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Hawks(鹰) and other raptors(猛禽) are impressive predators, and many of these species are adapted for fast, quiet flight to help them attack their prey(猎物). After all, raptors make their living by flying down to take small animals off the ground. While a hawk clearly couldn’t lift a full-grown dog, it might seem reasonable that raptors could lift a small dog, cat or possibly even a human child. Is that a reasonable concern, or just a flight of fancy?

There are urban legends about hawks stealing 12-pound pets, and some taking away kids, but these are based on wrong descriptions of how much weight these raptors can lift. Hawks and owls, for instance, can’t fly away with prey that outweighs them. And given the light weight of even big raptors like red-tailed hawks and great-horned owls —which average about 2 pounds and 3 pounds separately, — they’re unable to take away most adult dogs and cats, not to mention human children.

Some larger red-tailed hawks may be able to carry prey weighing 5 pounds,which could include not just puppies and kittens but also some adult cats and dogs from small kinds. Great-horned owls also focus on small mammals and birds, but they have the most diverse diet of any North American raptor, including larger animals like skunks, ducks and even other raptors. They don’t create a serious threat to pets overall, although they have been known to attack house cats and chickens left outside overnight.

While most pets and kids are probably safe from raptors, it still might be wise to take a few precautions, depending on the situation.

One of the most effective precautions is to watch over your pets when they’re outdoors, which is generally wise anyway, for their safety as well as that of your neighbors and local wildlife. Some pet owners try to drive raptors away, using reflective tape and so on. Some of these might work, at least for a while, but they can’t replace human supervision. If raptors fly down at your pet, an umbrella could help prevent off some species, while a flashlight can reportedly discourage owls after dark.

The presence of wild raptors suggests you live in a healthy ecosystem, and if you can bear to share space with them, there’s a good chance they’ll repay you for your tolerance. Instead of hunting pets, for example, many raptors are far more likely to hunt pests like rats.

【小题1】What does the author think of a hawk taking away a kid?
A.It’s just imagination.
B.It’s a reasonable statement.
C.It remains to be proven.
D.It may happen as to big raptors.
【小题2】What do we learn about raptors, like hawks and owls?
A.Some big hawks can lift up to 12 pounds.
B.Red-tailed hawks can carry cats and dogs, large and small.
C.Great-horned owls prefer to eat small animals rather than large ones.
D.Great-horned owls in general cannot lift more than 3 pounds.
【小题3】Which can best protect your pets from raptors?
A.Use reflective tape.
B.Use a flashlight at night.
C.Keep an eye on your pets as much as possible.
D.Keep your pets under the umbrella all the time.
【小题4】It’s not always a bad thing to have raptors around because________.
A.they can scare away harmful animals
B.they may help you catch rats and other pests
C.it helps to keep the ecosystem in balance
D.it helps you understand the importance of tolerance
【小题5】What is the main idea of the passage?
A.How to protect pets from raptors.
B.How raptors get their food.
C.What prey raptors usually feed on.
D.Whether raptors catch pets or kids.
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Whether exploring distant universe or dashing about a fantasy world, virtual reality has immersed humans in extraordinary places. Now, it seems, mice will be able to join us.

Researchers have developed a pair of virtual reality “goggles” that can bring the mice into various situations, from navigating mazes (导航迷宫) to experiencing the threat of natural enemies.

With a pair of lenses (镜片) and screens mounted on stands either side of a mouse’s head, the recently updated version of “goggles” provides each eye of mice with a 180-degreefield of view. The researchers placed the animals on a treadmill (跑步机) in front of a large screen displaying a digital scene, with their heads fixed to monitor the brain activities. This not only allows mice to see the virtual environment in 3D and gets rid of visual clues of the lab, but offers a way to present virtual images from above —for example, of a hovering hawk. This stimulation causes mice to freeze or flee the same as they react in real environment to survive a hungry bird attack in the wild. When the mice froze, activity from neurons (神经元) in their brains involved in navigation suggested they were in a different location from where they actually were. “It was as if they were thinking about where they would rather be — a safe, covered location up ahead.” Dombeck said, adding such results might help explain how imagination arises in the brain.

The team are also working to identify neurons involved in forming memories when mice navigate a maze, as well as which connections between them are improved to form memories. Answering these questions will help us understand how our brains know where we are in the world around us, how we form memories of those experiences, and ultimately how those memories are degraded in neurodegenerative diseases.

【小题1】What might the mice see and do wearing “goggles”?
A.It will always see a hawk in the fields.B.It will enjoy an amazing 3D fiction movie.
C.It will notice the surroundings in the lab.D.It will detect virtual dangers from above.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “mounted” mean in paragraph 3?
A.Be attached.B.Be displayed.C.Be collected.D.Be hatched.
【小题3】What do research intend to achieve eventually through this research?
A.To teach mice how to face the virtual reality by itself.
B.To study how imagination arises smoothly in the brain.
C.To remind mice how to escape from approaching dangers.
D.To explore how memories are degraded in neuron diseases.
【小题4】Which is the most suitable title for the text?
A.Mice take pleasure in the virtual reality.B.Goggles on mice benefit brain research.
C.Goggles play a key role in the research.D.VR helps mice navigate mazes successfully.

Next time your plane lands, listen to the sound of the tyres hitting the ground. The reason the tyres don’t explode is because they are made of natural rubber. The tyres of cars, motorbikes and trucks are also often made of the same stuff.

Natural rubber comes from trees. Workers cut the trunks of the trees and collect a white liquid called latex(乳胶). In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, huge numbers of rubber trees were planted in countries including Malaysia, Burma and Brazil. More than a century ago, scientists discovered how to make man-made rubber, but natural rubber is much stronger and can last much longer. Nearly half the rubber which is produced each year is natural rubber and there is always a need for more.

Rubber trees are not easy to grow. They are affected by changes in temperature, too much or not enough rain, high winds and disease. Some trees survive while others die and it’s all down to their genes. Two British organizations, the Tun Abdul Razak Research Center(TARRC) and The Genome (基因组)Analysis Center (TGAC) , have been working together to look at rubber trees. This is the genes fit together in very long chains of DNA. The genome for a plant such as a rubber tree or animal needs to grow. The genome contains all the information the plant or animal needs to grow. The genome for a plant such as a rubber tree is smaller than a human genome but it is still very long, which is why it has been so difficult to find. As Ewan Mollison of TARRC says, the work has been like putting a picture puzzle together where all the pieces show blue sea and blue sky.

Now scientists can use the rubber tree genome to produce stronger trees. By understanding the genome, they can change the DNA in rubber trees in useful ways. They can also do it much faster than before. In the future, it will be possible to grow trees which survive climate change and disease.

【小题1】What’s the author’s purpose of writing Paragraph 1?
A.To explain the landing of airplanes.
B.To introduce the advantage of natural rubber.
C.To provide the information about tyres.
D.To compare air traffic with road traffic.
【小题2】What made natural rubber so demanding each year?
A.Quantities of rubber trees were planted in Southeast Asia.
B.Rubber trees are not easily affected by the climate change.
C.By now scientists haven,t discovered how to make man-made rubber.
D.Natural rubber is much tougher and more lasting than man-made rubber.
【小题3】What does Ewan Mollison suggest in Paragraph 3?
A.Finding the genome sounds as interesting as a picture puzzle.
B.The genome of a rubber tree is as blue as sea and sky.
C.The genome of a rubber tree is not easy to be identified.
D.Completing a picture puzzle with sea and sky is difficult.
【小题4】What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.The Origin of Natural Rubber.
B.The Application of Natural Rubber.
C.Natural Rubber: It’s All in the Genes.
D.Natural Rubber VS Man-made Rubber.

In the Mediterranean Sea, a model detection system— the System for the Avoidance of Ship-Strikes with Endangered Whales(SAvEWhales) developed by Emmanuel Skarsoulis’s research team, can use the clicks of a sperm whale to determine its location in three-dimensional space. In tests using both artificial sounds and the sounds released from real sperm whales, researchers showed that SAvEWhales can provide enough notice for a nearby ship to change direction or slow down when a whale is in its path.

SAvEWhales’ design is fairly simple. It has won praise from a professor at Cornell University for its getting near-real-time information that ships could use on the spot. For the model detection system, Skarsoulis’s team fixed three buoys(浮标) in a triangle one to two kilometers apart near the Hellenic Trench, a five-kilometer-deep underwater canyon(峡谷). Hanging from each buoy on a 100-meter line was a hydrophone(水中听音器) to detect underwater sound. The three hydrophones picked up information each time a nearby sperm whale clicked. Based on the reflections of the sperm whale’s clicks, the scientists built their method to calculate the depth of the clicking whale. And by running the same calculations each time a whale clicks nearby, the scientists can actively track whales.

So far, the system has only experienced a two-year pilot test, and Skarsoulis and his colleagues have already identified some barriers to expanding it to a full-time monitoring system. These include analytical challenges as well as those involved in maintaining an at-sea system. In fact, fishermen who happened to be nearby watched the first two SAvEWhales buoys that were used disappear underwater, dragged down by strong water flows. Besides, the surface reflection analysis that makes SAvEWhales so powerful can’t be used for whales that communicate through song rather than clicks, such as fin whales.

Yet such monitoring is urgently needed in the Mediterranean Sea, says a whale researcher Nino Pierantonio. Pierantonio notes that other efforts to reduce ship strikes will also be essential tools in protecting the endangered sperm whales. “When reducing speed is not an option, we need another way to achieve it,” he adds.

【小题1】How can the new system help endangered sperm whales?
A.By locating sperm whales through recorded sounds.
B.By reminding ships surrounding sperm whales.
C.By guiding sperm whales to a safe place.
D.By warning sperm whales of potential risks through artificial sounds.
【小题2】What does paragraph 2 mainly talk about?
A.The selection of the experimental bases.B.The basic development process of SAvEWhales.
C.The inspiration for the model detection system.D.The unique features of sperm whales’ clicks.
【小题3】What is the function of the hydrophones in?
A.To identify different sounds underwater.
B.To record the data gained from the buoys.
C.To provide ships’ specific location information.
D.To help collect the information on sperm whales’ clicks.
【小题4】What can be inferred from the text about SAvEWhales?
A.It needs further improvement.
B.It will be tested in strong water flows.
C.It will target fin whales in the near future.
D.It needs to be applied as a full-time system urgently.
