语法填空-短文语填 适中0.65 引用2 组卷72

Research has become both simpler and more complex. It’s simpler because, if you have a computer, you can find information you need by 【小题1】(search) the Internet. For all your information, you don’t have to go to the library 【小题2】 (find) the relevant resources and 【小题3】(take) notes on it. Instead, you can find some sources from the Internet and print the copies 【小题4】(need). Remember,however,that you should usually consult different types of sources. That is, you shouldn’t always rely just on the Internet for your research.

While 【小题5】(find) information is easier than ever, at the same time, 【小题6】(research) has become more complex. There is a lot more material available, which means you may be 【小题7】(overwhelm) with the amount of information. You need to learn how 【小题8】 (sort) through and 【小题9】(find) the relevant information for your particular project. Also, you need 【小题10】 (check).

知识点:方法/策略信息技术 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!
Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word: for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

Morning or night? Which time of day do you enjoy the most and are more mentally alert? 【小题1】 one you prefer, there is a name for you.

Early birds or morning larks (云雀), as you can guess, are morning people. They have more energy in the morning and are happy to greet the day. 【小题2】 they rise early, they lose energy in the late afternoon. Therefore, morning larks tend to hit the hay early. As most of society runs on daylight hours, morning larks are seen as productive people. As the saying goes: “The early bird gets the worm.”

Night owls are the opposite of morning larks. These people have 【小题3】 (little) energy in the morning. They would rather get a few more hours of sleep than rise with the sun. But on the other side, night owls come alive in the late evening hours. They become energetic and find inspiration in the moonlight. It’s no surprise【小题4】 they can they up well into the night.

While all birds 【小题5】 (create) equal, some night owls wish they could rise earlier. If you are one of them, here are some tips to help you catch that worm.

People【小题6】 not adjust their bedtimes overnight (一夜之间). So far those night owls wishing to rise at dawn, start with a 15-minute change. Go to bed 15 minutes earlier than usual and wake up that much earlier as well. Keep the pattern going until you find yourself【小题7】   (rise) with the sun.

Though it may be challenging. start your morning with as much light as possible. Open the curtains. Turn on the lights. See what 【小题8】 difference it makes in helping you start your day.

To make the change from owl to lark you need to be consistent and rise early every day. Don’t work hard to rise early during the week only 【小题9】   (sleep) in on weekends. Pick an hour to wake up, and do it every day.

For the night owls out there, hopefully these tips 【小题10】   (make) your mornings more bearable.


In a classic tale, Hansel and Gretel dropped breadcrumbs (面包屑) while walking through a 【小题1】 (risk) forest so that they wouldn’t lose their way. Drawing inspiration from this, scientists believe rovers (探测器) may one day use a similar trick to move across other planets 【小题2】 losing their data.

Typically, all the information a rover 【小题3】 (gather) before will be lost if it permanently loses communication during a mission. 【小题4】 (avoid) this, scientists suggest using a multi-rover system in which a “so n rover” is connected to a “mother rover”. The son rover would then go into any especially uncertain area, such as a cave, 【小题5】 (move) on to spread sensors the size of breadcrumbs along the way, which could then communicate 【小题6】 (direct) with each other through a wireless network and channel any collected data back to the mother rover. As a 【小题7】 (prove) of concept, theoretical physicist Wolfgang Fink’s team built their first “breadcrumb” sensors communicating via Wi-Fi.

This is just one of the most impressive applications 【小题8】 come to your knowledge in terms of the breadcrumb strategy. It can also be useful here on Earth because a rover can 【小题9】 (send) with the “breadcrumb” sensors to disaster-stricken areas and transfer (传送) the information to people, no matter 【小题10】 dangerous it is.


With outbreaks 【小题1】 (report) all over the news, you may be worried about contracting new coronavirus (新冠状病毒).Coronavirus is a potentially life-threatening family of viruses that cause conditions like the common cold, MERS, SARS, 【小题2】 other breathing conditions. While coronavirus can be serious, taking preventative measures can help you protect your health in public, at home, and while caring for a sick person.

Several ways to protect Yourself Against Coronavirus.

1. Wash your hands with soap and water 【小题3】 (reduce) your infection risk.

2. Keep your hands away 【小题4】 your eyes, nose, and mouth. You may come into contact with the coronavirus on a surface. When this happens, the germs can stay on your hands, so avoid 【小题5】 (touch) your eyes, nose, and mouth in case the virus is on your skin.

3. Stay away from people who are coughing or sneezing. Keep your distance from people who appear to have 【小题6】 (symptom) of an upper breathing infection. If it's appropriate, ask the person to stay away from you. You could say, “I 【小题7】 (notice)you were coughing. I hope you feel much 【小题8】 (good) soon, but please keep your distance so I don't get sick."

4. Disinfect (消毒)high-touch surfaces daily using a product 【小题9】 kills viruses. Unfortunately, coronavirus can stay on surfaces. Use a spray disinfectant or bleach (漂白)wipes to clean these surfaces daily. Make sure the surface stays wet for about 10 minutes so it 【小题10】 (effective) kills the virus.
