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In the United States alone, there are more than 80 brands of bottled water. That makes the United State one of the top bottled-water-consuming nations. A single-serve water bottle offers great convenience, which isn’t the only reason for bottled water’s rise in popularity. Many people believe that bottled water is cleaner and more healthful than tap water from public water system.

That is a misconception. In the United States, tap water is regulated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). By federal law, tap water is supposed to be tested every year to make sure it is safe to drink. Tap water also often contains naturally present minerals, such as calcium and magnesium. Those minerals make tap water healthful.

The impact of bottled water on the environment is staggering. Approximately 2.7 million tons of plastic are turned into disposable bottles each year. The manufacturing of all those bottles requires large quantities of crude oil and water. That process produces greenhouse gases. Bottled water is often shipped long distances to reach consumers, sometimes across vast continents. The transportation of the product uses even more fossil fuels and creates more pollution.

“Back to the tap” movements are cropping up around the world. They encourage people to use tap water and reusable “sports” bottles rather than bottled water. Colleges and universities have begun to ban the use and sale of bottled water on their campuses. San Francisco, Concord (Massachusetts), and other cities across the United States have adopted bans on single-serve water bottles. Cities in Canada (Toronto), Australia (New South Wales), and several states in India have taken similar action. Many bottled water companies are trying to do their part. They have reduced the amount of plastic in their bottles and bottle caps. Bottled water has become an international phenomenon, and it can be an important source of safe drinking water. We should not lose sight of a more environmentally friendly source, however: the water that comes out of our taps.

【小题1】Why do so many people prefer to drink bottled water according to the passage?
【小题2】Find out all the advantages of tap water mentioned in the passage.
【小题3】How does bottled water negatively affect the environment?
【小题4】Design a slogan to appeal to your schoolmates “Back to the tap” .
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The Sanjiangyuan National Park, China's first experimental national park, has been established to protect the local environment. The area is known as the country's "water tower" because it houses the headwaters of the three great rivers of the country: the Yangtze, the Yellow and the Lancang rivers.

Covering a total area of 123,100 square kilometers, the national park emphasizes the protection of the entire ecosystem, including all of the local natural resources such as wild animals, water, grassland and forests.

Since the national park started its trial operation in 2016, locals have been called on to help protect and improve the environment. Their work includes patrolling (巡逻) the grassland as well as monitoring and rescuing the park's wildlife. To date, there are 17,211 rangers (护林人) operating in the national park.

Kunsang, now 39 years old, is a Tibetan herdsman (牧人) turned park ranger for the headwaters of the Yellow River in the national park. On November 16th, 2020, Kunsang put his life at risk while attempting to save a wolf trapped in a broken ice patch on a lake. Braving temperatures of minus 10 degrees Celsius, Kunsang rushed over to the wolf and pulled the wild animal out from the icy opening on the frozen lake with the help of his colleague.

The efforts of rangers including Kunsang are paying off, and the national park has seen its wild animal populations bounce back apparently in recent years. Hoh Xil (Kekexili) National Nature Reserve, one of the largest no man's lands in China and a part of the Sanjiangyuan National Park, is now home to more than 70,000 Tibetan antelopes, said Wang Xiangguo, deputy director of the park. The official explained that the population numbers for the rare species, which is under first-class state protection in the country, once declined sharply to no fewer than 20,000 due to the impacts of illegal hunting.

【小题1】Why is Sanjiangyuan National Park called "water tower"?
A.It protects the local environment.
B.It is the largest national park in China.
C.It is where the three great rivers head for.
D.It is the source of the three great rivers of China.
【小题2】How can the locals help to protect the environment?
A.By cleaning the water.B.By watering the grassland.
C.By saving wild animals in danger.D.By doing researches on the species.
【小题3】What does the author intend to do in paragraph 4?
A.To praise Kunsang for his bravery.B.To call on people to join the program.
C.To give an example of rangers' efforts.D.To stress the dangerous work situation.
【小题4】What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.Hunting should be banned completely.
B.The number of wild animals has increased.
C.Tibetan antelopes only live in no man's lands.
D.Rare species are no longer endangered in the park.
【小题5】What does the author think of the efforts of the rangers?

Levi Draheim, 11 years old, and 20 other young people have accused(控告)the us encouraging the climate change. For more than a century, human activities have been increasing the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. That has caused a host of effects globally, from changes in weather to ice melting at the poles.

Levi lives in Satellite Beach,Fla. He once had to leave his home because of strong storms. He rains flooded the town’s streets. And he had trouble breathing during red tides, which can develop wt harmful ocean algae(海藻)grow out of control.

Climate change is making these events more frequent. Levi and his family also have another climate-change-related problem. Sea level is rising. “If climate change worsens, the island that I live or will be gone,” he explained.

The young people say the US government allowed the use of fossil fuels(矿物燃料). Burning those fuels gives off greenhouse gases, driving climate change. The youths want the government to solve the problem of pollution. So they took the government to court in 2015.

The case has had several hold-ups. In the beginning, the government asked the trial court(初审法庭) to refuse to accept the case. The court didn’t do that. Then they turned to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. That court said the case could go ahead, and the Supreme Court agreed. Both sides did work to get ready for trial. But the government again tried to get the case thrown out without a trial.

Finally, trial was set to start on October 29, 2018. But on October 19; the US Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts told the trial court to hold up. The youths’ lawyers objected. On November 2, the Supreme Court finally agreed that the trial could go forward. Right now, it is hard to say when that what happen.

【小题1】What does the underlined word “That” in Paragraph 1 refers to?
A.The increasing amount of greenhouse gases.
B.The time of human activities.
C.Harmful ocean algae.
D.Climate change.
【小题2】Levi thinks that climate change        .
A.makes his family poorer
B.is less valued by common people.
C.will force his family to move again
D.is the direct cause of his sufferings in life.
【小题3】According to Levi,the US government        .
A.should provide people with places to live during storms.
B.encourages human activities driving climate change.
C.should stop the growth of the harmful ocean algae.
D.fails to improve people’s living conditions.

Nature has the power to alter an element’s identity with time and space. This is evident by the transformative effect Britain’s deep coal mines have been showing after decades of being one of the biggest reasons for pollution. Now, they’re being employed to supply green energy to the town of Gateshead. The town is the first place to experience something like this in the country, but the success of the phenomenon has encouraged the authorities to apply it to other towns.

In 2021, coal was just producing 2% of electricity in the UK. Most of the electricity in the country is being supplied through oil and gas. This has resulted in massive abandoned coal mines all across the country. As years went by, these mines were flooded with water, making it a source of geothermal(地热的) energy, which is used to generate heat and electricity. Gateshead hosts such a mine in its town, whose council, therefore, launched a mine water project in March 2023.

The authorities put in a large central heat pump in the mine. Mine water can often sit with a temperature of 45℃. The water is then pumped using appliances to home heat pumps. The process increases the temperature further. The water then goes ahead and warms up the interior space and home water supply. After the heat from the water has been used, it’s sent back to the mine where it again goes through the same process. The project has been successful in supplying low-carbon heating to 350 high-rise buildings, a college and several office buildings.

“Recovering heat from mine water below the ground within abandoned coal mines provides an exciting opportunity to generate a low-carbon secure supply of heat, benefitting people living or working in buildings on the coalfields,” said Gareth Farr, head of heat and by-product innovation at the Coal Authority.

The water resources through the mines are estimated to be two billion cubic meters or half the amount of water in Loch Ness. Farr added, “With many millions of people living upon abandoned coalfields in Great Britain, the potential for mine water heat could be significant.”

【小题1】What does the town of Gateshead feature?
A.It’s been one of the most heavily polluted areas.B.It has the most deep coal mines nationally.
C.It mainly relies on geothermal energy.D.It is the first one to reuse abandoned coal mines.
【小题2】Why were many coal mines abandoned in the UK?
A.They were quite remote.B.Prices of coal declined a lot.
C.There weren’t enough miners.D.The UK prioritizes cleaner energy.
【小题3】What is implied in the last paragraph?
A.The number of abandoned coal mines is stably increasing.
B.The future of sourcing energy from coal mines is promising.
C.The dependence on water resources in the UK is decreasing.
D.The technique to take advantage of mine water is impressive.
【小题4】What is the text mainly about?
A.An innovative way to obtain green energy.B.A method of living in harmony with nature.
C.A national project for abandoned facilities.D.A discussion on the future of coal mines.
