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How to Read the Newspaper Quickly and Efficiently

You want to stay informed about the world but you have such a busy life. 【小题1】 Here are tips for reading the newspaper in the fastest, most efficient way possible:

Scan the headlines

【小题2】 Generally speaking, the headline presents the theme of the story so you can skip over some stories and read others. Remember that some stories will directly affect you while others may not. Use your best judgment in determining which stories you want to read based on their headlines.


Basically, a newspaper article presents the most crucial information early on and gradually reveals less and less significant details. In other words, you can read the first one to five paragraphs or so and really already know the meat of the story.

Read the photo captions

If you’re really in a hurry but you want a little bit more information than what the headline provides, skip the story and go straight to the photo caption(说明). Photo captions often serve as an intermediate between the headline and the actual story. 【小题4】 Keep in mind, though, that not all photo captions are created equal. While some may give you a summary of the story behind the photograph, others are much more unclear.

Look at the graphics

Search for bar graphs(图表), pie charts, and other visuals that show you what you need to know by the numbers in a flash. Often you don’t even have to hunt; the graphics are noticeably displayed and perhaps even in color. Graphics alone rarely, if ever, provide much deep insight into a story. 【小题5】

A.Read the first three paragraphs.
B.Grasp the most crucial information first.
C.They give you some detail but not everything.
D.Headlines usually declare what the story’s about upfront.
E.The most important details are usually included in headlines.
F.However, they do give you a brief introduction to what makes a certain story so attractive.
G.Actually, that doesn’t mean you can’t take a few minutes to learn about what’s happening worldwide.
知识点:方法/策略阅读 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!
A. Live below your means
B. Always stay positive
C. Educate yourself
D. Work towards a dream
E. Developing lasting personal relationships
F. Stay in shape

We all want to buy that new piece of technology, treat ourselves to an expensive dinner, or take out a loan for the car we can't afford. It might feel great at the time but hasty(匆忙的)spending hurts a lot later on. Enjoy life's simple pleasures and save as much as you can. Expensive things don't create lasting happiness. Careful spending will bring you greater enjoyment in the long run.
To be happy we need continuous growth. The best way to grow is life-long education. This doesn't mean you need to pursue a doctorate or spend 2 hours reading every day. Self-education can be anything that takes you out of your comfort zone. The important part is keeping an open mind and searching for fresh ideas.
Suppose you had everything you wanted. Would you be happy without anyone to share it with? The personal relationships we develop with friends and family members are the greatest source of happiness in our lives. Don't forget about them. Taking the time to develop and enjoy personal relationships is important to long-term happiness.
Even if your life isn't perfect, you can always build toward a goal. The best way to do this is working towards a goal. We can’t control everything about our lives, but working towards a goal gives us something positive to focus on and lays the foundation for future success. No matter what your passion is, get out there and start doing something.
You only get one body. Once it is ruined, there isn't much you can do about it. Exercise to keep the body working well. Avoid eating too much of damaging substances and unhealthy foods. It may feel terrible at the time but enjoying good health in your later years is worth the sacrifice.

Nowadays, there's lots of advice on how to give praise and positive comments to others, but few suggestions on how to receive the flattering(承)messages. Accepting praise can make many people feel like a fish out of water because even when we are proud of our achievements, we don't want to appear proud. This is exactly how 1 felt at my dad's birthday party.

Just a few days before, I received my university results; my parents were so proud of me. On arrival, every guest already knew my grades. As the party went on, dozens of people greeted me with warm, heartfelt congratulations. I was surrounded by so much unexpected praise! Concerned about stealing my dad's spotlight, I tried to turn the kind attention away from myself and mention the background. I joked that the professor must have been in a very good mood when she marked my paper, and that I was just "lucky".

Few of us wish to appear vain(自负的). We may worry that our honor will cause envy(如忌)from others. In the workplace, there's fear that praise might bring extra work and higher expectations. Now that your boss has seen you are ago-getter, they're going to pile on the pressure!

Looking back, the praise I received from the guests at the party was heartfelt. My degree hadn't helped them in any way so there was no duty for them to comment, but they still cared enough to say “well done". Instead of ignoring the praise, I should comment on how kind they were for noticing, or how pleased I was with my achievements.

Another good choice is to "forward" praise—perhaps other people played a part in your success and deserve to share the attention. If you're still lost for words, a simple "thank you" is the best way to go. So, the next time you get the praise you deserve, don't hide your pride and try to enjoy the moment.

【小题1】How do many people feel when accepting praise?
【小题2】What was the author's reaction to the unexpected praise at the party?
A.She ignored the remarks.B.She owed it to the professor.
C.She sincerely thanked the guestsD.She felt proud of her achievements.
【小题3】What does the underlined word "go-getter" in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
A.A proud person.B.A worried person.
C.An able person.D.A green-eyed person
【小题4】What might be the author's purpose of writing the text?
A.To warm people to keep honest.B.To share one of her big moments.
C.To show the importance of praise.D.To encourage people to enjoy praise.

Improving your family life can help make your family members closer and prevent conflicts from getting in the way of everyone’s happiness. 【小题1】.

Talk to your family members at the end of the day. 【小题2】. That way, they can understand you and generally know what’s going on in your life. In turn, it is equally important that you know about their lives too, so that they feel understood, supported and realize that they are not alone.

Set aside time for regular family activities. You can do fun activities together to relax yourselves. 【小题3】. If possible, leave at least an afternoon or evening per week for a family activity. Keep it low-key, and focus on having fun together and enjoying each other’s company.

Show sincere concern about your family members. 【小题4】. If you love them, then tell them that you love them. If you care about them, tell them this. Go out of your way to remind each family member what glues you all together—love, care and support.

【小题5】. Do not always give a lot of advice to your family members. Just hear them out at times. That is all they need. Make eye contact with them, nod your head, and say things like, “I understand,” when appropriate. Make sure they know that whatever they are talking about, you are there to listen and be supportive.

By doing so, you can surely develop a close family relationship with your family members.

A.Be an active listener
B.Do not keep your feelings bottled up
C.You can also surprise them with presents
D.Remember to make eye contact with them
E.It is very important that you let them know about your life
F.These could include bike rides, walks, playing cards or board games
G.The following ways can make your time with your family more enjoyable
