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Sport is a billion-dollar industry with people all across the globe being crazy for different sports, so it is an excellent idea for businesses to invest in a sports app. If you have trouble in finding what kind of sports app to create for your startup, do not worry, we have a few ideas for you.

Fantasy Sports Apps

The fantasy apps users can form virtual teams of real players, and these teams compete based on the performance of real players in actual games. The fantasy app workflow is quite simple: choose the match, and after login, users can select a match of their liking. The fantasy apps allow sports lovers to virtually participate in the game to create their teams, giving them the feel of contributing to the actual game they like. This is why Fantasy Sports apps are greatly popular among their fans.

Live Streaming Apps

Despite the fact that live streaming is often a part of Sports News apps, there are also sports apps only based on live streaming. Live Streaming apps allow the users to watch anything regarding their favorite teams, leagues, sports, whether it is actual games or vlogs anytime, anywhere, without delay. These apps have so many followers that they are potential hot-selling apps. These apps often add a live chat feature to make them more engaging for the users, which allows the viewers to communicate with each other and the athletes.

Sports Event Booking Apps

The event booking apps have features like a schedule, information about organizers, information regarding teams, ticket booking, and pre-ordering. They are greatly helpful in organizing sports events as they allow users to buy online tickets, order food & drinks, and participate in group activities. Highly useful for the event organizers, these event booking apps offer detailed information about events and the users can share their experience with others on social media.

Do you want to create your own sports mobile app? Hire a mobile app development company that specializes in creating mobile apps and can turn your creative money-making app ideas into reality.

【小题1】The Fantasy Sports apps are popular because the users can       .
A.compete against their favorite teams
B.participate in actual games
C.improve the performance of real teams
D.feel more involved in the games
【小题2】What makes Live Streaming apps more engaging?
A.They can become hot-selling products.
B.Their users can watch games on the spot.
C.Their users can share experience on social media.
D.They feature real-time communication for viewers.
【小题3】Which section of a website is the passage most likely to be taken from?
A.Culture.B.Business.C.Entertainment.D.Health care.
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Birds are an important part of our ecosystem. But they are especially vulnerable (易受伤害的) to changes in their environment, like ground, water, and air pollution. Luckily, it’s easy to take part in bird conversation. 【小题1】 There are a few steps you can take to help save birds.

Keep cats indoors. 【小题2】 Pet cats do not have to go outside to hunt in order to have a good life. Some people think that putting a small bell around a cat’s neck will warn birds and protect them, but this does not work as well as simply keeping your kitty inside.

Mark windows. Sometimes, glass can reflect the outdoors like a mirror. 【小题3】 The level of impact is sometimes so heavy that some end up dead. Marking windows is a simple yet effective solution. It’s best to use decals and frosted glass (贴纸和磨砂玻璃) to keep birds away from glass.

【小题4】 In parts of the country where winters are cold, birds sometimes struggle to find enough food when the temperature drops or snow covers the ground. Putting up bird feeders, or even throwing bird food on the ground, can greatly help the birds that are living nearby.

Place rubbish in suitable bins. Throwing away things in the open usually leads to birds attempting to eat whatever has been thrown away, sometimes including materials such as paper and plastics. This could end up harming the birds or causing diseases. 【小题5】

A.Plant native plants for birds.
B.Feed birds in your yard or on your roof.
C.Cats may regard birds as potential friends.
D.Every year, cats kill millions of wild birds.
E.Birds can’t tell that the glass is there and they fly right into it.
F.Putting household waste in right places reduces these problems.
G.Like anything, some of your most helpful actions begin at home.

Do you know a native English speaker typically knows about 20, 000 words? If you’re learning English, how can you remember that number of words? 【小题1】

Make word association webs. Start with the word you want to remember in the middle of a piece of paper. Then draw lines from it like a spider's web. At the end of each line write down any ideas or words or even pictures that you think of about that word.【小题2】 The more you do this, the more connections you make. Lots of connections make it very easy for you to recall the word when you are trying to remember it.

Remember in word groups. Languages are tools for people to express their ideas and communicate. So, find examples of how each word is used in your text.【小题3】 For example, if your word is “arrogant, write something in word groups, like “the tall, arrogant man”. This will help you to remember that “arrogant” is an adjective and that it describes people.

【小题4】 Use roots, prefixes and suffixes to guess a word's meaning. Take “microbiology” as an example. First, look at the prefix “micro-” meaning very small and the suffix “-ology” meaning the study of something. Already you know part of this word's meaning is “the study of something small”. Now, you will probably remember “bio” means living things. Then, you can figure out that whole word's meaning—the study of very small living things.

Timing is everything. Using the new word immediately is the best way to learn it quickly and permanently. Use it 10 minutes later. Use it 1 hour later. Use it 1 day later. Use it 1 week later.【小题5】

A.Learn in small words.
B.Split the word into small parts.
C.There are several ways that actually work.
D.Here are some tips that should make your brain work faster.
E.After that, you'll rarely have to review—the new word is yours forever.
F.Write a few words before and after the word so that you remember how it is used.
G.You can also talk to yourself about how each word or idea fits together with the others.

The first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is check my phone. I’m checking emails and looking at Twitter all before I’ve even gotten out of bed. And I’ll keep doing that throughout the entire day, until I go back to bed for the night.

If, like me, you feel unbalanced by how much time you’re spending online, a strategy called digital minimalism (简约主义) may help. 【小题1】.

Set some basic boundaries

Try deleting social media apps from your phone to create natural barriers to accessing them. If that’s not enough, you can use screen timers or app blockers to make it even tougher to log back on. 【小题2】. And that could also change how you communicate with other people.


One study found that sleeping without phones improves sleep, relationships, focus and health and increases happiness and quality of life. So, sleeping without a phone is good for you, and charging your phone somewhere else could help you experience that benefit.

Recognize your emotions

Ask yourself how you feel when you’re logged in: 【小题4】? Are you energetic? Do particular apps arouse certain emotions? When you’re online, write down how you feel and see what patterns you have. From there you can decide what to keep, what to get rid of.

Take up your hobbies

You might notice you have a lot more time on your hands if you start practicing digital minimalism and using the Internet less. Make a list of activities you enjoy and people you like hanging out with. 【小题5】, you can try one of those hobbies or call a loved one instead.

The goal with digital minimalism isn’t to figure out how to live without social media or the Internet. It’s to be more aware of when and how you use it.

A.Are you stressed
B.Benefit from phones
C.Here’s how to get started
D.The following tips can help
E.Don’t go to bed with your phone
F.When you feel the urge to grab your phone
G.Setting these boundaries changes the way you use the Internet and social media
