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Learning New Languages & Traveling

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, more young people than ever are using their spare time to develop their language skills.【小题1】, thus opening doors for cooperation and friendship, and new opportunities.

Many people have visited other countries and found themselves devoted to a worthy cause. 【小题2】 Organizations like Doctors Without Borders were established after the hardships ( 苦难) around the world were seen. We live in a diverse world. Much of the injustice and tension in our world comes from a large cultural divide. We can never appreciate the true beauty of our world if we don’t explore new things first-hand and test the limits ourselves. 【小题3】. Whether you are twirling (旋转) with mariachi dancers in Mexico or catching a wave in Australia, traveling could change your life.

【小题4】 It allows us to broaden our perspectives, learn about new foods and activities, meet like-minded people, and get involved in life-changing causes. By having respect for each other, we can come together and solve our problems together. Let’s learn to understand each other and start changing our unjust world, individuals by individuals. As a saying goes: 【小题5】.

A.After they return home, they realize they have broadened their perspectives and discovered their true potential
B.Learning a new language will allow us to communicate with people from different backgrounds and countries
C.Traveling gives us interactive experiences that no book, Instagram post, or speech can replace
D.And unlike material things, experiences stay with us no matter where we go
E.Learning to appreciate the beauty of other cultures creates a big difference.
F.The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones
G.The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page
知识点:哲理感悟社会问题与社会现象 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

A recent study showed that money can buy happiness, but only a certain amount. The researchers concluded that the ideal (理想的) income for individuals is $95,000 a year for life satisfaction. 【小题1】 That means money is only a part of what makes us happy. If we’re really unhappy to our core (核心) inner being, then there are limits to how happy money can make us.

What exactly is happiness anyway? Is it a car, a house or a big screen TV? Buying a new car feels great at first. But months and years later, it’ll just be a car. 【小题2】 And then you’re back to where you started. Or you’ll want more. Happiness is a feeling. It is often used to describe a range of positive emotions, including joy, pride, contentment, and gratitude.

Science now shows that happiness is not about how much money you have, but how you spend it. Donating can help you find the meaning in life. You don’t have to have large amounts of cash to make a difference. 【小题3】

Spending money on experiences has been shown to increase happiness as well. 【小题4】 You can travel, learn a new musical instrument, or even take a cooking class.

【小题5】 It could be sleeping in. It might be a hug or watching a butterfly. Money doesn’t have anything to do with these. However, these are the little things in life that matter. They bring us happiness. Happiness is found in the smallest behaviors rather than material things.

A.The newness eventually wears off.
B.What else brings a smile to your face?
C.How do you develop the right attitude towards money?
D.They create memories and connections that can last for a lifetime.
E.You can just buy a cup of coffee for the person in line behind you.
F.If you see someone else’s fancy car, it’s easy to want the same thing.
G.Once that amount is reached, further income is actually related with reduced happiness.

Many times, sports events can be really competitive. Athletes go through great pressure both in their training and during performance, all for that number one position. For one Spanish athlete, Iván Anaya, it was exactly that respect for the great hard work and devotion to the sports that made him lose on purpose.

During a cross-country race in Burlada, Navarre, the Kenyan athlete Abel Mutai was well ahead of Iván. But then, thinking he had already reached the finish line, he started slowing down in his pace. He still had 10 meters ahead of him. Anyone else in second position might have taken advantage of that mistake but not Iván. Iván stayed behind Abel, and using hand signals, he guided Abel to the finish line.

Later, Iván spoke about his decision, which might stun many people. Iván said, “I just did what I had to do. He was the rightful winner. He was far ahead of me and I couldn’t have caught him up if he hadn’t made a mistake. As soon as I saw he was stopping, I knew I wasn’t going to pass him.”

Iván’s coach, former Spanish runner Martin Fiz, said he would not have thought to do the same thing. “It was a very good gesture (姿态) of honesty,” said Fiz, “A gesture that I myself wouldn’t have made. I certainly would have taken advantage of it to win.”

Iván hoped it would spread a message about the importance of honesty. “But I also think that having done what I did has earned more fame than if I had won,” he added. “And that is very important, because today in all circles, in soccer, in society, where it seems anything goes, with the way things are, a gesture of honesty goes down well.”

【小题1】Why did Abel slow down during the race?
A.He wanted to lose on purpose.B.He was waiting for Iván Anaya.
C.He was too tired to keep running.D.He thought he had reached the end.
【小题2】Why did Iván refuse to take advantage of Abel’s mistake?
A.He felt very sorry for Abel.B.He still couldn’t catch up with Abel.
C.He thought that Abel deserved to win.D.He didn’t know what happened to Abel.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “stun” in paragraph 3 mean?
【小题4】What does the author want to tell us through Iván’s story?
A.Sports events can be really competitive.
B.Honesty is required in all walks of life.
C.Friendship is more important than winning.
D.Fairness is more important in competitions.

When I was a little girl, a couple in our community went through a tragedy. They lost a young child and were in deep despair. Shortly afterward, my mother ran into the father at the local supermarket. He turned to my mother and said, “Your husband saved our life. He was the one more than anyone else who helped us get through this incredible loss.”

My mother wanted to know what message of solace was given to lift them from the depths of despair. So back at home, she asked my father about their conversation many times, but my father insisted that he had said nothing.

A few weeks later the couple came over to our home. After sitting down for a few minutes, my mother gently said, “You told me that my husband helped you the most when you went through your awful sadness. What did he say?”

“Rebbetzin, you husband did not say one word. He just came over to our home and walked over to me without saying anything. And then he reached over to me, took my hands into his and hugged me. I looked up and saw tears falling from his eyes. You cannot imagine what that felt like. Your husband felt my pain. I was not sitting alone with my suffering.”

My mother was quiet, absorbing the message this man was giving.

“No, your husband did not speak. I didn’t need him to give me words. I needed his heart and soul.”

When I recall this story, I realize the truth. When having someone in our lives who is going through difficulty, we are often at a loss. What do we say? How do we make it all better? What is the greatest gift we can give to our loved ones?

We tend to think that we must fill space with words. But when you want to give of yourself, give a listening heart. Sometimes a person in pain needs you to stay silent. Just now that you are there for them. Perhaps you can’t fix anything or take away the pain, but you can feel it. With the silence comes sympathy and understanding. And you share the load.

【小题1】What does the underlined word “solace” in Paragraph 2 mean?
【小题2】How might my mother feel after hearing the man’s words?
A.Satisfied. .B.Annoyed.C.Disappointed.D.Surprised.
【小题3】What can be learned from the text?
A.Time is the recipe to cure a broken heart.B.Your presence speaks louder than any word.
C.Listening to your heart is of great importance.D.A random act of kindness can make a difference.
