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Submitting Homework Online

In order to upload an assignment to the system properly, you must save the assignment using one of the following applications: Microsoft Word, Corel WordPerfect, or Microsoft Excel.

After you complete an assignment, it is important to save your work. This ensures that assignment being uploaded to the system is the most updated version. Your word processing program may attempt to save the assignment to a default folder on your computer. We recommend creating a new folder, named after your course, in a location that is easy to remember, such as “My Documents.”

File Name Requirements

Select a file name for the assignment that is easy to remember. The file name must NOT contain spaces. Any spaces used in the file name will prevent the file from uploading to the system. File names using the extensions .rtf, .html, .zip, .jpg, or .exe are NOT allowed. Review the following examples to be sure that you use the proper format:

Example of an acceptable file name: lesson1.doc

Example of an unacceptable file name: lesson 1.doc

Assignment Upload Procedure

Make sure you save the assignment using one of the applications previously identified and ensure that it meets the file name requirements described above. When the file is ready to upload, follow these steps:

1. Log into the system.

2. Enter your address information and click the CONTINUE button. You will be routed to the “Directions” screen.

3. Review the directions and click the CONTINUE button. You will be routed to the “Special Assignment Upload” screen.

4. Click the BROWSE button. The “Choose File” pop-up window appears.

5. Navigate to the location on your computer where you saved your assignment, and select the file.

6. After you have selected the file, click the UPLOAD button to upload your assignment to the system.

【小题1】Which file name is acceptable for submitting homework?
A.research paper.docB.research paper.pdf
【小题2】Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A.Applications.B.Uploading steps.
C.The file name.D.Code numbers.
【小题3】The directions suggest saving an assignment to a specific folder in order to help the student_____.
A.navigate the systemB.remember the location of the document
C.choose the appropriate applicationD.remember the document name quickly
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How to Adjust to a New School

School is a base for students, where they learn to succeed. 【小题1】When you go to a new school, you might worry that you don't know anyone. You worry that you might get lost, or if the teachers are strict. Here are some ways to help you adjust to a new school.

Get to Know the School

Before you start the school, go with your parents to visit the school.【小题2】

Prepare for the First Day

【小题3】Being well rested will help you remove(去除) any nervousness you may be feeling. Try to get at least 8 to 9 hours of sleep if you're between 7 and 17 years old.


Make sure you leave lots of time in the morning to get to school. You don’t want to be rushing into your classroom after the bell rings. Arriving early may also give you a chance to chat with a few other students and hopefully make a few new friends.

Make friends

Take part in activities. Sign up for activities like drama, sports or chess club. This will put you into smaller groups with people who have the same interests as yours. 【小题5】 You might even be able to teach some other kids about how to do something.

A.Go to school on time
B.Leave early for school
C.Find out where your classroom will be, as well as other important places.
D.Start off your first day of school with a good night's sleep.
E.Learning the rules of the school will help you adjust and will keep you out of trouble.
F.But adjusting to a new school can be difficult.
G.This will also give you a chance to show your skills at sport or other activities.
请阅读下面短文, 并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。
Whatever your career, and whatever your goals in life are, ideas are going to matter to you. One great idea could change your life. The thing is, you probably don’t have as many great ideas as you’d like. Perhaps you feel unimaginative and unoriginal. You keep hoping that a really good idea will just pop into your head, but that never seems to happen. The good news? Ideas aren’t magic dust sprinkled by the Muses. There’s an awful lot you can do to generate ideas any time you want.
First, you need time to come up with ideas – and quality time, where you’re not worrying about the chores or your emails. Getting quality time ideally means taking a whole day away from your regular responsibilities. Go out to a coffee shop with a notebook, or shut yourself in a room at home without internet access. Get a zoomed-out view of your life: set aside worries about “but what would people think?” and “is it sensible?” and let yourself dream. You’ll be amazed what you come up with.
Ever had an idea which you immediately dismissed? You probably told yourself “That’s stupid,” or “It’s been done before.” When you’re generating ideas and thinking through possibilities, you’ll inevitably come up with a few false starts. Some ideas will be unoriginal, undesirable or unworkable. But that’s not a bad thing. One idea often leads to a whole train of thought – and you might end up with a really good idea from something which seemed, at first glance, unpromising.
Although I’m a bit of an introvert – I like to spend a fair amount of time on my own – I also get a great buzz from being with like-minded people and discussing ideas and projects with them. You’ve probably experienced something similar yourself – maybe in a brainstorming meeting at work, or maybe just at a bar with friends. The energy generated by several people together can spark some brilliant ideas – ones which you’d never have come up with alone. How do you find like-minded people to bounce ideas off? You could try: Local groups, such as evening classes; Getting together with a couple of friends who “get” your dreams; Finding an online forum of people with the same interest or goals as you.
Ideas don’t just appear in a vacuum. They’re formed from all the various input that you take in. Sometimes, a news story might give you the perfect idea for a Christmas present for your sister, or a book that you’re reading might get you thinking about a particular goal in your life.The more widely you read, the more open you’ll be to new ideas cropping up. That might mean reading a magazine or journal article that’s far outside your normal area of expertise, or turning to a biography of someone who you know almost nothing about. A great place to start is online: blogs, news sites, forums and even Twitter and Facebook are all a rich source of ideas, just waiting for you.
How do you come up with great ideas? And is there a particular area of your life where you feel like you’re lacking inspiration?
How to come up with great ideas—all the time

【小题1】quality time to think
Getting ideal quality time means【小题2】aside worries about your regular【小题3】such as the housework or your emails and letting yourself dream for some time.
You may come up with some【小题4】ideas.
Don’t judge your ideasA(n)【小题5】unimportant ideas might【小题6】out to be a really good one. So don’t dismiss any unoriginal, undesirable or unworkable ideas【小题7】.
Talk to other like-minded peopleTalking with people who【小题8】the same interest or goals with you can inspire some brilliant ideas. You can find such people at work, at a bar, in evening classes or on an online forum.
Read widelyReading widely helps you put forward new ideas and the Internet is a great place【小题9】in ideas.
ConclusionWhatever your career, and whatever your goals in life are, ideas are of【小题10】to you.

When you find a way to enjoy what you’ re studying, you’ll be more motivated (激发) to do well in school — and might even have fun doing it!

【小题1】 If you can find the things you like learning about, this can help you become more interested in school in general. Think about which classes you pay the most attention to. This can help you know which subjects you are naturally interested in.

Think about classes you don’t like in an objective (客观的) way 【小题2】 . Try thinking about the purpose of the classes you are taking and think about classes as stepping stones. For example, if you want to go to college, then you know you need to do well in your high school classes, and this can encourage you to become interested in them.

            Reduce stress (减轻压力). While academic difficulties in a certain subject might cause you to lose interest in school, other common stress factors (因素) can do the same. 【小题3】 . If you are having problems in an area like one of these, talk to a parent, teacher, or friend you trust about getting help. If you can reduce your stress, you are more likely to be interested in your studies.

Don’t be overly competitive. Some friendly competition can be fun. 【小题4】 . Focus on doing well for yourself and achieving your goals. Try to be competitive only when it is fun and makes you interested in school. 【小题5】 Set realistic goals, and don’t worry too much about what others are doing.

A.Know what interests you naturally.
B.You don’t have to be the best at everything.
C.Try to form a study group to get schoolwork done.
D.However, too much competition produces anxiety.
E.You’ll feel good about the progress you make each day.
F.These may include worrying about your appearance, relationships, etc.
G.If you try, you may become interested in a subject you don’t think you enjoy.
