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On a sunny afternoon in July, my husband Lenny decided to run our garbage. Living on a farm where no pick-up service was available, we burned what we could and took the rest to the town’s landfill(垃圾填埋场). After unloading, Lenny walked around to see what others had thrown away. Being a person who finds treasure in what others call trash, Lenny would sometimes bring home what he called “great finds”. He’d say, “You’ll never know when this will come in handy”or“Look at what someone threw away. I can fix and use that”. As a family on a tight budget, we appreciated his finds.

As Lenny walked around that day, he picked up a few items and threw them on a large pile of garbage. Suddenly, he heard a “meow” and he looked around for what he thought would be a wild cat, but he saw nothing. Then he saw a shoebox in the garbage pile move slightly, and he heard the cries again. He picked up the box, which was sealed with tape. When Lenny cut the tape and cautiously tore open the shoebox, he found a black-and-white little cat, approximately eight weeks old. It was so frightened that it jumped into Lenny’s arms and clung on to him with its tiny claws. The little cat wasn’t afraid of him. The poor thing was very thin and had probably been taken away from its mother only recently.

My husband wasn’t a great cat lover. He did not feel they should be household pets. Our two daughters had a different perspective as they had recently got another kitten from a local farmer. Even though he didn’t like cats, he knew he couldn’t leave this cat in the shoebox. It would probably be eaten by a fox.

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So he decided to bring it home.


Later, Lenny and the cat became best friends, too.

知识点:人与动植物 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Snowball came into our lives one winter. Since the moment my dad brought him home, they have formed a close relationship. While Snowball was still young,my dad began training him. A good herding (牧放牲畜) dog is necessary for our farm where cows are raised, so Dad began preparing him for the role. Snowball’s determination to please my dad was amazing. Watching them herd cows together was interesting.

One summer morning when Snowball was six, he herded our cows out of the corral (畜栏). When the cows walked around and ate grass, my mom and I left home to visit my grandma. And as usual, Snowball sadly watched as my dad left for work in the truck. Although Snowball wished to go along, he made no move toward the truck, knowing he shouldn’t leave.

That afternoon, Snowball walked back to the roadside, lay down under a tree and patiently looked down the road, waiting for my dad to return. When finally seeing my dad’s truck back, he stood up right away. Moments later, my dad pulled up beside the tree. As my dad got out of the truck, Snowball ran to him, voicing his joy. And he danced happily around my dad.

Then, it was time for Snowball to herd the cows into the corral. All the cows, except a yellow one, were successfully herded into the corral. This yellow cow refused to go in, though Snowball did his best to herd it. Probably it was because the extreme heat of the day had made this cow angry. When it had no patience anymore, the cow turned and suddenly charged (进攻) at my dad, who was standing nearby. Catching Dad off guard, the cow knocked him to the ground. My dad wanted to go into the nearby truck but his legs got injured. While he was trying to stand up, the cow looked at him in preparation for charging again. Just then, Snowball rushed to help my dad.


Showing teeth and looking at the cow, Snowball stood bravely in front of my dad.


Before long, my mom and I returned home and learned what had happened.


I’m a talker—I have a habit of talking to every person I see—but that afternoon in March 2015, I sat beside my husband Andy on the 45-minute drive home from the Marcus Autism Center without saying a word. My two-and-a-half-year-old son Wesley had just been diagnosed(诊断) with autism spectrum disorder (自闭症谱系障碍).

I’d been given instructions and suggestions and told to sign up for classes, but I knew we could never afford any. Out of everything the specialists had said, the only word I could remember was socialization-key for Wesley to develop social skills. In the car, I tried hard to come up with ways to make his world more social. Then the strangest idea came to mind, so strange that I blurted (脱口而出) it out. “We need a dog!”

Andy looked at me as if I were crazy. “What are you talking about, Rachel? You don’t ever really like dogs.” That was true. I had had bad experiences with dogs growing up. “And how are we going to afford a dog right now?” Yes, another big question. But somehow I couldn’t shake the idea.

A couple of weeks later, I was outside playing with Wesley, when a new neighbor walked over with a black curly-coated dog. When we were chatting, her medium-sized dog ran and jumped playfully between the boys. He was so gentle; he didn’t jump on people the way I’d seen a lot of dogs do. I watched, amazed. It was as if he knew exactly how careful to be with each of them.

“What breed (品种) is he?” I asked. “He’s an Aussiedoodle (贵宾澳牧),” She said proudly. Then she continued, “He was bred (培育) by a woman called Mary, who has three autistic (自闭症的) sons. She found that Aussiedoodles work perfectly as service dogs. I can give you her phone number if you want one.”


“Was this for real? We need an Aussiedoodle!” I said.


Then Andy and I drove to Mary’s home, and picked a dog called Berry.

