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The most popular martial arts1 today originated in Asia, especially in China. Some Chinese fighting styles were invented more than 3,000 years ago. Many martial arts were invented because people needed to defend themselves or protect others. Nowadays, people learn martial arts as a way of keeping fit or as a competitive sport, but they are still very useful for self-defence.

Martial arts are often referred to as either soft or hard. These terms imply a way of dealing with your opponent’s force. Soft martial arts, such as tai chi, teach you to use your opponent’s own force to defend yourself. Soft styles use fluid movements and timing to avoid, deflect and redirect their opponent’s attacks. These martial arts are soft for the defender but not for the attacker! On the other hand, hard styles, such as kung fu, teach you to defend yourself using force. Techniques involve blocking, posturing and powerful punching2 and kicking. Hard martial arts techniques are more effective if you are more skilful, more powerful and faster than your opponent.

Perhaps one of the best known Japanese martial arts today is karate. But did you know that its roots are derived from Fujian Province? In the 14th century, a community of Chinese migrants from Fujian settled in what was then the kingdom of Okinawa. The Chinese migrants used to gather in a park to enjoy cultural activities—one of which was kung fu. This soon caught the attention of local youths, who started leaning kung fu from their Chinese neighbours.

In fact, Chinese influence in martial arts was not limited to kung fu. The very first Korean military training manual3 was based on a Chinese version, During the Japanese invasion of Korea in the 16th century, the Korean army needed an effective way to train a large number of troops4. They adopted a training methodology5 from a Chinese military manual called Ji Xiao Xin Shu6, written by the famed Chinese general, Qi Jiguang, who had himself defeated Japanese pirates7.

1. martial arts 武术                 2. punch v. 用拳猛打                 3. manual n. 使用手册
4. troop n. 军队                      5. methodology n. 方法             6. Ji Xiao Xin Shu 《纪效新书》
7. pirate n. 海盗
Read the text. Answer the questions.
【小题1】What are the two main reasons why people learn martial arts?
【小题2】What are soft martial arts? What are hard martial arts?
知识点:体育健身 中国文化与节日 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Exercising Safely

Exercise is a key part of staying healthy, but figuring out how to exercise safely can be tough. 【小题1】.

【小题2】. It’s especially important to consult a doctor if you have a history of heart, bone, muscle, joint, or other medical conditions. Ask your doctor for advice on how to safely start exercising and to recommend exercises that benefit your specific condition.

Drink lots of water before, during, and after exercising. Try to drink about 2 cups (470 ml) of water before you exercise, and 1 cup (240 ml) every 15 to 20 minutes during your workout. Your body will need extra water to help your muscles work and to replace the fluids lost as you sweat.

【小题3】. However, if you’re trying to lose weight, limit your consumption of sports drinks, as they contain lots of sugar and can add extra calories to your diet.

Choose clothes that suit your activity. In general, wear clothes that won’t restrict your movement or blood flow. 【小题4】. Wear short sleeves and light, breathable fabrics in hot temperatures, and wear layers if it’s cold.

Stop exercising if you experience pain. 【小题5】. If you feel any soreness or sharp pain, stop the activity. Do your best to rest the affected area until the pain starts to subside. If you believe you’ve injured yourself, you might be able to treat it at home. However, seek medical attention if you hear a pop, experience severe pain, have uncontrolled bleeding, can’t move or bear weight on a joint.

A.“No pain, no gain” is not the advice to follow
B.Also, make sure your clothes suit the weather
C.Check with your doctor before starting an exercise routine
D.Whenever you work out, always listen to your body’s limits
E.Here are some tips to help you stay safe while working out
F.Sports drinks can also help you replace salts and minerals lost in sweat
G.Loser clothes are better for strength training, brisk walking, and sports such as basketball or soccer

The Olympic flame

The Olympic flame is a symbol carried over from the ancient Olympics,where a flame burned at the altar(祭坛)of Zeus(宙斯)throughout competition.It was finally reintroduced at the 1924 Amsterdam(阿姆斯特丹) Games,and again burned in 1932.

Carl Diem,chairman of the organizing committee for the 1936 Berlin Games,proposed that the flame be lit in Greece and transported to Berlin via a torch relay.The idea was adopted(采纳) and continued at every Olympic Games since 1952.

The flame is lit at the ancient site(场所) of Olympia by the natural rays of the sun reflected(反射) off a carved(雕刻) mirror.

Olympic motto

“Citius,altius,fortius”is a Latin phrase meaning“swifter,higher,stronger”,which Baron de Coubertin borrowed from Father Henri Dideon of Paris.Dideon was the headmaster of Arcueil College,and used the phrase to describe the athletic achievements(成就) of students at the school.He had previously been at the Albert Le Grand School,where the Latin words were carved in the stone above the main entrance.

Olympic oath

“In the name of all competitors,I promise that we shall take part in these Olympic Games,respecting and abiding(遵守) by the rules that govern them,in the true spirit of sportsmanship,for the glory(荣誉) of sport and the honor of our teams.”

Written by Baron de Coubertin,the oath is taken by an athlete from the host nation(主办国) while holding a corner of the Olympic flag.The athlete’s oath was first taken by Belgian fencer Victor Boin at the 1920 Antwerp Games.A judge from the host country also speaks the oath,with slightly different wording(措辞).

【小题1】The Olympic flame was first burned at “________” in modern times.
A.the 1920 GamesB.the 1924 Games
C.the 1932 GamesD.the 1936 Games
【小题2】The underlined word in Paragraph Two means“________”.
【小题3】From the passage we can learn________.
A.the first torch relay was held at the 1936 Berlin Games
B.before 1936,no flames were burned at the Olympic Games
C.Carl Diem suggested that flames should be burnt at the Olympic Games
D.the Olympic torch has been burned since 1924
【小题4】The Olympic motto was ________.
A.written by Baron de Coubertin
B.from Greek
C.from the ancient Olympic Games
D.borrowed from Father Henri Dideon of Paris

Should swimming lessons be compulsory (强制的) in schools?

Guangdong province is set to make swimming lessons compulsory in primary schools staring from 2020, proposing the courses should be given from the fourth grade. Do we need to make swimming compulsory in schools? Forum (论坛) readers share their opinions.

White Bear (Poland)

In Poland swimming lessons are not compulsory, but most of the schools have them. I think that when it is only possible-there should be the swimming lessons for kids. It is a lifesaving skill.

Mister Panda (France)

I come from France where swimming lessons in school are compulsory (dating back to Charlemagne!). I even got my lifesaving certificate in school.

Boilermaker (Expert in China)

There are swimming lessons in my city, but I was very disappointed in how they were taught. The kids spent 45 minutes of the one hour lesson practicing strokes on dryland. They only spent 15 minutes in the water. All of the children panicked and sank immediately to the bottom. Then all of the parents scolded the children, telling them they weren’t paying attention to the teacher and that they were failures.

Yunzhang (China)

It is a pity that many Chinese: athletes have won world championships in swimming while most schools don’t have the swimming facilities. Swimming is an essential lifesaving skill that everyone should have access to. The earlier, the better. The government needs to put money into the popularity of the sport.

【小题1】Who is doubtful about the effect of swimming lessons?
A.White BearB.Minter PandaC.BoilermakerD.Yunzhang
【小题2】What can we learn from the passage?
A.Swimming lessons are made compulsory in high schools in Guangdong.
B.Swimming lessons are not compulsory in Poland, but most schools have them.
C.In France only a few schools have swimming lessons.
D.Most of the readers think swimming is an unnecessary skill.
【小题3】What is the attitude of Yunzhang to the proposal of swimming lessons?
