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Dear Children,

As you know, for years I’ve planned to write up the memories. Now that you are grown, I’ve signed up for a memoir writing class. You know what? It’s such a struggle!

Sometimes, I wake up in the middle of the night with just the right thought in my mind. Grabbing notepaper and pen, I go in the bathroom and write it down. Great! I don’t want to lose that, and in the morning it may be gone. But I’m having trouble getting back to sleep these days and find myself nodding off in my chair after dinner.

Instead of writing “I remember,” we are encouraged to be creative. The right expression came -during the night. Naturally I jumped up and got it written just the way I wanted. It’s all sort of a torture (拆磨). I’m walking around with dark circles underneath my eyes.

I spend a great deal of time staring out the window, deep in thoughts. I’ve noticed I’m having a little bit of trouble sometimes getting my eyes to focus again. I also carry around a notebook in my purse to seize the thoughts when I’m driving around or at the grocery store. The notebook takes up so much space in my purse!

It’s great to have pictures to illustrate the writings. But in finding just the right ones, I have to search around through all the boxes, and the house is in a mess. in fact, I’m becoming absent-minded, I have to admit. I forgot to turn on the coffee pot the other morning, and yesterday the potatoes burned when I was writing down this great description.

So, my dears, I’ve decided it’s fun to write all the memorable times in my life and to share the happy days of your growing up years. But I think at my age, I need my rest. Enjoy the ones I’ve written because I’ve decided not to write any more memoirs.

Love, Mom

【小题1】What happened to the author after taking part in the memoir writing class?
A.Her memoir was soon accomplished.
B.Her sleeping quality was greatly affected.
C.She formed a habit of sleeping after dinner.
D.She became a creative writer after struggle.
【小题2】Why did the author carry around a notebook?
A.To help her driving.
B.To communicate with people.
C.To write down her thoughts.
D.To take up the space of her purse.
【小题3】What can we learn about the author from Paragraph 5?
A.Her memory became poor.
B.She was not good at cooking.
C.She liked drawing pictures.
D.Her house was always in a mess.
【小题4】What is the author’s attitude to her decision of not writing memories?
A.Optimistic but confused.
B.Pessimistic but tolerant.
C.Sorrowful and frustrated.
D.Objective and sensible.
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Last semester in my final year of high school, I had a kind teacher whom I can never forget. I was not the best student when it came to writing tests. I had to work extra hard to get good marks, although I enjoyed learning. Anyway, this class that I truly enjoyed still had me struggling to do well on my tests. My teacher willingly helped me and was always willing to answer my questions, and I greatly appreciated it. He was a remarkable teacher, always reaching out to students and helping them achieve their greatest potential.

I remember the day of writing my final exam, I was the last one still writing in the exam room as always, reviewing my exam paper, while everyone else had already finished and left the room. After turning in my exam-paper, I started to leave the classroom, but decided to turn around and say what I had meant to say.

What I did right then was that I sincerely thanked my teacher for everything. What I said to him lastly meant a lot more to him than I thought it would —“I really enjoyed this class.” I did not think much about it. I was just being honest with him, but the look on his face was remarkable. He seemed really touched and appreciated my simple comment, just knowing that one of his students had truly enjoyed his class. That is what I call a simple, yet very meaningful act of kindness to brighten a teacher’s day, because they work so hard for us and truly inspire us to learn.

It is what we say and do to show concern to others that can make somebody else’s day extra special. I believe that a simple praise can mean a lot more than one can think.

【小题1】What can we know from the first paragraph?
A.The author was good at learning.
B.The author didn’t do well in writing.
C.The classes had me struggling.
D.The teacher answered all my questions.
【小题2】Why is the author thankful to his teacher?
A.He taught him how to learn.
B.He let him pass the tests.
C.He helped arouse his potential.
D.He listened to him patiently.
【小题3】Which words can describe the teacher?
A.Honest and kind.B.Kind and outstanding.
C.Special and patient.D.Skillful and clever.
【小题4】What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.A teacher is always helping his students.
B.We should be honest with others.
C.We should appreciate others’ help.
D.A simple comment matters a lot to others.

Albert was an ordinary worker in an oil company in America. His workmates gave a nickname(绰号) “Four dollars a bucket ()” to him, for he was always used to leaving an advertisement of his company “Four dollars a bucket of oil” below his name whenever and wherever he wrote down his name.

As time went by, people forgot his real name. Later, when Rockefeller, the board chairman of the oil company, heard of it, he was very surprised, so he invited Albert to come to his office.

“Some people give you a nickname for ‘Four dollars a bucket’. Why aren’t you angry?” asked Rockefeller with some puzzlement in his eyes. “Oh! Mr. Rockefeller! I like this nickname very much, because ‘Four dollars a bucket’ is our company’s advertisement. As long as someone calls me ‘Four dollars a bucket’ once, I think it’s a free advertisement for our company. I have no reason to get angry. Don’t you think so, Mr. Rockefeller?” “Oh! What a fantastic man!” Rockefeller said excitedly when hearing Albert’s words. “Young man, work harder! You must succeed in the future! I believe in you!”

Five years later, Albert became the second board chairman after Rockefeller. Later Albert said in one of his reports, “I don’t think we should feel frustrated when we have no way to do the world-shaking things. We should treat everything actively because maybe our future success will begin with a small thing!”

【小题1】What was Albert in the oil company at the beginning?
A.A customer.B.An assistant.C.A manager.D.A worker.
【小题2】Why wasn’t Albert angry at his nickname?
A.He could become famous.
B.He liked to have a nickname.
C.It could make his workmates happy.
D.It could advertise for his company for free.
【小题3】What would be the best title for this passage?
A.A Clever Way to Make Advertisements.B.Albert and Rockefeller.
C.Four Dollars a Bucket.D.The Second Board Chairman.

The Importance of Failure

When the world-famous author J.K. Rowling gave a speech at a Harvard University graduation ceremony, some may have a little surprised by the topic she chose: “The Benefits of Failure”.

Rowling’s first novel was rejected by 12 publishers before it was finally published, yet paradoxically, it was this experience that helped her to succeed: “【小题1】. I discovered that I had a strong will, and more discipline than I had expected.”

The late Apple CEO Steve Jobs experienced failure early in his career, when he was fired form the company he had co-founded. 【小题2】. However, it was, in his view, “the best thing that could have ever happened to me. The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again, less sure about everything. It freed me to enter one of the most creative periods in my life.”

Even Bill Gates has experienced failure. His first company was called Traf-O-Data, but unfortunately, its product didn’t work. It was a total disaster. But what Gates learnt from this experience helped lay the groundwork for the global success that is now Microsoft. He didn’t make the same mistake twice.

Talented fashion designer Vera Wang has built a global fashion empire, yet life wasn’t always so straightforward. A dedicated ice skater as a young woman, Wang was bitterly disappointed when she did not make the 1968 US Olympic team. 【小题3】. After 15 years at the magazine, she was passed over for promotion to editor-in-chief. However, this setback prompted her to set up her own bridal fashion label. The rest is history.

【小题4】. Twice failing the college entrance examination at home, Lee turned to study drama in the US, but his poor English prevented his form becoming an actor. After being accepted for a directing major, Lee spent six years looking for opportunities to direct a film, but was only asked to look after filming equipment. He then spent most of his time writing plays which were rejected by more than 3- companies within two weeks. During six years with no income, he had to depend on his wife. In the end, whit his wife’s encouragement and his determination, all his efforts finally paid off.

All these individuals share something in common: At tough moments in their lives, they showed grit. But what is “grit” exactly? Put simply, it’s a passion for something and the determination to work hard and to stick with it. 【小题5】.

So. how can we become “grittier”? This is where the importance of failure comes in” If we can learn how to manage failure, we’ll learn how to succeed. By working through a series of failures, we’re better prepared for the bigger challenges we’ll face int the adult world: We’ll have the resilience we need to keep going. We’ll have true grit.

A.He felt despair and rejection.
B.He learnt that success isn’t a one-way street.
C.Reaching success, he worked hard and pushed himself.
D.She gave up sport and joined Vogue as an assistant editor, but was crushed.
E.Failure taught me things about myself that I could have learnt no other way.
F.It’s very easy to give up when we hit setbacks, but people who have grit keep going.
G.Ang Lee, a worldwide-famous director, wasn’t successful either as a student or as an actor.
