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There have been several incidents in recent years where people died because of unsafe crowd conditions and stampedes(人群的蜂拥), the latest one unfolding in Seoul, South Korea, with at least 155 deaths reported. This may leave some people thinking there’s little you can do to survive a stampede. 【小题1】 But crowd-safety experts say there are several strategies that could help you avoid a potentially deadly outcome. Consider these steps below:

The key to staying safe in a crowd begins as soon as you arrive at the location, says Randy Atlas, a safety consultant based in Fort Lauderdale. 【小题2】 It’s a piece of common sense advice that Atlas applies not just at big events, but even when entering almost any room.

If there’s a sudden panic and crowds begin to push in a certain direction, your instinct (本能) may be to fight back and push the opposite way. 【小题3】 If you go against the flow, you increase your chances of getting tripped and knocked down. Another risk, according to experts: If you fight the crowd, you will tire yourself out quickly in a situation where energy is needed.

As you move forward with the crowd, it’s best to move in a diagonal (对角线的) direction so you can potentially angle your way out of the situation. The goal is to get to the edge of the stampede where it’s less likely that you’ll end up stuck at a choke-point, like a doorway.

【小题4】 Look for a solid structure to stand behind such as a pillar or a wall. Other places to duck: behind a car or even a lamp post.

In many stampede events, people die simply because they are crushed to the point they can’t breathe. But a possible way to avoid this is to place your arms in front of you, almost in a boxer-like position. That could give you some very valuable breathing room—literally. 【小题5】

A.Another potential way is to shelter yourself.
B.But that could be a big mistake, Atlas warns.
C.In this case, you don’t necessarily have to wait and let time slip by.
D.Namely, he advises people to take note of where the nearest exits are.
E.It’s a simple pose, but surprisingly effective and possibly life-saving.
F.Other events, such as a Halloween gathering, are likely to turn deadly.
G.Indeed, it’s a frightening situation and circumstances may make it impossible to escape.
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Going from middle school to freshman year of high school is a big challenge.【小题1】

Be open to new friendships.

High school is all about experiencing new things, including new friendships. Getting to know people you haven’t met before is a great way to broaden your horizons (眼界). 【小题2】 Simply sitting with a new person at lunch can be a good way to get it started.


For most people, going off to high school means heading off to a new campus. If you worry about the unknown, reach out to the school and see if someone can help. They might be able to show you around the campus, which will make you a bit more comfortable as you go on with your freshman year.

Get organised.

High school and middle school are very different in studying. 【小题4】 You can buy a planner and spend a few minutes each night going over the notes you took in class that day. Staying on top of your studies will make it much easier to get used to high school.

Create a three-year plan.

While there’s no need to plan every day for the next three years, it can’t hurt to make a note of classes you want to take or activities you’d like to try. 【小题5】 Having a plan in place will help you make the most of your high school experience.

A.Explore the campus.
B.Be open to new experiences.
C.If you’re nervous,start small.
D.Believe it or not, the three years go by really fast.
E.Challenges like these might sometimes put you under great pressure.
F.Try to get as organised as possible so you can stay on top of your work.
G.Here are some ways to help you deal with bad feelings and prepare for the first year.

How do you feel about exams? Is it the one thing you are afraid of or an experience you enjoy because it’s your time to shine? If you’re anxious about your exams, don’t worry, you’re not alone. It might seem like a stressful time when the pressure is on to pass that all-important test but take a deep breath and absorb some good advice from people who’ve been through the same experience as you.

Eating the right food can feed your brain and keep you alert. Nutritional therapist Kerry Torrens recommends making breakfast the most important meal of the day. She recommends eating energy-giving oats (燕麦) and eggs, which contain a nutrient called choline—thought to help cognitive (认知的) performance and improve memory as we age. And don’t forget to drink lots of water—some research even suggests students who take water into the exam hall may even improve their grades.

One thing I know I always need is a good night’s sleep to help me work and think better the next day and that’s what’s recommended for anyone preparing for their exams. If you get good sleep, your memory is better and that means you can keep the information you have revised. And it’s good to calm down before bedtime too—no watching TV or chatting on social media!

A good way to reduce your stress is to write down your anxieties. This is something that Lisa Artis from the Sleep Council recommends because it can “free your mind”. She also says sitting on your bed when you’re cramming (突击学习) is not a good idea because then you associate that place with stress. So it’s good to take breaks and reward yourself with a small treat, like a cake or a quick run around the block. There comes a point when your brain can’t absorb any more information, so you’ll also need to know when to stop.

【小题1】What is thought to improve cognitive performance?
A.Watching TV.
B.Drinking enough water.
C.Chatting on social media.
D.Eating energy-giving food.
【小题2】According to the passage, why is good sleep important?
A.It benefits people’s memory.
B.It highlights the calm down effect.
C.It can decrease the time used in social media.
D.It can be applied by anyone who’s faced with an exam.
【小题3】Which statement might Lisa Artis agree with?
A.Cramming is not a good idea.
B.Sleep Council needs more attention.
C.Beds are usually associated with anxiety.
D.Treating yourself when necessary is rewarding.
【小题4】Which of the following can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Dealing with Exam Stress
B.Successful Methods of Testing
C.Preparing Energy-Giving Food
D.Beneficial Approaches to Studying

Having a growth mindset means believing that your intelligence, creative ability, and character are more than just what you’re born with. With it, you can increase your intelligence and self-awareness, continually growing as a person. Luckily, there are ways that can help you develop a growth mindset.

Figure out what your gifts are. Your gifts will help you succeed, but they can only do so if you know what they are. Start by thinking about the areas in which you excel. 【小题1】 In which subjects did you always do well in school? What are you good at in your job?

Know your challenges. Listen when you receive feedback from others, as that tells you where you can grow. For example, if a friend says, “【小题2】 What happened to the last one? ” you may realize that you aren’t following through on your projects.

【小题3】 Letting mistakes determine your sense of self tends to push you towards a fixed mindset. Mistakes are something you do. But they are not who you are as a person. Separate the two, and you’ll start to learn from your mistakes.

Be willing to try new things. Part of developing a growth mindset is always working to challenge yourself. That means you must try new things. However, when you try new things, you’re bound to make mistakes, which keeps many people from even trying. 【小题4】 Focus on hard work, not your natural abilities. Those who think natural intelligence is the only way to succeed are likely to fail. Most people who have major successes work extremely hard to get there, even if they do have some natural talent. 【小题5】

A.What comes easiest to you?
B.You’re starting another new project?
C.Avoiding silly mistakes is a top priority.
D.Remember mistakes don’t define who you are.
E.The best solution is to keep trying and challenging yourself.
F.In this way, you’ll become a successful person just like them.
G.You should think and act like them to continually progress and master your skills.
