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A group trip is much more different from what one might expect with an organized tour or a solo holiday. It’s special both in its form and the unique experience it offers. 【小题1】 .

Going on holiday with a group of friends is all about having fun, creating memories and trying a new experience with a shared interest to travel. It means being inside jokes, great stories and plenty of laughs. 【小题2】. Whether you decide to go in a large group of up to 10 people or more or go in a much smaller group of 4, group trips are a great way to bond and reconnect with one another. Besides, it doesn’t have to be a constant activity. It can happen periodically, perhaps once or twice a year. 【小题3】, but the result will be satisfying. Choose a popularly known destination or an unknown destination. 【小题4】. You will experience new or familiar destinations with close friends. This will give group members an idea of what they can expect for the next group trip.

The purpose of the group trip, for some, may be to escape from the city or their current busy schedules. For others, it may be to catch up with friends over a period of time. 【小题5】, the main idea is that as a group they will be able to link their trip to the memories created.

A.Planning a group trip may be difficult
B.You will only enjoy such a trip once in a lifetime
C.It also helps you learn more about how to travel
D.Thus, it is certainly an experience to enjoy
E.Whether they will be positive or negative memories
F.They have been alone for too long a time and thus badly need a trip
G.This decision can actually set the foundation for the mood of the trip
知识点:方法/策略旅游观光 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

How to Choose the Best Mother’s Day Gift

Let’s face it, shopping for that perfect gift on Mother’s Day can be very painful. 【小题1】That’s why they are spending tons of money on dinners and clothes. Instead of buying an expensive gift that your mom probably won’t ever use, take a look at the tips to help you pick out the right gift.

Remember all the little things.

Mother’s Day is a very special day. 【小题2】You should try to buy gifts that attach importance to all the little things she loves. For example, choose gifts that are centered around her favorite foods, childhood memories, hobbies, etc. This will not only show that you care, but your gift will also be meaningful.

Think about the good old days.

【小题3】Whether you buy another set of clothes that she used to wear or put together a collection of old photos in a photo album can make her feel special. These are probably the best types of gifts to give if you can pull it off.

Give her a surprise.

It’s always fun to surprise our mothers and to see the joy on their faces. 【小题4】If there is no possibility of it, take her out to an event or dining experience that is new and different. She may be surprised at how much fun she had.

Send her a handmade gift.

【小题5】Sometimes, buying gifts can be a good choice on Mother’s Day. However, making a gift by hand shows the thought and care spent in giving the best gift for our mothers. Try something different like making her favorite food or knitting light blankets for the coming autumn season.

A.Making gifts are always better than buying gifts.
B.Sometimes a hug and a kiss can be the best gift of all.
C.Giving a gift that brings back memories can go a long way.
D.Colorful fresh-cut flowers are universally loved and will brighten her day.
E.Holding a surprise party for your mom can really make her feel appreciated.
F.Nowadays, many people don’t know what to buy for mothers on this special day.
G.But that doesn’t mean you should burn a hole in your pocket to buy the most wanted gift.

Even if you know that working out will make you feel great, it can still be hard to motivate yourself to get up and do it. However, 【小题1】, you can get back on track no matter how long it’s been since you worked out!

【小题2】. Think about the reasons you want to work out, and a few fitness goals you’d like to achieve. Put the list somewhere you’ll see it often, like on the refrigerator or near your bathroom mirror.

Make bargains with yourself if you’re having trouble getting started. Sometimes the hardest part of working out is taking the first step. If you’re finding it hard to get started, try bargaining with yourself. 【小题3】. After that, try telling yourself to just go outside, do your warm-up routine, or drive to the gym.

Keep a fitness journal and write down your feelings after each workout. You can use this journal to keep up with your progress, too. 【小题4】, take out the journal and read how good each workout made you feel, and look at how far you’ve come.

Set up rewards for when you complete a workout or hit a new goal. Think of something that will motivate you when the workout gets tough or you don’t want to get off the sofa. 【小题5】.

A.if it is the case
B.When you don’t feel like working out
C.Try to include both short-term and long-term goals on your list
D.They can be anything that you look forward to, for example, buying a new pair of shoes you’ve been eyeing
E.if you acquire some tricks that can help you
F.Write down a list of achievable goals and look at it often
G.Tell yourself you just have to put on your workout clothes, but you don’t have to do anything else

Things you can do to be a happier person

Want to become a happier person? Follow these suggestions.

Pick up a book.

【小题1】 Sometimes life is just a lot to deal with. Change that up by reading about someone else’s life. There really is book out there for everyone. If you don’t like reading you can also pick up a comic book(连环画杂志) or read all about your favorite superheroes.


Let yourself make mistakes. Put yourself out there and stop letting them hold you down. 【小题3】 In fact, if they have time to talk about you, they need more activities to fill up their day. You’re already great, so don’t let dark thoughts keep you in an unhappy situation.

It’s okay to have a good cry.

Sometimes you work as hard as you can and are still not good enough. 【小题4】 What is meant for you will happen to you, so don’t always think of failure. Don’t bottle up your feelings. Let those tears run. Did you know that only humans and elephants cry in order to show emotions(情感)?So one of humans’ abilities is to be a cry-baby.

Get happier by getting a good sleep.

Forget all your worries and plan ahead for tomorrow. There’s nothing wrong with making sure you’re well rested. 【小题5】 The early bird gets the worm(虫) so set an early bedtime. If you can’t do that, take a nap(小睡) during the day to refresh yourself. There’s nothing too important that can’t wait until after a good sleep.

A.Work hard and treat yourself.
B.Try to get lost in another world.
C.Don’t take yourself too seriously.
D.When that happens, all you need to do is let it all out.
E.Your best work will come after your mind has had time to take a break.
F.Stop holding yourself back because you’re afraid of what others might say.
G.Not to mention all of the vitamin D you’re going to get from just being outside.
