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Mark on Call

Specifically made for the iPad, Mark on Call is a complete planning and design tool for interior design professionals and serious do-it-yourselfers. This practical planning tool lets you imagine again any space in your home by applying different styles, colors and decorations. By using the iPad camera, decorations and other room elements can be overlaid in an existing space, and resulting images can be measured and stored. With Mark on Call,you can create shopping lists, and it is convenient for professional designers contractors(商).

Platform:iOS       Price:$ 6.99

Garden Plan Pro

If you plan on eating what you grow, then Garden Plan Pro will set you on the right path. Whether you are laying out a vegetable, herb or fruit garden, Garden Plan Pro will give you great tips and easy-to-read instructions. Garden Plan Pro will adapt to your area and growing conditions, and a free online service will provide you with twice-a-month reminders and a to-do list.

Platform:iOS     Price:$9.99

Home Maintenance

Home Maintenance is a convenient service that helps you follow the maintenance and repair of your home and garden. Whether it’s checking smoke alarms, scheduling the annual HVAC service,or cleaning the gutters(雨水槽),Home Maintenance will remind you in a timely fashion of what needs to be done. You can use prepared lists or create your own and note-taking and receipt-saving tools allow you to track everything that happens.

Platform:iOS        Price:$4.99

【小题1】What can Mark on Call help you to do?
A.Take pictures.
B.Do the shopping.
C.Buy a new house.
D.Decorate your home.
【小题2】How much should you pay for the app designed to help you grow plants?
【小题3】How does Home Maintenance help you?
A.By telling you everything happening in your home.
B.By helping keep your home functioning well.
C.By making sure you have enough electricity.
D.By making your home more comfortable.
知识点:日常生活 科学技术 说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

The Climb to the Top

My life as a kid was a sweet life. I lived in a beautiful house with the beautiful surroundings in Puerto Rico. There was one particular thing I loved and it was a huge tree that was in my backyard. As a child, I used to climb the tree every day. Every time I went, I climbed higher and higher, reaching new branches, obstacles, and pathways on my way up. One day, I reached the top and I could see my island. I felt I was on top of the world, and nothing could stop me. Then, there was the day that seemed like the end of my life. This specific day changed my life forever.

It was a nice summer day. After breakfast, my family headed to the park to see my baseball game. In the evening we went to a carnival (嘉年华) in my town. My grandma was selling blankets under a tent. Suddenly, the mood of the day changed when my parents took me to my grandma's tent. Still to this day, I remember the exact words my dad said to me, “Son, how would you like to move to the United States?” I couldn't believe what he said. I then ran away from him as the tears rolled down my cheeks. My perfect life was being taken away from me.

Two weeks later, we arrived at New York in late July, and my aunt and uncle drove us to Springfield,Massachusetts where we lived for seven years. Once we got there, I met my mom's family for the first time. September came and school started. I was afraid to go to a new school and make new friends. Most kids ignored me and some tried to talk to me, but I couldn't understand them or say anything. My first year in the United States was not fun or easy but I worked hard and got through it.

Now that I'm grown, I look back on the journey that I've been through: living in a new place with no friends, new language, and new schools. Despite all those problems, I still remembered that special tree. That tree taught me to never give up and reach higher. I have beaten every difficulty that I have met in life and I just kept moving forward. My perfect life was never taken away from me; it has just started.

【小题1】When the author was a kid, he _________.
A.thought his life was very pitiful
B.expected to live in a beautiful house
C.dreamed of traveling around the world
D.enjoyed the pleasure of climbing a tree
【小题2】Why does the author mention the baseball game and carnival in the passage?
A.To compare life with that in America.
B.To introduce his family tradition.
C.To show he didn't like studying.
D.To state his daily life routine.
【小题3】Paragraph 3 mainly tells us about _________.
A.the family that he had met before
B.his new friends in Springfield, Massachusetts
C.the living conditions when he arrived in America
D.his difficult experiences during the first year in the US
【小题4】The author has realized that to live a perfect life is _________.
A.to never give upB.to always make new friends
C.to forget all problemsD.to remember sweet memories

“Yard sale” is appealing to bargain hunters, antique seekers and so on. It may seem simple. 【小题1】 Here, what you need to know, do and plan for in order to hold a great event.

Plan in advance. Have you decided you’re going to have a yard sale? Great! 【小题2】 In addition to gathering up and assessing your things, placing signs around the neighborhood, you also need to find out whether your city requires a permit and whether your other neighborhood organization has rules about yard sales.

Get help. You probably don’t want to do this all alone since your attention will be spread pretty thin during busy sale periods. Ask a couple of friends, neighbors or family members to help you out with set-up, running the register or clean-up -or better yet, to add their own things to the sale. 【小题3】.

【小题4】If you’re going to the trouble of attempting to sell your stuff, make it look attractive so it actually sells well. Wipe down appliances, wash, iron and hang clothing, and lay everything out nice and neat on clean tables and shelves, not in piles.

Be safe. 【小题5】 Do not let people enter your house to try on clothes or use the bathroom, and keep your doors locked. Don’t take personal checks from strangers, and rather than a cash box anybody could grab, keep earnings on your person in a fanny-pack-type device or safely in your pocket. Take periodic trips inside to put the cash.

A.Make it look appealing.
B.Put your stuff on the table individually.
C.The following tips can give you a hand.
D.Now give yourself at least one month to pull it together.
E.Multi-family or neighborhood-wide sales draw more buyers.
F.But a yard sale does require some knowledge and effort to be a success.
G.Remember, there are some strangers simply coming over to browse your goods.

Did you know that swimming can provide you with the tools you need for achieving success later in life? The following life lessons aren’t things you can be taught in a classroom. They are drawn from the count-less hours we spend swimming in the clean water.

Having big goals is necessary to achieve success in the pool. Sometimes those big goals can be our worst enemy, however. You need to start with short-term goals. Sometimes taking baby steps can be too slow for some people, making them annoyed, but successful swimmers know that this slow progress provides an accumulated effect that has a huge impact in the mid and long term. Success in the pool — and life — is achieved step by step, mistake by mistake, small win by small win.

Swimming tests your mental limits. I cannot count how many times I watched the coach write a set of training plans on the board and felt myself holding back deep inside, mind racing, with thoughts of how badly I was going to die over the course of the set. But then what happened? I pulled it off. I started the set, and talked myself through it. “Hey, this isn’t so bad.” A little bit later, “Okay, halfway done.” And finally, “I am going to achieve the goal!”

The reality is you never know how tough you are until you are in the race, reaching that goal even though a few minutes earlier you were mentally shaking in your swimming suit. This carries really well into the other challenges you will face in your life. We always think we aren’t capable, that swimming or life finally beats us, but believe it or not, you will always be as strong as you need to be.

【小题1】Why does the author think that sometimes big goals can be harmful?
A.Swimmers will feel annoyed at their slow progress.
B.Big goals need a long annoying term to achieve.
C.Small but necessary steps can be easily ignored.
D.More mistakes are needed to achieve bigger goals.
【小题2】What was the author nervous about when seeing the set on the board?
A.Losing his life in the race.B.Failing to reach the goal.
C.Drinking the water in the pool.D.Finishing the race halfway.
【小题3】What does the phrase “pulled it off” in Paragraph 3 mean?
A.Left the place.B.Took it off.C.Made it.D.Gave it up.
【小题4】What Can be the best title for the text?
A.Confidence is what you need to reach your goal
B.Life lessons you will learn from swimming
C.Swimming can make you tough in life
D.Small goals add up to big success
