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Running is a great form of exercise. However, running under certain conditions can cause a variety of injuries.

The National Running Association recently released the results of its latest survey on common running injuries, as illustrated in the picture on the right. According to the survey results, the most reported cases are related to knee injury and muscle pull, with the former occurring a little less frequently. About a quarter of the respondents say they have had plantar fasciitis, The number of respondents suffering from Achilles tendonitis or shin splints is nearly twice that of those with stress fracture, which is also what fewest respondents report.

There are two main causes of running injury: structural imbalance and training volume. Structural imbalance occurs when a certain muscle group is weak and requires other muscle groups to help. The body adapts to stresses and becomes stronger. This is the basic principle of training. However, if you push too fast or run too far, you can stress the body in such a way that it never has time to fully recover. Training progression and moderation are the keys to avoiding overuse injury.

Here are several ways to avoid running injury.

● Prepare your body for running by walking.

● Understand your body type and be patient.

● Follow a sensible training plan or find a coach.

● Wear the right shoes.

The cause of the injury is not easy to diagnose. For example, a foot problem can cause a problem in the knees or back. Finding and treating the cause of a running injury is the job of a trained doctor. More importantly, listen to your body and recognize the signs of overtraining so that you can avoid running injury.

【小题1】Which group of injuries best fits the blanks numbered ①, ②, ③ and ④ in the picture?
A.① knee injury; ② muscle pull; ③ stress fracture; ④ shin splints
B.① muscle pull; ② knee injury; ③ stress fracture; ④ Achilles tendonitis
C.① knee injury; ② muscle pull; ③ shin splints; ④ stress fracture
D.① muscle pull; ② knee injury; ③ Achilles tendonitis; ④ stress fracture
【小题2】According to the passage, which of the following leads to structural imbalance?
A.Using some muscles more intensely than others.
B.Training weak muscles more often than strong ones.
C.Adapting your body to stresses slowly.
D.Giving your body little time to recover.
【小题3】According to the passage, if you want to find out why your back and knees hurt after running. you had better _____.
A.turn to a coach for helpB.consult a trained doctor
C.understand your body type firstD.wear another pair of running shoes
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A woman who lost one leg to cancer broke a world record by completing 102 marathon-length runs in 102 days. A marathon is a race that goes 42 kilometres.

Jacky Hunt-Broersma, who lives in Arizona, set her goal in mid-January in 2022. And every day since then, she has been running the distance of a marathon.

Most of the time, she runs on roads and trails near her home in Gilbert, Arizona. Sometimes she completes her runs on a running machine called a treadmill. Hunt-Broersma averages just over five hours to complete the runs.

She kept successfully completing marathon-length runs every day, reaching her goal by April 28. She would then hold the world record for completing 102 back-to-back marathon runs.

The current world record of 101 marathons was set April 10 by British runner Kate Jayden. The 35-year-old Jayden does not have a disability.

Hunt-Broersma, a native of South Africa, lost the bottom half of her left leg to a rare form of cancer in 2001. Until five years ago, she was not very active. But then she looked into running and decided to give it a try. The sport ended up being quite costly. But Hunt-Broersma says her investment has been well worth it.

However, she faced both physical and mental difficulties during her record-breaking attempt. On one recent day, she felt near collapse at 24 kilometres and began to cry. In that moment, she felt like her planned goal might not happen at all.

One of her recent runs was the world-famous Boston Marathon in Boston, Massachusetts. She finished that race, held April 18, with a time of 5 hours, 5 minutes.

Hunt-Broersma’s main support team is her husband and their two young children. She is documenting her progress online and has also gained a large social media following.

Hunt-Broersma is hoping to inspire a single thought in others, regardless of their own physical limitations. She often tells people, “You’re stronger than you think—and you’re capable of so much more.”

【小题1】How did Hunt-Broersma complete the continuous marathon record mostly?
A.By training in the park.B.With the help of special equipment.
C.Through hard running on ordinary roads.D.By participating in the official Marathon.
【小题2】According to the text, when did Hunt-Broersma break a world record?
A.By April 10.B.On April 18.
C.By April 28.D.At the beginning of May.
【小题3】Why did Hunt-Broersma insist on running a marathon?
A.She wanted to have more fans.
B.She wanted to prove herself.
C.She loved this sport since childhood.
D.This sport didn’t require a lot of investment.
【小题4】Which is the idea reflected in the text?
A.Promise is debt.
B.A close mouth catches no flies.
C.One false move may lose the game.
D.Holding on to the last can overcome difficulties.

I wanted, in 1999, to be a “farmer's wife”. Thankfully, after quick correction by my progressive parents, that gradually turned into “farmer”. But that only lasted until my dad told me I had to put my arms up cows’ backsides. Immediately I rethought my career path. Driving instructor followed, and then somewhere along the way, footballer.

I remember the exact moment when I told my dad I admired my sister, who had trained with Crewe Alexandra Girls for a year or two as a left back. I was watching the game with him and it just came out, “it makes me sad I can't be a footballer.” He asked why not, and I answered, because I'm not a boy and no one watches women’s football.” Looking back I can see exactly why I felt like that.

At school, there was an unwritten rule that sports like hockey and netball were “girl” sports and rugby and football were for the boys I'd never seen a women's football match on TV; the only female athletes I’d heard of were in the Olympics.

Representation is critical, and although we talk about it a lot, I'm yet to be convinced that those were represented often fully understand what it means to those who aren’t, and how, without really releasing, it affects the decisions that makes and the general trajectory of their life. In the words of Marian Wright-Edelaman, “you can't be what you can't see.” Lack of representation leads, at least, to a misunderstanding around a certain group of people, or at worst, fear and discrimination.

When I look back at the conversation with my father, I often wonder what paths I would have taken if the option had not seemed so impossible. In June of last year, people across the world watched talented, skillful female footballers play as the Lionesses took on Scotland in the 2019 FIFA World Cup. Among the millions of viewers, perhaps was a little girl believing that she too can be a Lionesses one day.

【小题1】What did the author go through on her career pass?
A.She stuck to her initial goal.B.She followed her sister's footsteps.
C.She took her parents' words seriously.D.She sought advice from others actively.
【小题2】What was the school sports like then?
A.They had no clear rules.B.They were not inclusive.
C.They enjoyed great. Popularity.D.They were impacted by the Olympics.
【小题3】Why did the author quote Marian Wright-Edelman?
A.To show pity for Marian’s being discriminated.
B.To describe the general trajectory of Marian's life.
C.To stress what lack of representation can lead to.
D.To explain how the misunderstanding is caused.
【小题4】What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.The author has been part of the Lionesses.B.The Lionesses is a female team without equal.
C.FIFA Women's World Cup will catch on.D.Girls will be motivated to Pursue their dreams.

Sailing is one of the most interesting and exciting ways to enjoy large bodies of water. You can sail wherever you find enough water and a little wind. 【小题1】Those with less spare time only looking for a fun way to relax can enjoy sailing near the shore.

【小题2】Some can only fit one person and others are larger. You should choose the suitable sailboat depending on your need. Learning to sail will allow you to enjoy the year-round water, since you can still sail when the water becomes too cold for swimming or waterskiing.

When you sail, your boat is powered by the wind caught by the sail. You control the boat by using a rudder (舵) and more complicated skills. Through handling the sails, sailors can control the force of the wind. 【小题3】

Sailing is a rather complex art. 【小题4】Before you begin, you will need to become familiar with the parts of the sailboat. You must be able to swim well and you need to know first aid, so you are prepared if there is an emergency. Then you need to learn the basics of sailing. such as judging the wind and knowing handling skills.

Sailing is an amazing way to broaden your horizons. 【小题5】You will have some different fun. If you want to try a new sport, sign up for some sailing lessons.

A.Sailboats come in all sizes.
B.The sport of sailing has a long history.
C.The truly adventurous can sail around the world.
D.You will find new ways to enjoy water sports on a boat.
E.Thus, they can change the direction and speed of the boat.
F.You will understand why many people love to spend money on their boats.
G.The best way to learn the complexities of sailing is by taking a few classes.
