完形填空 适中0.65 引用1 组卷72
Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

Cowboy or spaceman ? A dilemma for a children’s party, perhaps. But also a question for economists, argued Kenneth Boulding, in an essay published in 1966. we have run our_________, he warned like cowboys on the open grassland: taking and using the world’s resources, _________ that more lies over the horizon. But the Earth is _________ a grassland than a spaceship---a closed system, along in space, carrying exhaustible supplies. We need, said Boulding, an economics that takes seriously the idea of environmental_________. In the half century since his essay, a new movement has responded to his challenge. “Ecological economists,” as they call themselves, want to_________its aims and assumptions. What do they say---and will their ideas take off?

To its_________, ecological economics is neither ecology nor economics, but a mix of both. Their starting point is to recognize that the human economy is part of the natural world. Our environment, they note, is both a source of resources and a sink for wastes. But it is_________ in traditional textbooks, where neat diagrams trace the flows between firms, households and the government as though nature dis not exist. That is a huge mistake.

There are two ways our economies can grow, ecological economists point out: through technological change, or through maximum use of resources. Only the_________, they say, is worth having. They are suspicious of GDP(gross domestic product), a simple_________ which does not take into account resource exhaustion, unpaid work and countless other factors.__________, they advocate more holistic approaches, such as GPI(genuine progress indicator),a composite(复合的) index that include things like the cost of pollution, deforestation and car accidents. While GDP has kept growing, global GPI per person__________in 1978: by destroying our environment, we are making ourselves poorer nor richer. The solution, according to experts, lies in a ”steady-state” economy, where the use of materials and energy is held__________.

Mainstream economists are not__________. GDI, they point out, is a subjective standard. And talk of limits to growth has had a bad press since the days of Thomas Malthus, who predicted in the 18th century, wrongly, that overpopulation would lead to famine. Human beings find solutions to some of the most annoying problems. But ecological economists__________ self-satisfaction. In 2009, a paper in Nature argued that human activity is already__________safe planetary boundaries on issues such as biodiversity and climate change. That suggests ecologist economists are at least asking some important questions, even if their answers turn out to be wrong.

A.In additionB.For exampleC.In other wordsD.In its place
A.call forB.contribute toC.warn againstD.refer to
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Could buying paintings make you rich?

Is investing in paintings a good way to get rich fast? And how should you invest in art?

“With extreme________” is the advice of a well-known financial adviser. “We don’t recommend our customers to invest in art because the disadvantages are greater than the advantages. It doesn’t produce income or________. What you get back is entirely based on supply and________, and there are big movements upwards or downwards if there are changes in the economic environment, ” he said.

To invest in art as a true investment, you need a starting________. But it’s not just about having enough money to buy the painting in the first place. Expensive works of art are often stored in protective boxes complete with________ to monitor humidity and temperature levels, and to protect them from sun damage or other________ such as a spilled cup of coffee. And if you do put it on your wall, then your insurance costs are likely to be high. If word gets out that you have expensive art hanging on your wall, then you’re likely to be a________ for thieves.

Art is also not a regulated investment so when things go wrong-for example, an artwork________ to be a fraud(赝品)-then investors cannot count on regulation for any compensation.

Of course given the current environment of low interest rates, investing in art may still give you a(n)________ return than many savings accounts will. As art has no association with the stock market, it means paintings can________ in value even when the market crashes, making it a good investment________. It is reported that despite a decrease in the global art market throughout 2016, auction(拍卖)sales________ in the first six months of 2017.

Yet you don’t necessarily have to be super-wealthy to invest in art. There are a growing number of art fairs and online marketplaces aimed at buyers with a more________ budget. Most art industry experts suggest that you buy a piece of art because you like it, not because you want to get rich. The most________ approach is probably to buy something you like and can________, and be prepared to keep it just for your own pleasure. If it goes up in value that should be just an added benefit.

A.turns upB.turns outC.turns inD.turns away
A.fall apartB.fall downC.go aheadD.go up

Teachers have always had to deal with cheating students. In today’s high-tech world, new   ________ are making it much easier for students to _________. Recent studies have shown that most _________ in the United States now have access to smartphones. Experts say much of the cheating is done with the help of smartphones.

Nile Nickel is a technology and social media expert. He says many students put _________ into their smartphones to cheat and then hide their cheating by _________ other devices to view the information. Earlier this year, officials _________ several Thai students cheating this way during exams.

Denise Pope, an expert at Stanford University, once said, “Some kids are doing well in school, and they are _________ cheating because they need to _________ their grades. They feel the _________ of keeping a really high grade point average.” According to Pope, improving the learning and testing process can help cut down on cheating. “What I mean by that is to create tasks where it’s almost ___________ to cheat,” she said.

Pope adds that changing the __________ tests are structured can prevent cheating. She says the best tests __________ students to write their answers instead of choosing from a list of choices.

But Pope points out that one of the most important ways to help __________ cheating is to get teachers, students and parents to talk __________ about it. She says this can help students better ___________ the reasons for holding themselves to a high standard of honesty.

A.take awayB.keep upC.put asideD.set up

If you find it very difficult to drag yourself out of bed every morning, you probably wonder: Why on earth does school have to start so early?

       ________, there is good news to ________ you up – or better still, science.

A law in California, passed on Oct.13,________ that public middle schools begin classes no ________ than 8:00 am and that high schools start no earlier than 8:30 am. The law will ________ effect by July 1, 2022.

Starting school at 8:00 or 8:30 in the morning may not sound like too big of a change, but it could mean one ________ hour of sleep for students who used to start school at 7:30 or even earlier.

“In the short run, students’ school ________ should improve almost _________, ” said Kyla Wahlstrom, a researcher at the University of Minnesota’s College of Education. They also found that students who have enough sleep are more ________ in class and get better ________.

Some ________ say that urging students to go to bed earlier could have been a much easier solution than changing the school timetable ________ the whole state. But according to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, teenagers go through ________changes when they enter adolescence, ________ makes it difficult for them to fall asleep___________ 11:00 pm. So, when school starts at 8:00 or earlier, they can ________ get the ideal 8.0-8.5 hours of sleep that experts suggest they need to do their ________ in the daytime.

This is ________ when the new law came out, its author, Anthony Portantino, said, “Generations of children will come to appreciate this _________ day and our governor for ________ bold (大胆的) action.”

A.go beyondB.go alongC.go intoD.go for
