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I was a happy kid with a supportive family and a lot of friends. But frankly speaking, growing up was really _________ and even painful. During my childhood, I spent much time trying to achieve perfection in every aspect of my life, which made me extremely tired and anxious. I wanted everyone’s compliments and hugely feared criticism. But I didn’t realize that I was the one who _________ myself in the toughest way.

After I graduated from high school, my desire to be “thin” began to trouble me. I went on a diet. In the beginning I dieted by controlling food and gradually I started _________ meals. I lost weight day by day and felt super good. What I didn’t see was that I was slowly _________ myself.

People around me began to _________ my weight loss. They said with concern, “You’re losing too much weight.” “Elisa, you’re so skinny.” All their words only suggested that I was getting closer to “_________”.

Sadly, I took my physical _________ the first important in my life, believing that it was the way to become attractive and accepted. Then I cut down my food more and more, until a _________ day including half a teaspoon of nonfat yoghurt and black coffee in the morning, and a cup of grapes at night.

But my poor nutrition began to cause me to lose _________. Then one night, like many nights before, I couldn’t sleep, and my heart felt as though it might beat out of my chest. I tried to __________, but I couldn’t. The beating became so rapid and so strong that I could no longer __________. What I had done to diet nearly caused me to have a heart attack. I stood up, and immediately fell down. I was really __________, and I knew I needed help. My roommate rushed me to the hospital, beginning the long road to my __________. It took a lot—doctors, nurses, nutritionists, and food supplements.

And more importantly, a sense of what was true about myself got back on track with reality. I realized that, with my __________ of trying to be “perfect” on the __________, I had sacrificed who I was inside my body. Now what I know is, we are—every one of us—already perfect enough.

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There is little doubt that it is essential for students to have a good lunch. When________ ideas from friends, I discover that one of them has such horrible memories of her childhood school dinners and another________ that school dinners are the best choice from a health perspective.

What I would like to see is a bit of European savoir faire (社交能力) when it comes to school lunch________ . In France and Italy, pupils and teachers sit down ________ for a three-course meal of fresh, seasonal food. In Japan, manners are emphasized as pupils________ the midday meal of rice, soup, fish and milk to their peers and teachers alike. American school meals keep to stricter nutritional guidelines than in the past. ________ the youngest children start to eat in the canteen, dinner ladies watch over them to________ they eat some vegetables. At secondary schools the temptation is to ________ the cafeteria completely and buy often less-healthy food elsewhere, though there are inspiring reports of some secondary schools________ meals that pupils really want to eat.

What about the packed lunch? When I was a middle school student, one day, I carried my new pink Barbie lunch box into school, but I couldn’t ________ what was inside, probably because it was exactly the same as everyone else’s lunch. The recollection of a friend is that his Spanish mother________ him long rolls filled with ham she’d imported from her native Catalonia (加泰罗尼亚, 西班牙地名), rice and garbanzos (鹰嘴豆), and other very un-English delicacies. He says having to open that box with all its accompanying smells________ him for his whole life.

Cost is important to people in the lowest income group when considering lunch. Time pressures also appear to be a deciding ________ on whether to pack or buy. Many people I spoke to said that they ________ school lunches because they had enough to do in the morning without packing a lunch box. ________ , I prefer a hot meal and admit sometimes finding the morning lunch-packing too much trouble. What do you eat for lunch at school and why?

A.UnlessB.In caseC.OnceD.Now that
A.check inB.refer toC.search forD.make sure

This is Warsaw, where lunch is usually a slab of meat with a side order of sausage. But at Krowarzywa — which means “cow alive” and _______ the word warzywa, meaning vegetables — no animals were harmed in the making of food. The bestselling “vegan pastrami” is made of seitan, a wheat-based meat _______.

Warsaw has almost 50 vegan restaurants. That does not mean it has all that many vegans. Kassia, a 20-something professional in the queue, says she has no ethical _______ to eating meat. She comes to Krowarzywa because she likes the food. Kornel Kisala, the head chef, thinks that most of Krowarzywa’s clients eat meat, but it does not worry him. “Animals don’t _______ whether you eat a vegan burger because it is fashionable or because it is tasty.” According to the survey, 60% of people _______ say they plan to cut back on meat this year. Eating vegetarian and vegan meals now and then is one of the ways some choose to do so.

Two years ago Eric Schmidt, a Silicon Valley figure, called plant-based meat substitutes the world’s most important future technology, he foresaw them improving people’s health, reducing environmental degradation and making food more _______ for the poor. The founder of the first vegan society said in 1944 that “In time people will view with disgust the idea that men once fed on the products of animals’ bodies.” Ever since the number of people _______ his hope has been increasing. Perhaps their time is coming at last.

If so, it is a _______ coming. Meat consumption worldwide has been _______ consistently by almost 3% a year since 1960, mostly because people get richer. In the early 1970s the average Chinese person, __________, ate 14 kg (31lb) of meat a year. Now they eat 55 kg a year.

In America, Nielsen found in 2017 that 3% of the population called themselves vegans and 6% vegetarians(people who avoid meat, but eat eggs and/or dairy products). But more detailed research by Faunalytics puts the numbers at just 0.5% for vegans and 3. 4% for vegetarians. Fully a quarter of 25-to 34-year-olds in America claim to be either vegan or vegetarian, __________ studies by Faunalyties find the median age of American vegans to be 42. It seems that a fair amount of ambitious self-discipline, terminological inexactitude (术语的不准确) or simple hypocrisy (伪善) is at play.

Overall, though, it seems __________ to say that the number of people sometimes or regularly choosing to eat vegan food is growing much faster than the growth in people deeply __________ to a meat-free life. Patrice Bula, a vice president at Nestle, says that a __________ proportion of the people buying his company’s vegan meals are true vegetarians or vegans. People in this larger group are often called “flexible vegetarians”, who __________ back and forth between omnivorous (杂食的) and vegetable diets. The true vegan trend lies in casual, part time veganism.

A.on averageB.for exampleC.generally speakingD.on the contrary

Jennifer Jones, a teenage girl, told friends in her morning PE lesson that she was feeling unwell. She then passed out and was rushed to ______.

Jennifer was found to have dangerously low blood sugar levels and was ______ immediately by doctors. Her worried parents told the doctor that their daughter ______ breakfast that day and hardly touched her dinner the night before. Actually, Jennifer had not eaten breakfast for months because she thought skipping meals was a simple way to reach her target ______. Therefore, she always had trouble concentrating in class. ______, she is now out of danger.

Jennifer’s case is a reminder of the dangers of the unhealthy weight-loss habits. Nowadays, being thin is often seen as being beautiful, ______ teenagers sometimes turn to extreme methods to ______ quickly. According to a recent survey of senior high school students’ lifestyles, almost 20% of teenagers regularly skip meals, 10% over-exercise and 4% even ______ weight-loss medicine. Health experts are concerned about these figures. Also, they point out that it is important to have a healthy balanced ______ since teenagers are still growing and their bodies need a lot of nutrition to function well. What’s more, they should keep regular hours and get plenty of exercise to stay ______ and healthy.

A.slim downB.break downC.show upD.make up
