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Thanks to the pandemic, more people are or have been working from home. Multiple studies and surveys have shown that many would like to carry on doing so, even as the threat from COVID-19 fades. However, new research carried out in the USA suggests that in-person teams tend to perform better in creativity at certain tasks than those working through videoconferencing software.

The initial study involved 602 participants, including university students and staff. With half the pairs sitting face-to-face in one room, and half using videoconferencing software, subjects were asked to come up with novel uses for a product. The researchers found that the in-person teams generated a greater number and wider range of ideas than the virtual teams. But when it came to their ability to pick the ‘best’ idea rated by comparing the creativity scores of the ideas they chose with the scores of those picked by the judges, there was little difference between the two groups.

To make sure the study wasn’t specific to any given population group, the tests were then conducted again, with 1,490 engineers working for a large company from five other countries. For this second set of tests, participants were asked to come up with new product ideas for their real-life employer. Using a variety of methods, the researchers found that people in the in-person group looked around the room and talked with each other more, whereas those using videoconferencing software took it in turns to speak and kept their eyes on the screen. These things negatively connected to idea generation.

“This new research was an important first step. But this is a single study and the effects are somewhat small, amounting to a difference in one or two ideas between the groups. How much impact this has would depend on the company itself. ” said Dr. Jay Olson, who studies ways to measure creativity.

【小题1】What did the new research made in America show?
A.Relaxing environment leads to great ideas.
B.Videoconferencing makes creativity likely happen.
C.Home-working surroundings bring about creativity.
D.Interaction in-person better contributes to novel ideas.
【小题2】In what way did the two groups tested in the initial study reveal little difference?
A.The ability to pick the best ideas.B.The methods to tell the best ideas.
C.The number of best ideas produced.D.The scores obtained in creating ideas.
【小题3】Why was the research conducted again?
A.To make the test more convincing.B.To engage more people in the study.
C.To arouse the creativity of the subjects.D.To classify the participants of the study.
【小题4】What did Dr. Jay Olson suggest?
A.Conducting more researches.B.Treating the effects critically.
C.Making full use of the findings.D.Clarifying the results of the study.
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Do you experience worse car sickness in electric cars than in petrol cars? You’re not alone - and when it comes to self-driving cars, it may be even worse.

Although scientists aren’t exactly sure what causes motion sickness, it has to do with passengers losing the ability to predict future movements. When you read a magazine in a car, your eyes will signal to your brain that the car is not moving. However, your brain will recognize the vibrations (振动) and turns that the car makes. This can confuse the mind and make you start to feel sick.

As for electric cars, one-pedal (单踏板) driving is often linked to feelings of car sickness, according to the US Department of Energy. The one pedal does both the accelerating (加速) and braking (刹 车) - the driver steps on the pedal to increase speed and takes their foot off the pedal to slow down. If you stop accelerating, the one-pedal will automatically slow and stop the car. The deceleration caused by this system is thus more rapid than that of petrol cars, which may lead to motion sickness.

Another technological advance that can also be related to car sickness is the larger and increasing number of screens inside vehicles. These screens overburden users with visual information, which discourages them from looking outside, according to The Conversation. Passengers thereby lose their ability to take in the “correct” visual signals, such as the moving surroundings, which can lead to sickness.

Unfortunately, even when people get used to the movements of electric cars and experience less car sickness, self-driving vehicles might be another challenge for them. According to a 2015 study, as much as 12 percent of the US population may feel carsick while riding in autonomous vehicles.

To ensure the widespread usage of new types of vehicles, car producers are working to solve such problems with better technology. For example, Japanese company Honda is working on reducing the car’s “violent (猛烈的) ”acceleration by making changes to the engine, said Car Magazine.

【小题1】What is the possible cause of passengers experiencing motion sickness?
A.Lack of visual signals in the car.
B.Unpredictable movements of the car.
C.Inability to sense vibrations and turns.
D.The brain’s confusion about movements.
【小题2】What makes electric cars more likely to cause car sickness than petrol cars?
A.Their unique driving mode.
B.Their slow way of braking.
C.Their violent acceleration.
D.Their constant pedal adjustment.
【小题3】What is paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.Potential dangers of placing screens in cars.
B.A technology to reduce car sickness.
C.A design aspect in vehicles that causes car sickness.
D.Passengers’ different responses to car sickness.
【小题4】What is Honda doing to improve its cars?
A.Developing a more powerful engine.
B.Reducing their cars’ deceleration time.
C.Making the cars’ acceleration smoother.
D.Adding more automatic adjustment features.

Human activity has shrunk the size of wild animals the world over, and yet recent research has found many mammals (哺乳动物) living near cities have become steadily larger,   both in length and in weight.

“That wasn’t what we expected to find at all,” says Robert Guralnick, who studies biodiversity informatics at the Florida Museum. Expanding urban environments grow much hotter than natural habitats (生长环境), and warmer temperatures usually benefit mammals that have a smaller, more energy-saving figure — a principle of biology known as Bergmann’s rule.

As the world grows warmer, some scientists have worried that mammals living near cities are supposed to grow smaller, possibly reducing their fitness as a species and, no doubt, the fitness of being threateners (威胁者), too. But even with climate change, that might not happen. As it turns out, there’s another factor in determining a mammal’s size that might compete with or even go beyond temperature, and that is food.

In and around cities with large populations, where high-energy human foods are more widely available and hunters are fewer and farther in between, new research discovered that most of the mammal species studied appear to be growing in size, not shrinking. According to careful measurements of more than 100 species from North America, gathered from museum collections over the past 80 years, the main reason is not a city’s temperature. Instead, the greatest increases in weight and body length appear to lie among those mammals that live near the most humans, regardless of how hot their surroundings are.

As climate change grows worse, there is, of course, the possibility that that might change, but at least for now, it seems that wolves, deer, bats, and other mammals in North America could be affected more by city populations than city climates.

If we want to preserve the mammals that exist today for the future, it’s important that we know how human civilization is shaping their size, behavior and well-being. In a rapidly changing world, that knowledge could mean the difference between ongoing life and dying out.

【小题1】What finding does Robert Guralnick consider surprising?
A.Urban environments are hotter than nature.
B.The animals in natural habitats become smaller.
C.Many mammals grow against Bergmann’s rule.
D.City temperatures cause animals to shrink in size.
【小题2】Why do many mammals living near cities grow in size?
A.They are well taken care of by zoo keepers.
B.They have more foods and fewer threats.
C.They are comfortable in warmer climates.
D.They can easily hunt wild animals for food.
【小题3】What are we advised to do to protect the existing mammals?
A.Provide healthy food to surrounding mammals.
B.Limit the population in cities to a small number.
C.Know how human civilization affects mammals.
D.Help the mammals adjust to the changing climate.
【小题4】What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Human Activity Has Shrunk the Size of Animals
B.Global Warming Is Shaping the Future of Mammals
C.Mammals in Nature Have a Better Chance to Survive
D.Many Mammals Living Near Cities Are. Growing Bigger

The ability to use the left hand is referred to as left-handedness. Left-handedness is actually more common in the male population than in females. There are a number of myths (杜撰的事) about them.

It is difficult for left-handed children to learn writing of the alphabet, without personal tutoring. Not true at all. Observe the left-handed toddler. Everyone else is more bothered about his left-handedness than he himself is. The left-handed child adapts to writing, drawing and all other activities that require him to hold a writing tool as early as the right-handed. In fact, many left-handed people display neater handwriting than their right-handed partners.

Lefties have a lesser chance of surviving a hand-to-hand fight. This is anything but true. History bears witness to the advantage left-handedness had during hand-to-hand fights and even within the boxing ring. In fact, a common observation is that the left-handed fighter is able to strike a strong surprise attack on the open, unprotected right side.

Left-handed people are many a time at the disadvantage of using tools designed for the right-handed. Well, this is true, but today, there is a whole range of tools and equipment being designed for left-handed people. Many right-handed tools too are available, such that they can be molded to suit the needs of the left-handed craftsman. Even the computer mouse has been challenged in use and the touch pad provides a left-handed professional equal opportunity.

Research reveals that left-handed people are in fact high achievers. This is because their brains are structured to widen their abilities. A number of mathematical, artistic and sporting geniuses were and are left-handed. However, most left-handers over the world, might have, at some stage in their life, been on the receiving end of an uncomplimentary (贬损的) remark or comment regarding their choice of hand. I am sure this list and discussion about the myths and facts would be reason enough to be proud of being left-handed.

【小题1】Compared to right-handed children, what can we learn about left-handed ones?
A.Left-handed children find it hard to learn writing.
B.Left-handed children are tired of the left-handedness.
C.Left-handed children are used to writing tools too late.
D.Plenty of left-handed children have more beautiful handwriting.
【小题2】What advantage do lefties have in hand-to-hand fights?
A.They could start a surprise attack with their left hands.
B.They could attack their partners’ left sides surprisingly.
C.They have a better chance to beat their partners in history.
D.They are good at fighting especially within the boxing ring.
【小题3】What is the computer mouse mentioned to show us?
A.Left-handed people are in fact high achievers.B.Left-handed people have many disadvantages.
C.Many tools are designed for the left-handed.D.Many left-handed receive bad remarks daily.
【小题4】What’s the possible title for the text?
A.History of Left-handed PeopleB.Myths about Left-handed People
C.Advantages of Left-handed PeopleD.Discussion about Left-handed People
