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Elon Musk is a businessman, inventor and engineer and is undoubtedly, one of the leading figures in the world of technology. Musk was born in Pretoria, South Africa in 1971. At the age of 12, he taught himself how to programme computers. He was accepted to university in the United States where he completed a degree in Arts. After this, he started a PhD in physics at Stanford University. However, he dropped out to pursue his interest in startups and technology.

He founded an online payment site that eventually would become a global company. In 2001 Musk began meeting with scientists to discuss the possibility of human habitation on Mars. Using his own fortune, Musk founded his company that designs rockets and space vehicles. It was the first privately owned company to do so. In 2012, the rockets made by the company docked with the International Space Station. Musk also received contracts from NASA, thus making history by proving that the concept of commercial space exploration was both possible and affordable.

Another one of Musk’s innovations is the electric car. Musk started a company and became the CEO in 2008. The company is named after Nicolai Tesla, the Serbian-American inventor and physicist, who is best known for designing the AC electrical system. The cars made by Musk’s company are designed to end the dependence on fossil fuels and so reduce the negative effects of climate change and air pollution from cars.

Why does Musk devote himself to such innovations? By creating opportunities to explore new planets, Musk believes that in the event of a major catastrophe on Earth, there would be the potential for the human race to continue elsewhere. On Earth, Musk’s inventions are designed to find renewable, environment-friendly solutions to meet the challenge of an ever-growing global population.

【小题1】What can we learn about Musk?
A.He learnt computer programmes from his teacher at 12.
B.He graduated from Stanford University with a degree in physics.
C.He received government support to found the space company.
D.He named his company after a well-known scientist.
【小题2】According to the author, what event was historic in Musk’s career?
A.Getting achievements in arts.
B.Founding an online payment site.
C.Receiving contracts from NASA.
D.Becoming CEO of two companies.
【小题3】What is Musk’s motivation for his innovations?
A.To expand human reach and protect the earth.
B.To stimulate people’s curiosity about space.
C.To realize his dream of becoming a leading figure.
D.To make more profit and set up more companies.
【小题4】Which of the following best describes Musk?
A.Gifted and humorous.B.Curious and honest.
C.Generous and considerate.D.Creative and responsible.
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A few years ago. four female mountain gorillas (大猩猩)left home, abandoning not only their mate — a sick alpha silverback — but their infants (幼崽),which were barely old enough to Iced themselves. Most mammals abandoned by their mothers risk an early death, and researchers worried about the young gorillas.

Instead, the scientists got a heartwarming surprise. The young gorillas’ uncle, a male gorilla named Kubaha, began to take care of them. He let them sleep in his nest and climb all over him like a jungle gym.

Kubaha’s willingness to be a foster dad turns out to be surprisingly common in mountain gorillas. An analysis on mountain gorillas at the Gorilla Fund's Karisoke Research Center in Rwanda has revealed that when young mountain gorillas lose their mothers, they do not have a greater risk of dying or losing their place in the social hierarchy because the rest of the group buffers them from the loss. The social group has evolved to protect the infants from the ill effects of losing their mothers.

The researchers confirmed this assumption by focusing on data on 59 gorillas between the ages of 2 and 8 who lost their mothers or were orphaned (成为孤儿)before they were fully mature. They then compared the survival of these animals across their lifetimes with the survival of 139 nonorphaned gorillas. They also compared their reproductive success and social rank as adults — and tracked who the infants spent the most time with.

Not only were the orphaned and motherless gorillas at no greater risk of dying, they also suffered no long-term effect on their ability to reproduce or on their social rank, the team reports today in eLife.

The findings suggest such altruistic behavior is not unique to humans — and that dads play an important role in primate youngsters' lives, says Duke behavioral ecologist Susan Alberts, "Nonhuman primates often are really good dads," she says. 'This shows that paternal care goes very deep in our primate lineage."

【小题1】What moved the scientists according to the first two paragraphs?
A.Young gorillas’ being abandoned.
B.Kubaha's caring for the infants.
C.Young gorillas’ sleeping in uncle's nest.
D.Young gorillas’ climbing over their uncle.
【小题2】What is the life of motherless gorillas like?
A.Little trouble of survival.B.Risk of dying young.
C.Loss of social status.D.Inability to reproduce.
【小题3】How did the researchers test their assumption about orphaned gorillas?
A.They focused on adult gorillas’ data.
B.They collected online information.
C.They tracked their companions.
D.They lived with them.
【小题4】What does the underlined word “altruistic” in the last paragraph probably mean?
I think that the most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to listen. Just listen. Perhaps the most important thing we ever give each other is our attention and especially if it's given from the heart. When people are talking, there’s no need to do anything but receive them. Just take them in. Listen to what they’re saying. Care about it. Most times caring about it is even more important than understanding it.

When we interrupt what someone is saying to let them know that we understand, we move the focus of attention to ourselves. When we listen, they know we care.

I have even learned to respond to someone crying by just listening. In the old days I used to reach for the tissues(纸巾), until I realized that passing a person a tissue may be just another way to shut them down, to take them out of their experience of sadness and pain. Now I just listen.   When they have cried all they need to cry, they find me there with them.

This simple thing has not been that easy to learn. It certainly went against everything I had been taught since I was very young at school. I thought people listened only because they were too timid to speak or did not know the answer. A loving silence often has far more power to connect and to heal than the most well-intentioned(善意的)words.

【小题1】When we communicate with others we had better ________________.
A.listen moreB.understand more
C.speak moreD.look here and there
【小题2】If we interrupt what someone is saying,________________.
A.they may think we are too rude to them
B.they must be very angry with us
C.they may know we don’t care about them
D.they must stop and listen to us
【小题3】Passing a person who is crying a tissue perhaps means_______________
A.stopping them from crying any more
B.Stopping them from saying anything
C.advising them to have a rest
D.helping them to accept the sadness
【小题4】It is very difficult for us to learn to listen because _______________
A.we may know the answer
B.we have an interesting topic
C.parents teach us to speak
D.it goes against what we have been taught
【小题5】What is probably the best title for this article?
A.Listening and talking
B.Listen, just listen
C.Listening is not easy to learn
D.How to comfort others

The scientists are digging for fossils(化石). Fossilized bones tell the story of dinosaurs and animals that were once living creatures and appeared on Earth some 225 million years ago. Dinosaurs dominated the planet for 150 million years, much longer than people have existed.

Dinosaurs came in many shapes and sizes. The smallest dinosaur was less than 3 feet long. The largest were plant eating giants called Sauropods longer than a city bus.

Their weight closes to 50,000 pounds. To sustain its enormous body, it would endlessly grab branches and leaves and swallow them down a 20-foot throat. That is a neck as high as a two-storey house. With each step a weight greater than an eight ton ball would hit the earth. Despite their large size dinosaurs' share some characteristics with modern animals. Like today's reptiles(爬行动物)most, not all dinosaurs laid eggs. Its mate probably brought food to the nest like birds do. The mother tended her eggs and like a bird she placed them into a circle. Many plant eating dinosaurs lived in groups probably to defend themselves against the meat-eating or the dinosaurs who hunted them.

But 65 million years ago something happened that brought a sudden end to the dinosaur age. No one knows exactly why the dinosaurs suddenly disappeared. Most scientists think the killer came from outer space. A large object from outer space hit the earth causing a lot of dust in the atmosphere. The earth became dark and the dinosaurs died off. But scientists believe their descendents(后代)may live on. The skeletons(骨骼)of some dinosaurs are similar to modern birds. The common ancestor of these birds was probably a small two-legged meat-eating dinosaur. As the digging and research continues, each new find may help prove the dinosaurs did not really disappear after all. The birds are in fact living, breathing and flying dinosaurs.

【小题1】We can learn from the text that ________.
A.dinosaurs came in many shapes but almost in the same sizes
B.not all dinosaurs laid eggs to reproduce the next generation
C.the mate might find food for the mother who was building the nest
D.dinosaurs may have some different living habits compared with modern animals
【小题2】Scientists believe that ________.
A.dinosaurs are sure to disappear forever
B.some birds may come from meat-eating dinosaurs
C.dinosaurs might have died owing to lack of water
D.dinosaurs' death may have resulted from the appearance of some firece animals
【小题3】Why did plant eating dinosaurs live together?
A.To find more food.
B.To keep themselves warm.
C.To protect themselves better.
D.To take good care of their young dinosaurs.
【小题4】How long did dinosaurs dominate the earth?
A.20 million years.B.50 million years.
C.65 million years.D.150 million years.
