of @parenting. with. dr. siggie on TikTok, explains that the question is too big for a child to answer. After all, there are probably so many new experiences and memories that have happened during the day for them to process. Instead, it’s better to go more specific(具体的).

Dr Siggie Cohen then gives some examples of some more focused questions such as “during snack time, who did you sit next to?” or “did your teacher say something funny today?” She says: Help your child break down their big experience in a more detailed and balanced way. This will help make things a little less at a loss, but will give them a specific part to go on with.

The TikTok, which has been watched more than 2.8 million times, has received lots of praise from parents — many thanking the psychologist for her advice.

One person replied: “Thank you for this info. I’m guilty of asking the same question. I’m now a little bit more educated.” While another added: “This is my everyday story after picking my son up from school and it upsets me. Thank you for the help.” Another parent cut in with their own strategy, stating that they always get a response when they ask their daughter what was your favorite part of your day?

【小题1】Why do children struggle with the question from Para. 1?
A.The question is too boring to answer.
B.The question is too broad to respond to.
C.They don’t like to open their mind to the parents.
D.They are somewhat disappointed about their day.
【小题2】How do the parents find the solution to the problem?
【小题3】Which one of the following maybe improper according to the passage?
A.How was your day going today?
B.Who did you have lunch with today?
C.When did you have your English class today?
D.How many math classes did you have today?
【小题4】What can some parents learn from the passage?
A.How to help the kids open up.
B.How to promote kids’ learning ability.
C.How to teach the kids to answer questions.
D.How to improve kids’ understanding ability.
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New lives for old phones

When a new mobile phone starts to be sold in stores, many people rush out to buy one. We all want the newest, latest thing. 【小题1】

Mike Townsend works at Total Recall, a mobile phone recycling company. “Don’t throw your old phone away. 【小题2】 If you throw it away, it goes with other rubbish to become landfill. In other words, it is put in a big hole in the ground — and it becomes a big problem,” he says.

Mobile phones contain some poisonous (有毒的) materials. If your phone goes to a landfill, these poisonous materials can get out and get into the water under the ground. That’s the water we need to drink or water that goes into rivers or the ocean. 【小题3】 That’s a lot of landfill and a lot of poisonous materials.

“At Total Recall, we separate the old phones into pieces. Most of the materials in a mobile phone can be recycled and used again. 【小题4】 For example, phone batteries (电池) contain nickel and cadmium. The nickel is used to make steel (钢), and the cadmium can be used to make new batteries,” explains Mike.

【小题5】 You can usually just take it into a mobile phone shop and they’ll send it to us,” says Mike.

So, before you throw that old mobile phone away, use it one last time: search for a recycler near you and give them a call.

A.Send it to us and we’ll recycle it.
B.Recycling your old phone is easy.
C.How much is our old mobile phone worth?
D.But what should we do with our old mobile phones?
E.Millions of mobile phones are thrown away every year.
F.We sell the parts and they are used to make new products.
G.Recycling materials helps keep the environment greener and cleaner.

We all like to think that we are rational (理性的) thinkers, but poor decisions and choices are evident all around us: staying in bad relationships or boring jobs, taking up smoking, eating too much junk food; the list goes on. So why can’t we make better decisions? One reason appears to be what psychologists call “decision fatigue: the idea that we all have a limited store of energy for making decisions and practising self-control. For example, if you are ground down by everyday struggles, you have less mental energy for good decisions.

However, studies point to the fact that deciding things early in the day is likely to lead to better outcomes. Most of us will have had the experience of going to bed with a seemingly unsolvable problem, only to wake up with a flash of inspiration the next morning. So decisions made when we feel least tired are more likely to be the right ones.

Another worthwhile strategy is to pretend that you are advising an imaginary friend, rather than relating decisions to your own life. This creates a distance between you and the issues in question, and can help you to think logically rather than emotionally.

People often advise making lists of advantages and disadvantages, and then prioritizing the items in each list. This can certainly be helpful, but we need to be careful not to over-think every decision. We may overestimate the value of information, and sometimes it is better simply to go with our gut instinct (直觉).

Perhaps the most important thing we can do to minimize the possibility of regret is to make sure that our decisions are in line with our life values; in other words, to have a life vision and be true to it. Instead of asking ourselves questions such as “Which option is safer?” or “Which option is best financially?”, it is far better to ask “How will I feel about this when I’m 70?”.

【小题1】What does “decision fatigue” mean?
【小题2】Why do people tend to make good decisions early in the day?
【小题3】Decide which part of the following statement is wrong. Underline it and explain why.
Sometimes it is a good idea to go with our gut instinct to make decisions, because weighing advantages and disadvantages takes great efforts.
【小题4】In addition to the strategies in the passage, please suggest another way to make good decisions. (In about 40 words)

Having good conversations— with strangers or your friends— is an art. 【小题1】 Headlee, a podcast host, did a TED Talk about how to make a good conversation. Here’s her advice.

Be present.

People think it means not looking at your email or texting during the conversation. It also means giving people your entire attention, ignoring anything unconnected. There is another thing. 【小题2】 Let’s think of listening like a river. We dam it up all the time when we stop listening to think about what we’re going to say next. Once that happens, you need to let such thoughts go out of your mind and return to the conversation.

Talk small to get to weightier topics.

Anything is OK. 【小题3】 “It is pleasurable to answer questions about yourself. So small talk is a way to let people do that,” Headlee explains. Remember Yes-or-No questions don’t lead the conversation far. For example, rather than asking, “Are you sitting down?” You might try, “What kind of chair would you like to sit in?”


If you’re getting too many details, it can be easy to lose focus on the big picture. Nobody cares about the exact date or somebody’s name or the movie you watched.

Handle an awkward silence.

You have two options. One is to let it breathe. People say all sorts of things to fill a gap in the conversation— that can lead you down a new conversation. You can also address the awkward silence. “Admit it with a joke,” Headlee says. 【小题5】

A.Stay out of the weeds.
B.Mind your manners in a talk.
C.Go with the flow of the conversation.
D.You can’t pretend like it’s not happening.
E.Generally speaking, open-ended questions are preferred.
F.It requires attention, something that’s in high demand these days.
G.Ask people to talk about themselves and you’re already off to a good start.
