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For decades, families settled on the sofa to share the latest news and TV series, until additional bedroom TV, computer games and the Internet almost put an end to family rows over who held the remote control. Now, however, the traditional living room scene is making a comeback. A study by the communications watchdog Ofcom has found families are once again gathering around the main television set, but they are bringing their pads and smartphones with them.
“The 1950s living room is making a comeback as a family entertainment centre,” said Jane Rumble, head of media research at Ofcom. “We are watching on much better, bigger, and more delicate television sets, but we are coming into the living room holding our connected devices.” While the family are coming together once more, comparisons with the past end there. With a range of smaller screens on hand, not everyone sitting on the sofa shares the same viewing experience.
The coronation (加冕礼) may have drawn the undivided attention of 20 million viewers in 1953, but those watching the Queen’s Jubilee celebrations 50 years later were as likely to be commenting online about BBC’s broadcast as watching it. “Just a few years ago, we would be talking about last night’s TV at work or at school,” said a viewer, “Now, we’re having those conversations live while watching TV, using social media, text and instant messaging.”
It is a behaviour of media meshing(联网), whose influence was underlined during this year’s Wimbledon men’s tennis final. As Andy Murray pushed towards his victory, 1.1 million people worldwide sent an average of over two microblogs about the match.
People use the Internet to enhance their television experience, for example, by reading a newspaper live blog about a football match while watching the action on the main screen. For a huge number of younger viewers, the portable screen offers a chance to do something unrelated, such as online shopping, listening to music or watching another television programme.
Some 70% of 16-to-24-year-olds claim to be absorbed in what Ofcom calls “media stacking” at least once a week. For TV viewers, the Internet scanning is the most popular activity, but they are also calling friends on the phone or sending emails and texts. Surprisingly, 12% claim to have listened to the radio with the television on, and 6% say they have watched another video in the meanwhile.
【小题1】According to the study by Ofcom, family members nowadays _______.
A.care more about who holds the remote control
B.share the same programmes in the living room
C.watch better and more delicate television programmes
D.enjoy TV together with various smaller screens on hand
【小题2】This year’s Wimbledon men’s tennis final is mentioned to indicate _______.
A.so many people worldwide are watching TV
B.people like watching live matches on TV
C.the great influence of media meshing
D.the average amount of microblogs
【小题3】Which shows the phenomenon of “media stacking” in the last paragraph?
A.People are watching TV while shopping online.
B.People are watching a broadcast of a coronation.
C.The Internet makes people spend less time on TV.
D.The Internet enriches people’s television experience.
【小题4】The passage is written to _______.
A.describe the changes connected devices bring to TV watching
B.report the comeback of the traditional living room scene
C.show the influence of connected devices on people
D.present the different roles TV plays in people’s life
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It's good to make mistakes,and here is why.

First of all,mistakes are a clear sign that we are trying new things.It's always good to try new things because when we are trying new things,we are growing.If we never try anything new,how can we improve?The simple answer is,“We can't”.

Another good thing about mistakes is that when we are making them,we are learning.Consider this—Edison failed 10,000 times before he perfected the light bulb.When asked how it felt to fail that many times,he said that he had learned 10,000 things that didn't work.

When we make a mistake,we are much closer to success.Because every time we make a mistake,we eliminate one of the things that keep us from success.

But all this doesn't mean that we should go through life without considering the consequences of a mistake.Instead,when we try something new,we have to be willing to set some reasonable limits so that in the event that it doesn't work out the way we want it to,we will be in a position to try again.We all have limited resources—in the form of time and money—so we shouldn't blow them all on one approach to a problem.It's best that we realize it probably won't be perfect for the first time and allocate these resources appropriately so we can learn,make corrections,and try again.Only by accepting and using our mistakes in this way can we make significant advances in our lives.

There is an old saying that goes,“If you're not making mistakes,you're not trying hard enough”.So go forth and make mistakes.

【小题1】Which can be used to replace the underlined word“eliminate”in Paragraph 4?
A.make up forB.get rid of
【小题2】What do we know from the fifth paragraph?
A.We should ignore the possible consequences.
B.We should accept the outcome willingly.
C.We should make some limits for our next try.
D.We should avoid making the same mistakes.
【小题3】What is the text mainly about?
A.Dealing with mistakes.
B.Making mistakes.
C.Making progress.
D.Benefiting from mistakes.
【小题4】What may the writer suggest we say to ourselves when making a mistake?
A.Never mind,I tried my best.
B.Great!Now I have learned something.
C.This is a waste of time.
D.Look at this mess.I should just give up.

You’re standing at a city bus stop, waiting for a bus to arrive. You wait and wait. 【小题1】 But you haven’t seen one for at least 20 minutes. Finally, a bus full of people arrives. Just as you try to squeeze yourself in, you see another bus coming down the street, and another one behind it!

What’s going on? Why do buses always seem to come in bunches (成群) instead of at regular intervals (间隔) ?

【小题2】 They say that passengers tend to remember the few times when more than one bus arrives at a stop and to forget the many more times when a bus arrives alone.

However, experts who study traffic say that bunching really can happen quite easily. 【小题3】 If each stop had the same number of passengers waiting, the buses would keep to their schedule. But usually there are many people at a few stops and no one at others.

Suppose many people happen to gather at a particular stop. 【小题4】 So it gets delayed and the bus behind it catches up a bit. When the second bus arrives at the same stop, there has been less time for passengers to assemble (聚集), so the bus goes on its way quickly. Meanwhile, the first bus arrives at its next stop a little later than usual, so there’s been more time for passengers to join the crowd. 【小题5】 Once one bus catches up with the other bus, the two buses end up travelling together. If the route is a long one, a third bus could eventually catch up with the first two.

Check it out the next time you hop (跳上) a bus!

A.There’s supposed to be a bus every 10 minutes.
B.But you don’t know the exact time the bus will arrive.
C.The problem is the different numbers of people at the stops.
D.Some people claim that bus bunching doesn’t happen very often.
E.And soon after several more stops, the second bus catches up with the first.
F.Find the probability that the waiting time is longer than you expected.
G.It takes longer than usual for the passengers to board the first bus that arrives.

“When life gives you lemons, make lemonade (柠檬水).” It is a good saying, but life throws at us more serious problems than lemons, doesn’t it? What do we do when we lose a family member? What do we do when we have been through events that leave us feelings? Can any failure be turned into success?

Most of us realize we can learn one or two things from failure. When we fail, we think, “Well, I won’t try that again! ”or “I won’t trust anyone again! ”But this is not useful learning. It is suggested that we ask challenging questions. For example, “How could I try that again?” There are a lot we can learn and get from failure if we keep asking good questions on how to do better next time.

Failure or pain can be good for developing our character if we choose to face it in a positive way. Our own suffering often makes us understand others better. It can give us wisdom or knowledge to share with others, which can prevent them from similar failure. If we have been hurt by others because of another person’s poor character, it may improve us to be better persons.

Failures can make us experience many things that we didn’t experience before. If you lose your job, it doesn’t mean you lose everything and probably you may get more. As we know, no job often leads to self employment; no job has been the beginning of many highly successful businesses. It is common that we don’t like changing, but change, even unfortunate change, brings new opportunities. Sometimes only failure brings us better opportunities or greater success.

【小题1】The underlined sentence in Paragraph 1 means that ________.
A.any lemons can be made into lemonade
B.problems always bring us lots of trouble
C.problems can never be avoided in our life
D.failure can also be turned into a success
【小题2】The 2nd paragraph mainly tells us that ________.
A.We should learn more when we fail
B.We must be careful to trust anyone
C.We must ask questions when we fail
D.We should deal with failure positively
【小题3】According to the writer, if you were hurt by another person, you should ________.
A.avoid hurting others in the same way
B.find a better way to hurt him bravely
C.try to prevent him from hurting others
D.thank him for making you more perfect
【小题4】What is the best title of the passage?
A.Failure Decides successB.Failure Creates Opportunities
C.Failure Brings EverythingD.Failure Makes a Perfect Person
