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Danelien van Aalst at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands and her colleagues have investigated how relative age affects popularity among 14 to 15-year-olds in the Netherlands, Sweden and England. They collected survey data from 13,251 students from the three countries.

Each teenager was asked to identify five of the most popular students in their class. The researchers then compared the popularity of each child to their age relative to that of their classmates. They discovered a connection; the older the student was, the more likely he or she was to be considered popular.

“A child enters school before or after a certain cut-off date and that determines how old or young you are relative to your year group.” says Danelien van Aalst. “We found that if you’re born right after the cut-off date, making you one of the oldest members of your class, you’re going to be popular.”

They found that the same effect also applied at the year-group level. Here, it was the children who were the oldest relative to all of their fellows in the year group—rather than just those in their particular class-that were the most popular.

All three countries showed almost the same pattern. However, at the year-group level, it was the most pronounced in England. At the classroom level, it was in the Netherlands that the pattern was the strongest. This is partly because the country has a system of grade retention (留级)-when students don’t meet their academic requirements, their teachers will hold them back a year, which means they then are older than all the other classmates and often the most popular.

This relative age effect has been shown in other areas. “Relative age has earlier been demonstrated to affect school performance—relatively older children do better in school,” says Herman van Werfhorst at the University of Amsterdam, who wasn’t involved in the study. Similarly, previous research has shown that older children tend to be better at sports than younger students in the same year group.

【小题1】What were the students in the survey required to do?
A.Compare their classmates.
B.Name some popular students.
C.Identify their classmates’ age.
D.Try to become popular in their class.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “pronounced” mean in Paragraph 5?
【小题3】What happens to the students held back a year?
A.They miss most of their lessons.
B.They make great academic progress.
C.They become the oldest in their class.
D.They experience a drop in popularity.
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I’m Li Ying. I like to set goals for myself. I’m a “go-getter” — when I set out to do something, I do my best to achieve it.

Senior secondary school is a new start. Studying is definitely a big part of my life. I tend to set a goal for every subject at the beginning of each term. My aim is to do well in every subject this term. Biology is my favorite subject, and my target is to prepare myself for my degree in biology at university. I am always attentive in all classes and think actively, so that I can have more free time to do other things that I am interested in after school.

I like reading books of all kinds. I have a top 10 reading list and I try to keep it updated. Meanwhile, I’m an active member of my school’s long-distance running team and volunteering club. It always makes me excited to work hard and achieve a team goal together.

To achieve all I want, I must use my time well. At school, I do my homework when I have spare time. After school, I try to use any possible time to revise the things I have learnt during the day. For example, it usually takes me 20 minutes to get home by bus. I often use the time to review English words. As the popular saying goes, “Every minute counts!”

Set a goal and get ahead!

【小题1】Which of the following can best describe Li Ying?
A.Hard-working and determined.B.Imaginative and honest.
C.Humorous and shy.D.Easy-going and polite.
【小题2】What does Li Ying usually do on her way home?
A.She often has a rest.
B.She often listens to music.
C.She often goes over English words.
D.She often chats with other passengers.
【小题3】What does “go-getter” mean?
A.Someone who is good at surfing the Internet.
B.Someone who is afraid to make mistakes.
C.Someone who is under stress.
D.Someone who works hard and tries his/her best to get the job done well.

With college starting for freshmen across the country, now is the time to be thinking about money. Why? Because for many freshmen, this will really be their first time handling money on their own. 【小题1】 Here are three of the most important choices, and some amazing tips to go with them.

1. Credit is important, so use it responsibly

【小题2】 During your first few weeks on campus, you will likely be surrounded with credit card booths and seemingly friendly salespeople. Don’t be tempted to open a credit card just because they tell you it’s cool to do it. 【小题3】 Ask the salespeople to explain the fine print (附加条款) to you and look for a card with no annual fee, good rewards, and of course — a reasonable interest rate. If they tell you that the offer is only good for that day, just do yourself a favor and walk away.


My best money tip is to start now saving small and gradually increase. The easiest way to start is to save all your coins and deposit every week into a savings account with no ATM card. This seemingly insignificant amount adds up over time and starts the habit of saving.

3. Get a job, but a flexible one.

Getting a job in college is important. 【小题5】 There are many on-campus jobs out there that allow you to sit down and have limited interactions/responsibilities. Some of these include checking student IDs at a gym or cafeteria, managing a resource center.

A.You can earn “spending money” and even save some to put toward books, supplies, and your student loans.
B.Building credit is important, and so is opening your first credit card.
C.Remember why you’re in college — networking for your future career.
D.My best financial advice for college students is to be smart with your first credit card.
E.Learn to start saving a little each month.
F.These types of work arrangements allow you to make money while also being productive.
G.They will have to pay bills, handle budgets and be faced with financial choices.

Kyle Schwartz, a new teacher at Doull Elementary School in Denver, teaches a thirdgrade class. Most of her students come from underprivileged homes, as 92 percent are allowed to free or reduced school lunches, she said. “As a new teacher, I tried to understand my students’ real lives and how to best support them. I just felt like there was something I didn’t know about my students,” she said. To solve this problem, she asked her students to complete the sentence: “I wish my teacher knew. . . ”

While some children used the notes to jokingly complain (抱怨)about homework or to ask for more playtime, Ms. Schwartz said some of the answers were “heartbreaking”, as children showed their hard lives. One student told Ms. Schwartz that he did not have any pencils at home, while another said that they hadn’t seen their father for six years. And another student wrote, “I wish my teacher knew sometimes my homework is not signed (签字)because my mom is not around a lot.” She posted them to Twitter in March with the hashtag #I Wish My Teacher Knew #

Teachers on Twitter soon noticed how successful Ms. Schwartz’s way was for reaching out to students, and began sharing similar notes they received alongside #I Wish My Teacher Knew #.

Ms. Schwartz said that since she encouraged her students to share their secrets, students have been supporting each other more, and she hopes the method will connect students and their families with the proper things they need to live comfortably. She added that the results have been surprising, and the student that said she didn’t have anyone to play with has since been invited by classmates to join them in the school playground.

【小题1】What does the underlined word “underprivileged” in Paragraph I probably mean?
【小题2】Why did Kyle ask her students to complete the sentence?
A.To better understand them.B.To encourage their creativity.
C.To develop their writing skills.D.To teach them to introduce themselves.
【小题3】What was the attitude of teachers on Twitter to Kyle’s idea?
【小题4】How did Kyle look at her method?
A.It was difficult for her students.B.It might upset some students.
C.It helped her students in many ways.D.It would improve her school’s environment.
