语法填空-短文语填 适中0.65 引用1 组卷60

A Couple Fighting Sand in Inner Mongolia

After an early autumn rain, Bao Hua couldn’t wait to check on her trees in the desert. She was 【小题1】 (satisfy) to see the trees turning green again. The 【小题2】 (time) rain saved around 80,000 yuan for her. A monthly watering of their trees usually 【小题3】 (cost) 200,000 yuan.

In 2000, Bao, along 【小题4】 around 80 households of herdsmen (牧民) and farmers, moved to a village in the desert in response to the government’s call for returning pastures (牧场) to forest and grassland. The village, not far from both the Badain Jaran Desert, the 【小题5】 (three) largest desert in the world, and the Tengger Desert, 【小题6】 (trouble) by sandstorms in the spring then, driving farmers and herders home to deal with potential economic losses.

But Bao, a tough Mongolian, made up her mind 【小题7】 (stay) and deal with desertification. After they talked with experts and residents, she and her husband used their own savings to plant saxaul trees, 【小题8】 can survive in dry conditions and withstand strong winds.

Before sunrise, they wear thick coats and hats and plant small trees in the strong, cold wind. 【小题9】 (lack) watering equipment, they carry water to each tree, one by one. Over the past two decades, they have planted some 33,000 hectares of trees. With a son and a daughter both now grown up and independent, Bao is free to enjoy her life. But she still leads 【小题10】 busy life, getting up as early as 5 am to run errands (差事) every day.

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Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

Voice for the Planet

It’s the voice you notice first. In person, David Attenborough speaks in the same awestruck hush he has used in dozens of nature documentaries, a crisp half whisper 【小题1】 is often imitated but seldom matched. Sitting in his home in the Richmond neighbourhood of west London for one in a series of conversations, I feel obliged to drink   【小题2】 second cup of tea when he offers. It somehow seems wrong to say no.

In his native U. K. Attenborough is held in the kind of respect usually   【小题3】 (reserve) for royalty. Over decades — first as a television executive, then as a wildlife filmmaker and recently as a kind of elder statesman for the planet — he has achieved near saintly(圣人的) status. He was knighted(封为骑士) by the Queen in 1985 and 【小题4】 (usually refer) to as Sir David.

Attenborough pioneered a style of wildlife film-making that brought viewers to remote landscapes and gave them a close perspective on the wonders of nature. In the autumn of his life, Attenborough has largely moved away from 【小题5】 these films are made but lends his storytelling abilities to wildlife documentaries in collaboration with filmmakers his storytelling abilities to wildlife documentaries in collaboration with filmmakers he has mentored. His most famous work, the 2006 BBC series Planet Earth, set a benchmark in the use of high-definition cameras and had a budget equal to 【小题6】 of a Hollywood movie. Among its highlights 【小题7】 (be) the first footage of a snow leopard, the impossibly rare Asian wildcat that hunts high in the Himalayas. More than a decade 【小题8】 it was first released, Planet Earth remains among the all-time best-selling nonfiction DVDs.

Now Attenborough is putting his voice and the weight of authority he has accumulated to greater moral purpose. In recent months he has stood 【小题9】 powerful audiences at the 2018 U. N. climate talks in Katowice, Poland, and the 2019 World Economic Forum at Davos, in Switzerland, to urge them into action on climate change. These kinds of event are not his chosen habitat, Attenborough tells TIME. “I would much prefer not to be a sign- 【小题10】 (carry) conservationist. My life is the natural world. But I can’t not carry a placard(标语牌) if I see what’s happening.”
