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Regardless of how far we’d like to believe gender (性别) equality in the workplace has come, there’s still a yawning gap between male and female leaders in the professional world. A 2018 statistic shows that women nowadays hold just 5.8 percent of CEO positions at S&P 500 companies, according to Catalyst.

While it’s not a huge shock that women are somewhat underrepresented in leadership positions, what is surprising though, is the fact that females may actually be better suited to lead in almost every area, at least according to new findings from the BI Norwegian Business School.

In their research, Professor Martinsen and Professor Lars Glas surveyed 2,900 managers with a special focus on personality types. The results were clear: Women scored higher than men in four of the five major leadership-centric categories.

While some people believe that men inherently make better leaders—probably because they picture a leader with a commanding voice, which is more typical of men than women—this piece of research suggests that women are better at methodical management and goal-setting, openness, sociability and supportiveness, as well as ability to communicate clearly.

There was one area in which men scored higher than women, though, and that was on emotional stability and ability to face job-related pressure and stress. The results suggest that women are more sensitive to the effects of high-pressure or highly emotional situations.

Obviously, its important to consider individual differences.Anyone, regardless of gender may be an inspiring leader and a competent boss. But next time you're hiring for a management position, you just might want to give the resumes(简历)from female candidates a harder look.

【小题1】What makes us shocked much at leadership positions?
A.Women are worse than men.
B.Men take almost all high positions.
C.There is a huge gap between genders.
D.Women might behave better in nearly every field.
【小题2】Which of the following can best replace the underlined word “inherently” in Paragraph 4?
【小题3】Which of the following may be the best title of this text?
A.Why Women Make Better Leaders
B.Why Women Are Better Than Men
C.How We Can Figure Out The Boss
D.How We Can Tell Gender Difference
【小题4】Who might have special interest in this article?
A.Job hunters.B.Employers.C.Employees.D.Male bosses.
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For many white-collar workers around the world, the recent widespread disease has meant having to work from home. Their usual office location has been out of bounds. This means different working practices, which have advantages and disadvantages for employers. But the big question is will they ever see their offices again?

Home working has made people realize what tasks they can perform at home, rather than going resularly to the office to do the same thing. It has given them more time with the family; they’ve been sleeping better and have saved money by no travelling or buying lunches on the go. And recent evidence suggests the majority of people working from home do as well and achieve as much as before.

For some people, this could be a permanent arrangement. In the UK, fifty of the biggest employers questioned by the BBC, have said they have no plans to return all staff to the office fulltime in the near future. Of course one main reason that fire couldn’t see a way of accommodating large numbers of staff while social distancing regulations were still in place. But the BBC also heard that some smaller businesses are deciding to abandon their offices altogether.

Other bigger companies are also looking at winding up offices to save money as many jobs can be performed remotely. Peter Cheese, head of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, told the BRC: “We are at a moment of real change in the world of work, driven by big existential crises.”

But this isn’t great news for everyone. Some employees can feel lonely at home, and there’s less opportunity to network or learn from other people, especially if they’re a new worker. Also, city centers may suffer most from a change in working habits. Shops and cafes rely on the footfall of office workers, and without them, they face closure. The future is still uncertain, which is why it may be too early to say where our desks will be permanently located. But the office of the future may be your home.

【小题1】What’s the good news for companies allowing home working?
A.They don’t pay as many salaries as before.B.They don’t have to pay rent for office.
C.Their employees spend more time with family.D.Their most employees work just as productively.
【小题2】What does the underlined phrase “winding up” in paragraph 4 mean?
【小题3】What is the author’s attitude towards working from home?
【小题4】Which can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Changeable working habits?B.When to return to the office?
C.The end of the office?D.Uncertain future of work?

Imagine if your journey to work was from your bedroom to your living room. More and more people in the UK are doing their jobs at home.

Baz works as an engineer in a West London factory. He’s been an engineer since he left school - but he’s not very optimistic about his future. Heavy industry in the UK has almost disappeared. More people work in Indian restaurants than in steel, coal and shipbuilding put together! Baz also often gets tired of his long journey to work. Whether he travels by car or by public transport, it can take up to two hours a day.

His sister, Liz, lives in the north of England. She’s an Information Technology (IT) trainer at a college. Once every four weeks, she meets her trainees in person, but most of her training is done through IT.

Baz’s wife, Helen, seldom travels to work at all. She’s a graphic designer for a London advertising company. Once she’s got the children off to school, she starts work in front of her computer screen. She’s currently designing publicity material for a major London festival. When she’s finished her designs, she sends them electronically to her director. He works from home too - occasionally they meet up for a coffee.

Most people in the UK, like Baz, spend hours travelling to work - and complain about it, too. But an increasing number of people work as telecommuters, like Helen or Liz. Almost all of their work is done online or by phone. There are a million telecommuters in the UK, about 10 percent of the workforce.

【小题1】Heavy industry has almost disappeared, so________.
A.more people work in steel
B.more people work in restaurants
C.more people work in coal
D.more people work in ship-building
【小题2】According to the text, Liz mainly does some training________.
A.at a collegeB.in personC.through ITD.by phone
【小题3】The underlined word “telecommuters” means________.
A.people who work at home with the help of a phone and the network
B.people who send messages over long distances by telephone, radio, television, etc.
C.people who speak to each other using telephone and video connections
D.people who take photos for people from different places to make a living
【小题4】What would be the best title for the text?
A.Baz, Liz and Hellen
B.A new way of working
C.Jobs in the future
D.Technology creates new jobs

Your colleague is the first one in and the last one to leave. They volunteer to take on every additional task that comes your team’s way and they respond to emails within minutes. They’re working all the time, whether from the office or from home. 【小题1】

Dealing with a workaholic colleague can be challenging, but there are steps you can take to ease the negative effects of their behavior on yourself and your team.

Depersonalize their actions.

While it’s tempting to assume that your colleague is overworking in an attempt to outshine you, this is a classic example of a cognitive bias (偏差). In social psychology, this refers to the tendency humans have to owe another person’s actions to their character or personality, while crediting our own behavior to external or situational factors that are outside our control. 【小题2】 Debias (消除偏见) your thinking by considering other reasons for their behavior.

Resist peer pressure.

【小题3】 You may start comparing your capacity and output to theirs and wonder, “Am I really working hard enough?” Before you begin overextending yourself in an effort to “catch up”, mind your mindset and be aware of extremist thinking. Taking time off for self-care isn’t indulgent (纵容的), rather it’s a precondition for your performance.


Workaholics tend to have few boundaries. You’ll need to play defense by managing their expectations around your response times and availability. Let’s say your colleague asks you to turn around a project brief in less than 24 hours. You can push back and explain, “That’s not possible. If you have this sort of task in the future, I’ll need at least a three day’s notice to work it into my schedule.” You might also advocate for better systems and processes that remove the need for excess effort.

Finally, remember to adjust your perspective on productivity. While it may be tempting to evaluate your daily success based on the number of hours you work, it’s the quality of work you deliver that matters most. 【小题5】

A.Set boundaries.
B.Make lifestyle adjustments.
C.In short, you’re dealing with a workaholic, or a work enthusiast.
D.The workaholic’s behavior can affect our well-being for the worst.
E.Being good at your job doesn’t mean working more but producing results.
F.Guilt can make it easy for you to fall into the same patterns as your colleague.
G.In other words, your colleague is probably not overworking to frighten or exceed you.
