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Abbey Ahern, 34, who lives in Oklahoma, was shocked and heartbroken when she was told at her 19-week scan that her daughter had the incurable illness anencephaly (无脑畸形) which meant she would not live beyond a few hours. It ripped her heart out.

According to the National Institutes of Health, the illness means the baby has an underdeveloped brain and incomplete skull (颅骨). Approximately one in 10,000 babies in the US are born with anencephaly, most of which result in early death.

As a result, Abbey and her pilot husband Robert, also 34, decided to have a live birth so that they could spend time with their daughter and donate her organs — making Annie the first newborn baby donor in the state.

Afterwards they asked the doctor for the gender of their unborn child and decided to name her on the spot. They named her easily: Annie, which means, “grace”. Abbey said: “Carrying a seriously-ill baby to term was by far the most difficult thing I have ever done…For us, even in the middle of our terrible heartbreak we were able to see so much beauty.” The family spent just 14 hours and 58 minutes with Annie before she passed away.

Her organs were not available for transplant (移植) because her oxygen levels were too low — which Abbey said was “disappointing”— but they were able to donate her heart valves (瓣膜) and some of her organs could be used for research. She said: “Annie’s story is one of hope. I think it shows people that in the middle of tragedy, there can be beauty.”

【小题1】How did Abbey feel at the news about her daughter firstly?
A.Surprised and upset.B.Worried and determined.
C.Relieved and regretful.D.Curious and angry.
【小题2】What was Abbey and her husband’s decision?
A.Keeping Annie in hospital.B.Stopping giving birth to Annie.
C.Giving away Annie’s organs.D.Naming her daughter after beauty.
【小题3】Why were Annie’s organs not used for transplant?
A.Because of diseases.B.Because of low temperature.
C.Because of heart valves.D.Because of lack of oxygen.
【小题4】What is the purpose of the text?
A.To call on people to donate organs.B.To share a touching story with readers.
C.To inform people of what anencephaly is.D.To show what a tragedy the story is.
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For engineer Liang Kaiyu, one thing is clear: What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Losing his left leg above the knee in an explosion (爆炸) when testing his self-built motor in January 2020, the 30-year-old used his engineering skills to make his prosthetic limb (假肢) more comfortable and powerful than a real leg.

Since late 2020, he has upgraded his high-tech prosthesis, including fitting a shock absorber and installing a charger port. “Although China has millions of amputees (被截肢者), people with a prosthesis are still a rare sight on the street. My video may, in some way, encourage them,” the man says, adding that prostheses can look cool.

Before the explosion, as an engineer, building things was a hobby in his spare time. When he saw that a foreign engineer had developed an autonomous e-bike, he found the materials online and decided to build one himself. It took him more than a year to finally make it, but he was not satisfied and, in January 2020, he tried to better it. “I tried to use larger parts to make the self-driving function more dependable, but I made a mistake and the explosion occurred,” Liang recalls.

“Physical recovery is the first step. Psychological acceptance matters more, which takes much longer,” Liang says. Liang’s focus is now on making the new leg comfortable. To know about the structure and system of the prosthetics better, he disassembled some secondhand prosthetic limbs that were made in China and abroad, which cost him hundreds of thousands of yuan. “I want to let more people know about these high-tech prosthetics, which are comfortable and safer to wear. It can build confidence with every step,” Liang says.

【小题1】What did Liang do after the explosion?
A.Feel stronger than before.B.Lose his left leg under the knee.
C.Make his prosthetic limb easier to wear.D.Test his self-built motor.
【小题2】Which is more challenging for Liang’s recovery?
A.Treating his broken leg.B.Improving his autonomous e-bike.
C.Making self-driving function more reliable.D.Accepting his situation psychologically.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “disassembled” in paragraph 4 probably mean?
A.Rented.B.Repaired.C.Broke down.D.Took apart.
【小题4】Which can be a suitable title for the text?
A.A man who never gives upB.Engineer builds a new life
C.Disability is not the end of lifeD.Once an engineer, always an engineer

Tea is the second most popular drink in the world after water.There are different kinds of tea including green tea and black tea.A cup of tea has become a part of our daily lives and our culture.Earlier, tea used to be made in large pots.Hot water was poured over a bunch of tea leaves even to make a single cup.It is believed that this led to waste of tea and that is where the story of the teabag comes in.

It is more convenient and easier to use a teabag than to brew(沏) fresh tea leaves every time you want to make a cup of tea.With the help of teabags, tea was made available in places like offices and airplanes.In order to make tea taste good, you need to remove the dried leaves after brewing.With teabags, you can brew a great cup of tea without a tea strainer.

“Who invented the teabag?”has been a question for a very long time.There are some interesting stories about this question, but the most popular one is of a New York tea businessman, Thomas Sullivan.In 1908, he sent samples of tea to his customers in small silk bags.A few of his customers thought that these bags were to be dipped(浸) in water to brew tea and so they did not empty out the tea.Sullivan did not realize this till the time he started receiving complaints from customers about the orders not being sent in bags.Then he started producing teabags and because of silk being too expensive he later used gauze(纱布).

The_popular_Sullivan_story_lacks_evidenceWhatever the truth may be, we will be ever so thankful to whoever came up with this wonderful product.Teabags have managed to make our lives so much easier.By the 1920s, teabags had successfully become the new way of drinking.It brought about a great change in our habit of drinking tea.

【小题1】What can we learn from Paragraph 1?
A.It is a waste of time to brew tea in pots.
B.The teabag was produced to replace traditional tea.
C.Tea is second only to water as a popular drink.
D.Green tea and black tea are most popular among all kinds of tea.
【小题2】What advantage does the teabag have according to Paragraph 2?
A.It is easier to use.
B.It saves more space.
C.It makes the tea taste better.
D.It provides more choices for people.
【小题3】What can we learn about Thomas Sullivan from the passage?
A.He was a popular tea businessman in England.
B.He taught his customers to use teabags.
C.He used silk to make teabags at first.
D.He liked drinking tea very much.
【小题4】What does the author mean by the underlined part in the last paragraph?
A.The story has not been proven to be true.
B.The story cannot explain all the truth.
C.The story is hardly accepted by experts.
D.The story provides evidence of the teabag’s history.

One day, I was so angry with my parents that I left home, saying I would never return. I was upset because my parents refused to buy me a bike.

But in my anger, I didn’t even realize that I had taken both my father’s shoes and his wallet. As I made my way to the bus station, I felt some pain in my foot. I noticed that the shoe had a hole in it.

There were no buses around. Not knowing what to do, I looked in my dad’s wallet. To my surprise, there wasn’t much money inside. I also found a note from his manager which asked him to wear nicer-looking shoes to the office.

I remembered my mother asking him to buy a pair of new shoes, but he said the shoes he was wearing should last at least another six months.

I started to walk home. I then realized that when I had left, my dad’s motorbike wasn’t there. Thinking about that, I wanted to cry. I ran home as fast as I could.

When I got home, my dad was there waiting for me. I couldn’t help but cry. I hugged him tightly and said, “I’m sorry, Dad. I don’t need a bike.”

That’s when I realized just how much pain and hardship our parents go through sometimes, and how great their love for us is. Everyone should do a better job of remembering this from time to time.

【小题1】The underlined word “upset” is similar to ________.
【小题2】The writer was upset because ________.
A.his parents didn’t want to buy him new clothes.
B.his father didn’t agree to buy him new shoes.
C.his parents didn’t love him any more.
D.his parents didn’t want to buy a new bike for him.
【小题3】After he saw the note in the wallet, the writer knew ________.
A.his father couldn’t go on working in the company.
B.his father didn’t care about wearing nice things.
C.his father had bought him a new pair of shoes.
D.their family was going through a hard time.
【小题4】Why did the writer take his father’s shoes and wallet?
A.Because he thought they were valuable.
B.Because he wanted to sell them.
C.Because he was too angry to take the right ones.
D.Because he wanted his father to come to find him.
