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As one of the biggest topics of the last decade, sustainability has become the beacon (灯塔) of hope to protect the planet. From supermarkets taking action on plastic packaging to the zero waste movement that can be practised from your kitchen, changes made by individuals and organizations across the globe have had an impact on the way we think, shop and live.

So what does that mean for the world of technology? You’d be forgiven for thinking that the words “sustainable” and “technology” don’t usually go hand in hand. E-waste is, after all, one of the planet’s biggest contributing waste streams. Not only that, but the materials that go into technology products are also part of the problem.

But with a challenge comes an opportunity, and there’s already some brilliant progress happening — great news for those of us wanting to be more sustainable with our technology. Firstly renewed products are having its moment. While consumers would previously turn their noses up at the idea of a second-hand device, there’s been a huge surge in demand for renewed technology products. The second major step in tackling the problem of e-waste is a change in attitudes from owning a product to subscribing for one. A subscription for a smartphone might sound like a foreign concept, but it’s already gaining momentum. At the forefront of this movement is a London-based technology startup, which offers a subscription service for the latest smartphones. As customers aren’t paying to own the phone at the end of their contract, the monthly price is significantly lower than average.

Studies show that extending a phone’s lifespan from one to four years can decrease its environmental impact by about 40%. So the next time it comes to refreshing your device — whether a smartphone, a laptop, a tablet or something else — consider the more environmentally friendly options that are at your fingertips.

【小题1】What’s the purpose of paragraph 1?
A.To change the way we think, shop and live.
B.To introduce the topic of sustainability in technology.
C.To tell us what people have done to protect the planet.
D.To call on people to do something for the environment.
【小题2】What does paragraph 2 mainly talk about?
A.High-tech products are in short supply.
B.E-waste contributes to the biggest waste streams.
C.The two sustainability problems in technology.
D.Ignoring sustainable technology is unforgivable.
【小题3】What is present consumers’ attitude towards a second-hand device?
【小题4】How can we become sustainable in technology according to the text?
A.By upgrading the old one.
B.By subscribing for a smartphone.
C.By spending less money on a smartphone.
D.By replacing the old one with the latest one
知识点:环境保护社会问题与社会现象说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Eco-friendly Vauban, located in the southwest of Germany, is a city where less than 20% residents(居民) own cars, since parking spots are a no-no on private property. Most of the residents get around Vauban by walking or biking, according to a report from ABC news. Can an eco-friendly city like Vauban be a model for Americans to stop their over-reliance on the cars?

Sometimes when I watch a news report what’s in the back of my mind is what isn’t being reported or stressed. While this eco-friendly city is inspiring in that it shows residents getting exercise and fresh air through the majority use of bicycles, as well as good old fashioned walking, common sense would tell you that even for a place like Vauban, Germany, it owes its existence to the cars.

Do you think that bicycles were able to transport all the construction materials that were needed to build and maintain the eco-friendly homes and businesses in Vauban? It took cars to help build this utopia. It is one of the paradoxes(矛盾) of life that sometimes in order to get away from relying on something like the car, you actually have to rely on that very thing at the beginning and into the foreseeable future to some degree.

I myself haven’t owned a car for more than 14 years, and mostly get around town running, walking, or using public transportation. There are times I wish I had one, since it would make many things easier, but overall I’m glad not to have to deal with the headaches of owning a car, which caused me to get rid of it in the first place. And all the walking and running has helped to keep me fit and healthy.

To get even close to being like eco-friendly Vauban, Americans will need to absolutely change the way they live. Commuting (乘车上下班) patterns will have to change, public transport will have to be invested in, etc. And though ending our love affair with the car will be impossible during my lifetime, we may at least start to see more Vauban-like areas in the USA.

We can hope that Americans will consider using their feet more to get around, cutting down on pollution, and giving themselves some more exercise.

【小题1】Why don’t over 80% of the residents in Vauban own a car?
A.The streets there are very narrow.B.They don’t have private parking spots.
C.The government limits the number of cars.D.They are too poor to buy cars.
【小题2】How does the author feel about not owning a car?
【小题3】What should be done to build a utopia-like Vauban in the USA?
A.Throwing away the cars.B.Forbidding using the cars.
C.Producing more electric cars.D.Improving public transportation.
【小题4】What is the purpose of the text?
A.To warn Americans not to use cars any more.
B.To introduce the eco-friendly Vauban to Americans.
C.To call on Americans to build more eco-friendly cities in the USA.
D.To compare the differences between Vauban and cities in the USA.

A new government report has some bad news about sea levels on the U.S. coastline. 【小题1】 The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and six other agencies created the report.

“The sea level rise is upon us,” said Nicole LeBoeuf, director of NOAA’s National Ocean service. 【小题2】 “That’s because the United States coasts are home to a lot of economic activity and 40 percent of the U.S. population,” LeBoeuf explained.

【小题3】 “The greatest rise in the U.S. will be on the Gulf of Mexico and East Coast. The West Coast and Hawaii will be below the average,” said William Sweet, who is the report’s lead writer. The report predicts 0.6 meters of sea level rise in St. Petersburg, Florida. But the study predicts just 0.36 meters in Los Angeles, California.

Cities, such as Annapolis, Maryland, and Miami Beach, Florida, already experience a few minor floods every year during high tides, but those will be replaced by several “moderate (中等的)” floods a year by about 2050. “Higher sea levels mean more floods,” Sweet said, “【小题4】 And many of our major metropolitan (大都市的) areas on the East Coast are going to be increasingly at risk.”

Climate change is the major cause of the sea level rise. 【小题5】 To avoid the potential consequences of the sea level rise, great efforts should be made to reduce the negative effects of climate change.

A.She warned that the cost would be high.
B.But climate change can be slowed down.
C.Sea levels rise more in some places than others.
D.Some cities won’t be affected by the sea level rise.
E.Areas that haven’t been flooding are starting to flood.
F.People today are greatly concerned about this problem.
G.It says they’re expected to rise by at least 0.25 meters in the next 30 years.

New Zealand introduced its new climate change curriculum (课程) to schools in January, but not everyone is happy about it. Dairy farmer Malcolm Lumsden told reporters, “If they're going to continue to bite the hand that feeds them, they're going to lose out in the long term.”

The curriculum, which is available to any schools that choose to use it, does point to industrial agriculture as being a major source of greenhouse gas emission. It encourages students to “eat less dairy and meat, have meatless days each week, eat more fruit and vegetables, drive less, recycle and buy second-hand products when possible”. Some of these suggestions, however, are being challenged for not being scientifically sound.

But animal agriculture is widely accepted in the scientific world as a driver of emissions, particularly methane (甲烷), which warms the Earth 86 times faster than carbon dioxide. A brand new study has shown that cutting the consumption of animal products by 50% would reduce dietary-related greenhouse gas emissions by 35%. It is just one of countless other studies that have made similar conclusions.

Kids aren’t clueless (笨的). They hear about the coming global catastrophe (灾难). They deserve to be given the tools with which to comprehend it and to take action. They deserve the knowledge with which to make their own decisions. The curriculum is a response to kids “really crying out for something like this”, in the words of an official from New Zealand.

There isn't about biting the hand that feeds, but rather engaging in thoughtful debate over how humans could be fed in ways that are better and gentler for the planet. Livestock farmers shouldn't be so offended, but rather be open to this debate so as not to become outdated or irrelevant.

【小题1】What's Lumsden's attitude towards the new curriculum?
【小题2】What does the new curriculum include?
A.Advocating green lifestyles.B.Blaming traditional agriculture.
C.Challenging experts' suggestions.D.Forbidding eating dairy and meat.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “this" in paragraph 4 refer to?
A.A chance to get knowledge.B.The global catastrophe.
C.The new curriculum.D.A farming tool.
【小题4】Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.Stop Biting the Hand That Feeds One
B.A New Curriculum Favoured by New Zealanders
C.A Heated Debate Between Scientists and Farmers
D.Farmers Are Offended by a Climate Change Curriculum
