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Last Thursday, the US Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) announced that six red wolf pups had been born in the wild. That’s great news for endangered red wolves and marks the first time these pups have been born in the wild since 2018. Since only 15 to 17 red wolves are still living in the wild, having six new wild-born pups is a huge deal.

Long ago, red wolves lived all through the US Southeast. But as the wolves were hunted, and as more and more land was taken over for cities, roads and farms, the wolves began to die out.

In 1973, a new law called the Endangered Species Act was passed. It was designed to protect animals that were in danger of dying out, like red wolves. At the time, there were only about 17 red wolves remaining in the wild.

Fourteen of those wolves were caught and kept in captivity (圈养) to protect them. The program was called the Red Wolf Recovery Program and led by FWS. By 1980, red wolves were believed to be extinct in the wild.

Luckily, the wolves did well in captivity, and their numbers continued to grow. Soon, the FWS began releasing (放生) red wolves back into the wild. Between 1987 and 1994, the recovery program released 60 adult red wolves.

Over time, those wolves spread out, paired up, and began to have pups. In 2008, there were 47 wild pups born. By 2012, red wolf numbers had hit a new high point of about 120 wolves in the wild.

Sadly, though, wild red wolf numbers began to drop again. Some wolves were shot and others were hit by cars. As the number of adults fell, the number of pups being born also began to drop. In 2018, a total of four pups were born in the wild. In 2019, 2020 and 2021, no wild pups were born at all. So, the news that six pups were born in the wild this year is a huge success.

【小题1】What is the right order for the events described in the passage?
① Six pups were born in the wild.
② 60 red wolves were set free into the wild.
③ 14 red wolves were caught.
④ The Endangered Species Act was passed.
【小题2】What do we know about the Red Wolf Recovery Program from the passage?
A.It began in 1980.
B.It is a project started by the American government.
C.It aims to catch all the pure red wolves.
D.It was significant but ended in failure.
【小题3】Why did the number of red wolves become smaller after 2012?
A.Most of them were killed by other animals.
B.Their habitat was destroyed.
C.Some adult wolves died in accidents.
D.They were caught by humans.
【小题4】What is the passage mainly about?
A.Endangered red wolf pups born in the wild.
B.Laws made to protect wild-born red wolf pups.
C.Reasons why red wolves are endangered.
D.The importance of protecting wild red wolves.
知识点:人与动植物环境保护新闻报道 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

It happens countless times a day. A flower’s bright color and the smell of sweet nectar (花蜜) attract a bee. The bee stops by for a quick taste and small grains of pollen (the powder produced by a flower) stick to its body. The bee then travels to another flower of the same type and leaves the pollen as it has another meal. This is an example of animal pollination (授粉) a process extremely important to plant reproduction.

It’s not only plants that depend on animal pollination humans do, too. Worldwide, nearly a thousand plants that we grow for food, spices, clothing fibers, and medicine depend on it. If pollination suddenly stopped, we would have no apples, tomatoes, coffee, and many other goods.

This important process is carried out by more than 200,000 different animal species known as pollinators. Flies and beetles - the original pollinators - date back 130 million years to the first flowering plants. Birds, butterflies, and ants also do their part. Even nonflying mammals help out: monkeys tear open flowers with their hands, accidentally spreading pollen into the air and onto their fur.

Pollinators are therefore important, but they are also at risk. Climate change, habitat loss, and invasive predators (入侵捕食者) all threaten them. The United States, for example, has lost over 50 percent of its honeybees over the past ten years. A serious threat facing bees is colony collapse disorder, when worker bees mysteriously disappear from their colony. Scientists are still trying to identify its cause.

There is a quote attributed to Einstein that if bees ever disappeared, man would only have four years left to live. Whether that’s true or not does not really matter, says wildlife photographer Louie Schwartzberg: the key point is that there is a real danger. “The healthiest food we need to eat,” he says, “would disappear without pollinating plants. It’s pretty serious.”

【小题1】What might be left on flower B, as is shown in the picture?
【小题2】What can be inferred from the text?
A.Pollination means a lot to fruits and grains.
B.Nearly a thousand plants depend on pollination.
C.Monkeys are the only nonflying mammal pollinators.
D.There are more than 20,000 different species of pollinators.
【小题3】What threat are honeybees faced with?
A.Climate change.B.Habitat loss.
C.Invasive predators.D.Colony collapse disorder.
【小题4】What does the underlined “a real danger” in the last paragraph refer to?
A.Bees are disappearing.B.Humans can only survive 4 years.
C.Food shortage is serious.D.No pollinating plants, no healthy food.

How to Care for a Pet Fish

Taking care of a pet is a big responsibility, so you should make sure you learn all about your pet before bringing it home.【小题1】 That's because fish can give them a good idea of whether or not they'll be able to take care of a more complicated (复杂的) pet later on.

First, choose what types of fish. 【小题2】 They are easier to raise and give you enough experience to take care of fish and their tanks (水箱). Some kinds of fish do not get along with others, so you'll need to choose what kinds to buy.

Next, make sure you have all of the necessary supplies. Fish need a fish tank. Make sure it is big enough for the number of fish. Fish tanks need a light and some machines to keep the water clean and at a comfortable temperature.【小题3】

Now you can set up your aquarium (水族馆). Wash sand and decorations (装饰物) clean and fill the bottom of the tank with them. 【小题4】 Follow the instructions on the heater to heat up the water to the temperature your fish will need. Make sure your light is ready to go, too!

【小题5】 The pet store keeper can teach you how to make your fish get comfortable before you put them into your aquarium. Once the fish are in the tank, you have to watch them closely to make sure they don't get sick. Feed them in small amounts a few times a day. You will have to change some of the water at least once a week.

A.Then, fill the tank with water.
B.You are ready to pick up your fish.
C.Many kids have fish as their first pet.
D.You need some beautiful tanks to change.
E.Be sure to get food for your fish as well.
F.Freshwater fish are the best fish to start with.
G.Save up your money for fish tank decorations.

A group of clams (河蚌) recently caught people’s attention after an article was posted by China Science Communication online. Although these clams are usually regarded as nothing more than delicious food, they work to monitor the local water quality in Poland.

Gruba Kaska pumping station, which stands in the River Wisla, helps provide millions of liters of water to Warsaw, the capital of Poland. However, one particular concern for the water quality has been heavy metals, and researchers sought help from nature to solve this problem.

Clams are sensitive to pollutants in their environment as they filter (过滤) water to feed on microorganisms. They shut their shells immediately after detecting “dangerous” water.

Based on this, the researchers selected eight clams at a time and recorded the natural opening of their shells. After the clam “employees” become accustomed to the local water, they are placed in a specially designed container. With sensors stuck onto their shells, the clams are connected to a system that records how wide the shells are open. If four or more clams close their shells at the same time, an alarm will be set off and the water supply will be shut down. The result is reliable because the creatures are considering many different factors at the same time, according to ZME Science.

Animals have long been helpers for human activities. Farmers in north Queensland, Australia, have been ordering different species of dung beetles to help clean up cattle waste, according to ABC News. As the number of cattle grows, their waste increases, leading to an enormous population of flies and a worsening environment. Dung beetles, however, take the waste and bury it. This way, they help improve soil quality.

Similarly, cockroaches are used to deal with kitchen waste at several firms in China, according to a report of The Beijing News. About 300 million cockroaches are fed 15 tons of food waste on a daily basis, and they themselves are a good protein resource for livestock.

【小题1】Why did the researchers turn to nature for help?
A.To solve the food shortage.B.To attract people’s attention.
C.To supervise the water quality.D.To remove heavy metals sooner.
【小题2】What is the paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.The reason for the study.B.The result of the research.
C.The purpose of the study.D.The process of the study.
【小题3】How can dung beetles help farmers?
A.By cleaning up food waste regularly.
B.By dealing with cattle’s waste properly.
C.By digesting and burying the waste of flies.
D.By using kitchen waste to improve soil quality.
【小题4】What can be the best title for the text?
A.Animals, Good Helpers of HumansB.Three Kinds of Amazing Animals
C.A Special Way to Test Water QualityD.Animals, Far More than Tasty Food
