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In the past few years, I have found mental illness has been a term largely avoided in conversation, and this has built a huge stigma against those suffering from depression, anxiety and other mental diseases. What’s worse, mental illness is only brought up when the news draw our attention to it, but then the conversation quiets until the next tragedy happens.

It’s time for the conversation to continue. Instead of waiting for the next tragedy, we need to be open about mental health and about the struggles that come with mental illness and treatment. We need to develop an environment where people feel comfortable to seek the help they need instead of concealing it.

It took a long time, but I am now open about my anxiety and depression. I am open about my taking medicine to treat my mental illness. I am open about the struggle of finding the medicine that works. I encourage everyone to do the same. Be honest and open with your conversations about mental health. The more comfortable people are with these conversations, the easier it will be for the conversation to continue. A continued conversation will lead to more ideas on treatment and more ideas on how to give help to those who need it.

We have the ability to help those we love and break the stigma around mental illness and change the idea that it’s something that needs to be cured. Mental illness can actually affect anyone, impacting one out of every four people.

In short, let’s keep the conversation about mental health and mental illness open. Be sure to check up on your friends, and be open about the importance of mental health. If you’re uncomfortable, share your story, which may let others know they are not alone. Just as Albus Dumbledore said, “Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”

Therefore remember to turn on the light.

【小题1】What does the underlined word “stigma” mean in Paragraph 1?
【小题2】What’s the author’s tone in the first paragraph?
【小题3】Why does the author talk about his own experience in Paragraph 3?
A.To introduce how the author’s mental illness have been cured
B.To tell us how important a comfortable conversation is.
C.To tell people what a bad experience the author once had.
D.To encourage those people with mental illness to talk about their problems.
【小题4】What does the author want to say with Albus Dumbledore’s words?
A.It’s good to talk with those lonely people.
B.People have a tendency to ignore mental illness.
C.One’s happiness can cheer up others in low spirits.
D.Care and sharing may help those with mental illness out.
【小题5】what can be suitable title for the text?
A.Shine a light on mental health
B.No conversations on mental health.
C.No tragedies caused by mental illness.
D.Seek ways to cure mental illness.
知识点:疾病 社会问题与社会现象议论文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

How to Overcome Social Anxiety

Social anxiety is a common type of anxiety disorder. 【小题1】. So they want to be unattractive, hiding away from others in a social event. Here are a few tips that can help you to overcome it.


A lot of people with social anxiety feel ashamed of getting help from a professional, but regular visits with a therapist(治疗专家) will help in so many ways. There are many therapists who specialize in dealing with social anxiety, so try to get help to properly deal with the anxiety attacks.

List down the things that stress you out

List down all your situations that can cause anxiety according to its levels you feel. 【小题3】. Make it a habit to list down how you react to those situations as you progress. Then move your way up the list. Practise doing this regularly and you will find that you have made great improvements.

Create realistic and objective goals

Set a realistic and objective goal for every plan you make. Make sure that you are setting your goals correctly. 【小题4】. Always remind yourself of this goal every day and keep your eyes on it until you get the result you are aiming for.

【小题5】, because social anxiety is a battle in the mind. You just have to reprogram your thinking approaches.

A.Seek professional help
B.Try to hide yourself away from others
C.Start off by exposing yourself to the easiest ones
D.Above all, you'd better change the way you think
E.Many people are suffering social anxiety nowadays
F.Non-realistic targets may just bring you disappointment in the long run
G.People with it fear the negative or even positive evaluation of others around them

Life can be challenging for teens. They must deal with schoolwork, family life and friends at the same time to fit. Feeling of sadness, frustration and irritability are common. 【小题1】 Their negative feelings don’t come and go. Instead, those intense feelings can point to a disease called depression — one that may require treatment.

It’s easy to think that depressed people simply feel sad or hopeless. For many teens that may be true. The problem is that depression in teens can be hard to spot. Some kids withdraw from friends and family. Some teens may skip school or stop eating or sleeping. 【小题2】 Teachers, parents or even a teen’s close friends may find it hard to tell whether these behaviors are just part of being a teens or signs of something truly serious.

Even depressed teens may not realize they have this problem. 【小题3】 More than three million Americans between the ages of 12 and 17 experienced depression in 2019. However, a study by researchers at Harvard and Yale universities found that half of all teens with depression don’t get help until they become adults. And only one in three will have been diagnosed by their doctor.

【小题4】 “I can only work with what you give me. If you’re not honest, you won’t benefit.” Dee says, the mental-health professional in Lincoln, Neb.

Dee says, peers should also seek for signs of depression. Keep an eye on your friends, she recommends. Watch for symptoms of isolation (孤立) or hopelessness. 【小题5】 Any of these behaviors could be a symptom of depression.

Overall, knowing who and how to help is essential for successfully treating depression in teens.

A.And the share of those affected is high.
B.Others respond with angry outbursts.
C.Teens should be honest with their answers during the treatment.
D.Some adults may start abusing alcohol or drugs.
E.There is a link between mental illness and suicide in teens.
F.But for some teens, those emotions take a more extreme turn.
G.Even skipping classes can be a sign that something serious is going on.

Apple and Google have teamed up to launch a mobile phone tool to follow the contacts of people infected with coronavirus (冠状病毒). The technology is a form of contact tracing, a method used to identify people who may have had contact with infected individuals in an attempt to prevent additional spread of disease. If a device user becomes infected with the virus and agrees to share that information, the record could be used to inform other people that the user could have infected.

Major technology companies—including Google and Facebook—have been denounced in recent years for not protecting user privacy. In some cases, companies have been accused of secretly selling user data. In the past, Apple chief Tim Cook has criticized Facebook and Google for putting profits ahead of user privacy.

However, now numerous technology companies and organizations have been seeking to develop tools to help fight COVID-19. Health and government officials have called for such technology to help fight the current crisis.

In announcing the new system, Apple and Google said its developers had built in “strong protections around user privacy.” The companies said the technology would not identify personal information or record user movements. It is designed to only catch data about when users’ phones have been near each other. Data will not be kept on company servers, Apple and Google added. The two companies also said they would “openly publish information” about their work for others to examine.

Pam Dixon is director of the not-for-profit World Privacy Forum. She told The Associated Press that after discussing the new system with a top Apple official, she is convinced that people’s privacy will be protected.

“I think they’ve taken care of some of the really big problems,” she said. Dixon notes that the companies are able to turn off the system when it is no longer needed. The government is not going to have identity information of those testing positive.

【小题1】What can the mentioned mobile phone tool do?
A.Reveal user privacy of those infected.
B.Help control the spread of the virus.
C.Force users to share personal information.
D.Remind users to build up their bodies.
【小题2】Which of the following can replace the underlined word “denounced” in paragraph 2?
【小题3】What do the officials think of the technology?
A.It is barely necessary.B.It doesn’t have wide application.
C.It has good value.D.It is hardly acceptable.
【小题4】What may be the suitable title for the text?
A.Ways to protect user privacy
B.Reasons for privacy protection
C.The role technology plays in daily life
D.Mobile phones’ new tool against coronavirus spread
