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Michael and Adele had been happily married for 63 years when a terrible car accident separated them. Adele passed away in the accident, and Michael missed her very much. Every Sunday, the elderly man would get up at 8 a.m., dress up for a date with his wife, buy her favorite flowers and visit her.

One day, while on the bus on his way to visit his wife, Michael’s attention was drawn to a woman who was sobbing. She was in her mid-twenties and reminded him of his daughter. Out of concern, Michael inquired gently, “Hey, are you okay? Do you mind if I take a seat here? Talking about it may make you feel better.”

The woman, teary-eyed, looked up at him and finally nodded. As Michael took a seat, he noticed she kept staring at the flowers in his hands. “Do you like these flowers as well? These are my wife’s favorite flowers.”

Just then, the woman burst out crying once more. “Actually, it’s my birthday today. I wanted my husband to buy me some flowers too, but we didn’t have enough money…” she said. “Oh, thank you for listening to me. Those are really beautiful flowers, by the way.”

“Actually, these flowers are for my date with my wife,” Michael explained. “She left me a few years ago, but I go visit her at her grave every Sunday.”

“I’m sorry for your loss!” the woman said. “Oh, I wish I could tell you the whole story about my wife and me, but it looks like we just arrived at my stop. I hope to see you again … Mrs …”Michael asked.

“Claire Duncan. You can call me Claire.” “It was a pleasure speaking with you, Claire. You can call me Mr. Collins,” Michael said. “Oh, you can have these,” he added, handing her the flowers. “Have a wonderful day!”

“Oh, no, those are for your wife. I can’t take them,” Claire protested, but Michael persisted and eventually handed her the flowers.

“Thank you very much, Mr. Collins,” Claire replied, smiling. The man then returned her smile and exited the bus.


At home that night, Claire decided to repay Mr. Collins’ generosity.


When Michael visited his wife again, he was surprised by the lovely flowers and the note near her grave.

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I have always been an introvert (内向的) person, not talking a lot and not hanging around too much. Luckily, I have a good friend, Vishu. She is active, fearless and outspoken. I am too shy to come out of my shell and she is everything I am not. Better still, she is so loving and caring towards me. Not a day goes by when I don’t thank God for blessing me with such a good friend.

However, several days ago, a fight broke out between me and Vishu. There was nothing to fight about yet we did fight and things have changed since then.

What happened was, a few days back when I arrived at school, I saw Vishu talking happily with some other classmates. I walked towards them and I was on the point of saying “Hi” when I heard my name mentioned. I stopped, wondering what they were talking about. Then, “She is sometimes mean and too quiet.” came into my ear. I was stunned. I couldn’t believe my best friend said so. As it seemed, I was wrong about my friend, at least I thought of her to be my true friend but that day I felt that I barely knew her anymore.

When she saw me standing there looking at her angrily, she knew I had heard everything. She tried to explain by saying “You are my best friend. When I said you were mean, what I meant was…”. I had a lot to say to her but I could not just because of my sense of pride. I said “You are not good enough to be my friend.” I walked away without giving her any chance to say a word. I thought that walking alone was much better than walking with people for whom you mean nothing.

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2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好。

I went back home feeling it was the worst day ever.


I decided to make up for it and write her a letter.


Having struggled with financial difficulties for six months and failing to find a way out, I had to close my technology writing business. Fortunately, I found a new job as a salesperson and soon got a client. At the time, I wondered if it was too good to be true.

By the second month, something didn’t seem right, and I developed a bad feeling about the client and the work. When the third month’s check didn’t arrive on time, I sent the client an e-mail to find out what was going on. But there was no reply. Then I sent another e-mail, and another. The check never arrived, and I never heard from the client again. With no hope in sight, I hit rock bottom. Panic replaced cautious optimism along with my last self-confidence.

I hid myself from friends and locked myself in my room. One night, the phone rang. The call was from Eric, a friend of mine from high school. When he was in high school, he told me many times about his parents’ divorce and his loss of confidence in the college entrance examination. During the difficult time, I gave him much comfort and encouragement. Later, he went to college and was always grateful for what I had done.

After the greetings, I told my problems and challenges, hoping my friend would say something comforting. What I didn’t expect was a string of sharp words. “What is wrong with you? You can do anything you want to do,” he said. “You are a writer, so start writing. Write for magazine.” “Write for magazine? Are you out of your mind? I don’t know the first thing about writing for magazine, let alone write things that anyone would want to read. And I have to know where I can send an application form-to what magazine and to what editor,” I shouted at him.

注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Surprisingly, I felt a little better after the shouting.


On finishing the application form I sent it to the editor.


The cafeteria (自助食堂) conversation on Monday was all about hockey (冰上曲棍球) again. Jade usually fit in with the sports crowd, but now she was not included in the conversation.

“When will you get out on the ice, Jade?” Hazel asked. Jade was a soccer star at her old school in California. “I’m inviting her to play hockey.” Hazel told other players at the table.

Jade lowered her voice. “I can’t make it to open skating time because I have to look after my younger brother Calvin until 6:30.”

But Hazel had been friendly since their first meeting and she wasn’t going to give upon this. “A rink (溜冰场) is behind the stadium. I can practice with you thereafter the closing time. You can buy skates from Ms. Silva, the facility manager. 7 o’clock this evening at the rink!” Hazel told Jade excitedly.

However, Jade didn’t tell Hazel she couldn’t afford the skates and hockey stick. After school Jade hurried home to look after Calvin. When she was cleaning the crumbs (面包屑) under Calvin’s highchair with a broom, she got an idea. At 6:35, Jade grabbed the broom and an old tennis ball.

At the rink, Hazel hadn’t turned up yet. In her dirty shoes, Jade practiced hitting the ball with the broom independently. Surprisingly, she scored a goal. But her smile disappeared as she saw Ms. Silva walking over.

She looked down at Jade’s feet pitifully. “Your shoes made the rink dirty. Those aren’t skates and hockey stick.”

“I’m really sorry for the dirt,” Jade apologized. “I don’t have money for those.”

“You didn’t tell me that!” Hazel appeared, holding Jade’s hands.

“Want a weekend job?” Ms. Silva advised gently. “I’ll teach you how to remove the dirt and leaves. A month later you may get new skates!” “Definitely.” Jade replied. “I’ll be there with you!” Hazel said.


In the following month, Jade was a dutiful staff and practiced with Hazel in the rink every night.

