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Playing online games late into the night will soon become a thing of the past for teenagers in China. The State Press and Publication Administration(国家新闻出版署) made the public know new gaming regulations for them on November 5.

Some rules have been put forward in the regulations. Real- name registration(注册) for online games is a practical requirement. Besides, the new regulations also control the amount of time they can spend on games. They won’t be allowed to play games bet between 10 p.m and 8 a.m. Their playtime will be limited to 1.5 hours on weekdays and holidays. Developers must add age information to their games. The regulations also required that children aged between eight and sixteen should not be allowed to spend more than 200 yuan a month on in-game purchases. Those between the ages of 16 and 18 will have a monthly limit of 400 yuan.

China is one of the largest gaming markets. Some point out that this could greatly influence the development of the industry. However, both parents and game developers welcome the new effort. They believe that these rules are a step in the right direction. The Chinese government has long been worried about the possible harmful effects of online games on young people.

“I think it’s good news for this industry,” said Lonkey Zheng, the General Manager, “we’ve done a lot of work in this area. And now the new regulations have given us clear guidance for our future work.”

【小题1】How many rules have been mentioned in the gaming regulations?
【小题2】The underlined word “this”in Paragraph 3 refers to “_____.”
A.the gaming marketB.the online game
C.the new effortD.the Chinese government
【小题3】This passage is probably taken from_____.
A.a newspaperB.a science book
C.a story bookD.a guidebook
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Why do we find ugly animals so appealing? And what makes odd-looking creatures so cute?

Evolution plays a role. According to Austrian zoologist Konrad Lorenz, human attraction to infantile (婴儿的) features, such as big eyes, large heads and soft bodies, is an evolutionary adaptation that helps ensure that adults care for their offspring, guaranteeing the survival of their species. Odd-looking animals such as blobfish, pugs, aye-ayes and bulldogs all share these infantile qualities that trigger an affectionate response among humans and an natural instinct (本能) to nurture and protect. And these infantile characteristics increase a person’s protective behavior, attention and willingness to care for the individual and reduce the likelihood of aggression towards an infant, says Marta Borgi, a researcher.

Ugly animals often have other value-some, like the blobfish or the naked mole rat, live in extreme environments that they have adapted to in remarkable ways. Scientists are keen to study these animals to understand whether their biology might provide fresh insights that could lead to treatments for human health conditions such as cancer, heart disease and neurodegenerative diseases.

But while many ugly creatures are adapted to their life in the wild and can provide enormous benefits to the ecosystems they live in, they often still don’t get as much attention as more traditionally cute animals. This can result in a prejudice which leads to many of the less attractive species being overlooked in terms of research.

There are other culture-led factors that also drive our obsession (痴迷) with ugly-cute animals. “The ugly-cute thing is very fashionable,” says Rowena Packer, a lecturer of animal behavior. This is partly driven by social media, with many celebrities and influencers showing off pet pugs and French bulldogs on Instagram, she says.

But there are some serious welfare concerns around this trend. Veterinarians are urging people not to choose a flat-faced dog breed (品种), because they suffer from serious health problems. Pugs and French bulldogs which have been selectively bred experience breathing difficulties, repeated skin infections and eye diseases. So while ridiculous features such as bulging eyes and wrinkly faces may make us smile, we might want to reconsider our obsession with “ugly-cute” pets.

【小题1】What features of animals might stimulate human’s love for them?
A.Unusual Body shapes.B.Different color patterns.
C.Soft bodies and cute looks.D.Baby-like facial expressions.
【小题2】Why are scientists keen on the research into ugly animals?
A.To gain new insights into their living habits.
B.To develop certain cures for human diseases.
C.To find ways to survive extreme environments.
D.To explore reasons for their strange appearances.
【小题3】What has contributed to people’s craziness about ugly-cute animals?
A.The appeal from celebrities.B.The need of the community.
C.The proposal from an expert.D.The influence of social media.
【小题4】Which of the following would be a suitable title for the text?
A.Be a wise ugly-cute animal loverB.Develop the protective behavior
C.Follow in influencers’ footstepsD.Adopt more odd-looking animals

Every year thousands of people are crowded in the city of Pamplona, in north eastern Spain, for the opportunity to run for their lives as six fighting bulls are released to charge through the town. There are dozens of injuries every year, and there have been at least 15 deaths recorded since 1910. Daniel Parisi, a physicist and computer scientist realized that the Pamplona bull-runs offered the perfect natural experiment to research the insight of the psychology of panicked crowds.

Dr. Parisi and his team went to two different rooftop locations in Pamplona in July 2019, and recorded footage (镜头) of the runners as the animals were released. A wave of people running at top speed raced past their cameras a few seconds ahead of the bulls. The researchers brought their recordings back to the lab to calculate the speed of the runners, the density (密度) of the crowd and the probability of a runner tripping and falling. They also examined the tracks of the bulls, the responses of individual runners as the bulls came near to them, and the relationship between runner-group density and speed.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the researchers found that runners picked up speed when the bulls drew near. Less expected was the finding that the speed of individual runners increased with the density of the crowd This finding is at odds with a long-held assumption in architectural and urban-design circles that people will slow their pace as group density goes up, in order to lower the risk of a collision, which could lead to a fall and, perhaps, injury or death as a runner is trampled by others.

It seems that, in the heat of the moment, people pay little attention to the danger of colliding with each other, and do not slow down. The duty falls upon urban designers to work out how best to plan the construction of future alleys, tunnels, bridges and other passages that restrict flow. The only option may well be to make them wider.

【小题1】Why did Daniel Parisi and his team come to the Pamplona bull-runs?
A.To cover the event.B.To work as volunteers.
C.To collect data.D.To participate in the event.
【小题2】What is paragraph 2 mainly about?
A.The responses of the runners.
B.The process of the research.
C.The possibility of a runner tripping and falling.
D.The relationship between runner-group density and speed.
【小题3】What does the unlined phrase “at odds with” mean in paragraph 3?
A.In contact with.B.In combination with.
C.In harmony with.D.In disagreement with.
【小题4】What inspiration can urban designers get from the finding?
A.They should make passages wider.
B.They should make buildings more solid.
C.They should slow down the construction of buildings.
D.They should pay less attention to density of buildings.

Americans spend billions on vitamins, multivitamins for their health, but a review of numerous studies concluded there is little to no evidence that some of those vitamins prevent heart disease, cancer or death.

The report, released by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force last week, concluded that “recent evidence is not enough” to determine whether vitamins actually help or hurt your health, based on 84 studies, 52 of which were done since 2014. Vitamins examined included vitamins A, B, C, D and E, as well as other multivitamins.

“Our suggestion is neither for nor against taking vitamins, or combinations of those nutrients (营养物质). We just don’t have enough evidence,” said Dr. John Wong, a doctor in the Department of Medicine at Tufts Medical Center who was involved in the report.

While the finding is that vitamins don’t have any benefits to “healthy, non-pregnant (未怀孕) adults”, it doesn’t apply to “children, people who are pregnant or may become pregnant, or people who are hospitalized.”

The Task Force admitted it makes sense that people would take vitamins in hopes of health benefits, as some shortage may lead to illness. But experts agreed the best way to get good health and prevent cancer is a balanced diet and regular physical activity.

“The suggestion across all organizations about vitamins is to eat a balanced diet, and then the key tends to be on plenty of fruit and vegetables and less junk foods,” Wong said.

Wong added people should refer to their health doctors to determine if any vitamins are worth taking. He said this suggestion should also serve as a need to further research into proving the official benefits and risks for each vitamin.

【小题1】Why can’t we say whether vitamins really benefit or harm health?
A.Because they really have no benefit.
B.Because many studies have proved it.
C.Because evidence is not enough at present.
D.Because Dr. John Wong wasn’t involved in the research.
【小题2】Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?
A.Vitamins are of no benefit to anyone.
B.Vitamins are beneficial to healthy adults.
C.Children can’t take vitamins though they are in hospital.
D.People could take vitamins if lack of vitamin may tend to illness.
【小题3】Which is the best way to avoid cancer according to the Task Force?
A.Taking enough vitamins.
B.Eating more packaged foods.
C.Following their health doctor’s advice.
D.Having a balanced diet and doing exercise.
【小题4】Which can be suitable title for the text?
A.Taking Vitamins: No Benefit to People
B.Doctor’s Advice on Buying Vitamins
C.Taking Vitamins: Likely to Waste Money
D.Americans Spending More Money on Vitamins
