阅读理解-七选五 适中0.65 引用1 组卷109

Have you ever said to yourself “I’ll do it tomorrow“? 【小题1】When people delay action or put off decisions in this way, we call it procrastination. Sometimes it can be a good time management strategy to “do it later, ” especially if we are tired or waiting for something to make the job easier. However, procrastination is actually more than just practical time management.

Procrastination happens when a person has difficulty managing negative emotions, such as anxiety, boredom, and stress. It is very easy for procrastination to become a habit, and many people try hard to break away from the cycle of guilt and shame that it can create. 【小题2】 Here is some useful advice to help us deal with it:

Use a calendar

Planning out time for everything you want to do will help you stay organized. 【小题3】 This can allow you extra time in case an emergency occurs.

Break big projects into small pieces

【小题4】 So it’s better to take things step by step. “Do the housework“ sounds like a big task, but if you begin with “do the dishes” and then move on to “do the laundry, ” it might not seem so hard.

Reward and forgive yourself

People get caught up in being perfect. 【小题5】 If you provide a small reward at the end of a project, it can help you finish what you start. Also, it will give you something to look forward to. Even when you don’t succeed, remember to be kind to yourself. When you’re ready, try again!

A.And have you ever said that three or four days in a row?
B.Procrastination is a serious problem for students and office workers.
C.This can really get in the way of finishing a task.
D.It can be challenging to think about how much there is to do.
E.You can avoid procrastination by pushing a deadline up to get ahead of schedule.
F.The good news is that it can be managed with some willpower and help.
G.How often do you put off what you should do today until tomorrow?
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Remind yourself that no friend is better than a bad friend. If you’re unsure whether your friend is really a true friend or not, the following tips can help you.

Spend some time with your friend. If your friend makes the time, that’s a good sign. 【小题1】, just as long as your friend makes time to get together when it’s appropriate, such as on a weekend and during vacation time. If your friend doesn’t want to make the time or comes up with a lot of excuses every time you try, then you will have a warning sign that he or she is not interested in being around you much.

【小题2】. If your friend does come, is he or she being friendly with you or is he or she ignoring you, just eating the cake and leaving early? Since you are the host or the center of attention when it’s at your place, a good friend should be spending time talking to you and being friendly. 【小题3】.

Think about how you feel when you talk around your friend. A true friend is someone who won’t judge you. You don’t have to be careful about what you say when you’re around the right person. 【小题4】. Anything less is not true friendship.

Consider what happens when you’re in need. 【小题5】. And you will lose the false friends when you experience hardships and difficulties. In fact, those fair-weather friends are not worth your time or effort.

A.A trustworthy friend won’t lie to you
B.A good friend is someone willing to share your sadness
C.Sometimes your friend may be really busy and that’s fine
D.Invite your friend to a party or special occasion at your place
E.A true friend is someone who gives you the freedom to be yourself
F.Observe how your friend is when he or she doesn’t notice you’re around
G.But a bad friend will only use the occasion to get what he or she wants out of it

The final year of high school is one of the most significant transition periods in a young person’s life. 【小题1】. While there is plentiful evidence to show pursuing goals is associated with well-being, setting goals itself is not a cure-all. How you set goals and pursue them can either promote well-being or worsen anxiety.

● Focus on a positive target

Our goals are set as either “approach-oriented” or “avoidance-oriented”. Approach-oriented goals focus on a positive target. For example, “I want to work hard to get over 80% in biology.” 【小题2】. For example, “I want to avoid getting below 80% for biology.” These two goals are essentially the same in content, but evidence shows people who set approach-oriented goals report better well-being.

● Goals need to be meaningful and freely chosen

【小题3】 Goals that are genuinely meaningful and freely chosen represent internalized self-motivated goals and can promote well-being. On the other hand, goals that are a product of external pressures have been linked with stress and anxiety.


Compared to overly generalized goals, specific goals are more likely to be achieved. Specific goals provide more mental reminders to keep you on track and help monitor personal progress towards a goal. The more specific a person’s goal plans are, the better.

● Set goals outside of academic achievement

For the final year of schooling, it’s important to set goals that aren’t only linked to academic expectations. Having goals in other aspects such as leisure and recreation, health and relationships will help enhance your sense of well-being. 【小题5】.

A.Flexibility is of vital importance
B.Make sure your goals aren’t too general
C.Avoidance-oriented goals focus on avoiding negative outcomes
D.It’s important to think about why you set and pursue certain goals
E.One of the least enjoyable by-products is the stress associated with the final year
F.These goals will assist you in successfully progressing through the final year and beyond
G.If you’re experiencing severe stress, there are support contacts and resources available

How can positive psychology help in trying times?

“Positive psychology is not about denying difficult emotions. It’s about opening to what is happening here and now, and cultivating and enjoying the good in your life,” says Ron Siegel, assistant professor of psychology at Harvard Medical School.

Growing evidence suggests that positive psychology techniques can indeed be valuable in times of stress, grief, or other difficulties. 【小题1】. Here are three positive psychology practices you can try.

Be more mindful

Mindfulness is the practice of purposely focusing your attention on the present moment and accepting it without judgement. 【小题2】. Formal mindfulness-based stress reduction programs have been shown to help reduce physical and psychological symptoms in people facing a variety of challenges, including cancer and chronic pain.


Research suggests that people who volunteer their time tend to be happier than those who don’t. 【小题4】. Try this exercise: When you have a free afternoon, flip a coin. Heads, do something for yourself. Tails, do something to help your community or another person. Notice how you feel at the time and in the hours and days that follow.

Practice gratitude

Gratitude is a thankful appreciation for what you receive, whether tangible or intangible. With gratitude, you acknowledge the goodness in your life. 【小题5】.Our brains are wired to take note of when things go wrong. But keeping a gratitude journal — writing down things you’re thankful for — makes you more aware of when things go right.

A.Spend time wisely
B.Share some kindness
C.You can apply this to your past, the present, and the future
D.They may also help you recover more rapidly after unpleasant events
E.Those who give charitable donations may even get a small mood boost
F.Positive psychology focused mainly on pursuing rewarding experiences
G.Learning to live more in the present is especially helpful when the future is uncertain
