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Imagine you are talking with a friend. Your friend tells you that they have a big test or job interview coming up soon. 【小题1】 But how do you do so?

Social situations give us many chances to wish other people well. Such wishes can come in the form of sentence fragments(片段)or complete sentences .A fragment is a kind of incomplete sentence—it is missing part of the sentence.In general,fragments that wish other people well are missing the subject(主语) .

Consider,for example,the phrase“good luck”,which is used to say that you hope someone will succeed. But the phrase suggests something more. 【小题2】

In any case,English speakers often just use the phrase“good luck” .So,a person might say, “Good luck with the job interview!”In terms of complete sentences,English speakers often use words such as“wish”or“hope” .For example,a person might say,“I hope the job interview goes well tomorrow.”Or“ 【小题3】

English speakers also use complete sentences to express trust in another person. Such expressions are another way to show kindness or warmth to other people.For example,a person might say,“I know you are worried about the test tomorrow. 【小题4】 ”Or“The job interview will be easy. You’re going to do great!”

【小题5】 There are,of course,many other ways to do so. The next time you are listening to English speakers,pay careful attention to how they wish each other well.Take careful note of the kinds of words and phrases that they use.

A.Good luck with your language learning.
B.This is a good time to wish them well.
C.But I also know you are prepared for the challenge.
D.It suggests something like this:“I wish you good luck.”
E.Today we’ve explored a few ways to wish others well.
F.I wish you the best of luck with your job interview tomorrow.
G.Ask yourself if they are using fragments or complete sentences.
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England is the perfect place for you to travel to if you’re thinking about taking your first abroad trip. You’ll need to prepare for the trip with some international travel basics and map out a realistic itinerary(旅程)to make the most of your experience.

Get Your Paperwork Done

【小题1】 If you don’t have a current passport, you’ll need to bring your pictures and some proof of your citizenship—a birth certificate, a certificate of naturalization, or a certificate of citizenship—to a post office. Fill out a passport application, and in a month you’ll have your passport.

Plan Your Trip.

Plan your trip to England in early to mid—October or in mid— to late March, because that’s when flights are the cheapest. During the winter, the days grow very short. Besides, sunlight is sometimes limited to less than eight hours per day. 【小题2】

Settle Yourself in England

Find affordable accommodations by staying at a hostel. Hostels vary in shapes, forms and sizes. 【小题3】 If you can afford to stay at a hotel, make sure you are aware of check—in times and policies.

To get around England, the most common methods are bus and rail 【小题4】 Passes for a full day, week, or month can save you money if you’re going to take the Tube for even a few stops.


Buy a budget travel book to find attractions and sites in cities such as: London, Bath, Cambridge Oxford, Canterbury, Leeds and Wimbledon. Popular attractions include: Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square, Portobello Market and the Tower of London in London; Bath Abbey in Bath; the colleges of Cambridge; and the Canterbury Cathedral in Canterbury.

A.Budget your trip
B.Find the Best Things to Do
C.You can get a visa from any British Embassy.
D.You’ll need a passport and visa to visit England.
E.The summer brings in record—breaking numbers of tourists.
F.If you decide to use the underground rail system, get a pass.
G.But they generally provide affordable housing with minimal pleasures

Color is fundamental in home design — something you’ll always have in every room. A grasp of how to manage color in your spaces is one of the first steps to creating rooms you’ll love to live in. Do you want a room that’s full of life? Professional? Or are you just looking for a place to relax after a long day? 【小题1】

Over the years, there have been a number of different techniques to help designers approach this important point. 【小题2】 But good news is that there’re really only three kinds of decisions you need to make about color in your home: the small ones, the medium ones, and the large ones.

【小题3】 They’re the little spots of color like throw pillows, mirrors and baskets that most of us use to add visual interest to our rooms. Less tiring than painting your walls and less expensive than buying a colorful sofa, small color choices bring with them the significant benefit of being easily changeable.

Medium color choices are generally furniture pieces such as sofas, dinner tables or bookshelves. 【小题4】 They require a bigger commitment than smaller ones, and they have a more powerful effect on the feeling of a space.

The large color decisions in your rooms concern the walls, ceilings, and floors. 【小题5】 So it pays to be sure, because you want to get it right the first time.

A.While all of them are useful, they can get a little complex.
B.Small color choices are the ones we’re most familiar with.
C.It’s not really a good idea to use too many small color pieces.
D.When looking for room color ideas, start by embracing color theory.
E.Color choices in this range are a step up from the small ones in two major ways.
F.Whatever you’re looking for, color is the key to making a room feel the way you want it to feel.
G.Whether you’re looking at wallpaper or paint, the time, effort and relative expense put into it are important.

When it comes to being socially successful, the quantity of your relationships is irrelevant. The important thing is the quality of them. I would rather have a small team that works in concert than a big team so scattered(分 散的)that nothing ever gets done. It’s better to have a few close friends who love you for who you are than a lot of acquaintances who you’re not so comfortable with.

Here are five ways you can make people enjoy being around you.

1. Be confident, but not cocky.

There is a big difference between healthy confidence and arrogant(傲慢的)cockiness. A confident person, when complimented(赞扬)about a wonderful thing they did, would reply with a simple “thank you.” A cocky person would take the opportunity to perform an unscheduled Academy Award acceptance speech. A confident person would offer praise for everybody who contributed to their success. A cocky person would claim all the credit for themselves without a second thought. Cocky people might experience temporary perks, but long-lasting success is a prize reserved for the confident.

2. Be approachable, but not a pushover.

You should welcome your friends and coworkers with open arms. It’s hard to find a person who will offer a listening ear in time of need, so fulfilling that need will help you become a person people trust. But there can be too much of a good thing. If you find yourself with invitations you’re not that interested in, don’t be afraid to politely reject them. If your schedule becomes occupied by people desiring your attention, set some ground rules and prioritize(优先考虑). To take care of others, you must first take care of yourself.

3. Be direct in expression, but not nasty(不友好的)in delivery.

Receiving honesty with no filter(过滤)is like finding a massive glass of ice water during a desert adventure. Speak words of truth, and people will be refreshed to hear them. Most people sugarcoat their opinions, so a willingness to tell it how you see it will win the appreciation of your friends and coworkers. But here’s the catch: delivery(表达)is everything. There is a big difference between “Your article sucks” and “I like the general concept, but I think it might play better if you try if from a different angle.” Truth is something you should aim for, but it isn’t a ticket to be nasty to people. To deliver honest and helpful feedback, use this sentence structure: “I liked (insert positive quality), but I think it would be better if (constructive criticism/ suggestion for improvement).”

4. Be mindful of your actions, but not absorbed in yourself.

Have you ever found yourself nervous while fielding questions in a job interview or talking to a cute person you have a crush on? So eager to make a positive first impression that you can’t escape the constant stream of thoughts causing you to doubt if you’re saying and doing the right things? As a consequence, you might find yourself so self-absorbed that you can’t focus on what the other person is saying. The less time you spend questioning yourself and the more time you spend actively listening to the other person, the better off you will be.

5. Be assertive, but not overbearing.

There is a thin line between being assertive and overbearing, so let’s take a look at their definitions. as·ser·tive (adjective): having or showing a confident and forceful personally over·bear·ing (adjective): unpleasantly or arrogantly domineering (专横的)

An assertive person would confidently (and politely) ask friends or networking contacts for help if they needed it (and hopefully offer to return the favor). An overbearing person would force people to get what they wanted without a second thought about how their actions affected others. Being overbearing will make people avoid you because no one wants to help a pushy person.

Being assertive will attract people to you, if you can reflect confidence and enthusiasm.

Five Secrets of Socially Successfully People

Brief introductionThe quality of your relationship 【小题1】 whether you can be socially successful. Having a few truly close friends is what really 【小题2】

【小题3】 to make people enjoy being around you
   The responses of confident and cocky people 【小题4】 when they are
highly thought of for what they do. Learn to be confident.
● Listening to others in need helps you win 【小题5】.
   Turning down 【小题6】 you show no interest in is acceptable
   You will be appreciated if you express your opinions in a 【小题7】.manner.
● Be mindful of your actions. wanting 【小题8】 to impress others will cause you to fall into self-absorption.
   By 【小题9】 their definitions, you will see the differences between
“assertive” and “overbearing”. Being overbearing will make people avoid you 【小题10】 being assertive will attract people to you.
