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1. Blood is blue inside your body.

Human blood is the same color inside your body as it is outside: red. Our veins look blue because the tissue covering them changes the way light is absorbed and scattered, which affects our perception of their color.

2. Paul Revere shouted “The British are coming!”

You can thank Henry Weds-worth Longfellow and his poem “Paul Revere’s Ride” for spreading that tale. No one knows what, if anything. Revere shouted through the streets of Lexington, Massachusetts, though we don know he told one guard that “the regulars are coming out.”

3. The hottest part of a chill pepper is the seeds

Capsaicia, a chemical compound that binds to the pain receptors on our nerves to produce that very heat, is most concennrated in the inner white rib of the chili pepper. The seeds don’t actually contain any capsaicin, but they may be coated in it because they touch the rib.

4. Jesus Christ was born on December 25.

The Gospels of Matthew and Luke never mention the date of Jesus’s birth. So why do we celebrate December 25 as the day that Christ was born? It could be because of a Roman Catholic historian from the third century, Sextus Julios Africanus, who believed Jesus was conceived on March 25 - nine months before what is now Christmas Day.

5. The Sahara is the world’s largest desert.

Technically, Antarctica is. The U. S. Geological Survey defines a desert as “arid land with meager rainfall [usually less than ten inches per year] that supports only sparse vegetation and a limited population of people and animals.” Antarctica averages only six inches of rain a year (mostly as snow) and is almost 5.5 million square miles. The Sahara is only 3.3 million square miles.

6. Chameleorts can change their coloring to match any background.

The lizards do adjust their skin tone to camouflage themselves in certain environments, but their color range is limited. The really vibrant hues you see on TV and in books aren’t usually meant for tricking predators. Those chameleons are trying to attract a mate or defend their territory. Male chameleons have even been known to change their colors to appear female, which helps them sneak by other males without the threat or fight.

【小题1】It is _________ that essentially make(s) the pepper taste spicy.
A.the concentration of capsaicinB.the coating of the seeds
C.the pain receptors on our nervesD.the size of the inner rib
【小题2】What can be inferred from the passage?
A.The Sahara isn’t seen as the world’s largest desert because it receives less rain than Antarctica.
B.Chameleons change their coloring to serve purposes other than fooling their enemies.
C.Wads-worth witnessed Paul Revere shout “The British are coming” with his own eyes.
D.The absorption of light by the tissue changes the blood inside our body from red into blue.
【小题3】Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?
A.Discoveries That Are AmazingB.Facts That Are Misleading
C.Findings That Are SignificantD.Myths That Are Unknown
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Most people will tell you that without a cup of coffee in the morning, they cannot function. Coffee is a good drink when consumed in right amount. 【小题1】

A legend says that Kaldi, an Ethiopian, discovered his goats enjoy eating coffee plants. Curious, he tasted the leaves and began to dance around. A passing monk witnessed the scene and took some back to his fellow monks. Later that night, the monks experienced extreme inspiration. 【小题2】 Soon Arabia started roasting coffee beans. By 1000 A.D., Muslims were drinking coffee to stay awake. A merchant from Venice introduced coffee to Europe in 1615. By 1696, the Dutch started growing the coffee bush in Java. By 1723, coffee plants were introduced to the Americas. Today, coffee is the most popular drink in the world.

Caffeine is the major chemical in coffee. Caffeine poisoning can occur if more than 400 milligrams of caffeine is drunk in a short period, which is about four to five cups of coffee. 【小题3】 So it should be avoided before bed.

【小题4】 Studies have shown that it helps cognitive skills in elderly women. Women who drank three cups of coffee daily scored higher on memory tests than women who drank one cup of coffee.

Large amounts of coffee can cause nervousness, worries and heartburn. However, if mixed with milk, it is fine. 【小题5】 The more you drink, the more you depend on it. For some people, just one cup of coffee a day is OK.

A.Coffee also has some benefits.
B.Coffee can be addictive like any drug.
C.Caffeine will also cause sleep difficulty.
D.The caffeine in coffee can actually help fight disease.
E.However, it is considered harmful if taken in large amount.
F.Drinking coffee while you have this kind of disease will make it worse.
G.Whether the legend is true or not, the discovery of coffee dates back to 800 A.D.

Humans spend approximately one-third of their lives sleeping, which means that by the time you reach 15 years old, you will have slept for about 5 years! However, the question remains: why do we do it? Sleep has long been a puzzle for people, leading scientists to explore its mysteries. They have found that during sleep, our brains and bodies do not simply shut down; instead, complex processes unfold.

What causes sleepiness? It’s caused by our biological clock releasing a special chemical signal at the same time daily, signaling it’’s time to wind down. The feeling of heaviness comes from the buildup of old nerve messenger chemicals. When the message gets too much, the brain senses that it’s time to sleep. During sleep, the body breaks down and clears away these old messengers, preparing for a fresh start.

As you slip into sleep, your heart and breathing slow down, and your brain ignores the most sounds and surroundings around you. Despite appearances, your brain remains active during sleep, performing essential tasks. Throughout the night, you cycle through light, deep, and REM (rapid eye movement) sleep stages every 90 minutes. Early on, slow-wave sleep is the primary stage, aiding in brain cleaning, while towards morning,REM sleep increases, leading to vivid dreams. During sleep, your body repairs and grows, creating new skin, muscle, and other tissues with released chemicals. It’s also a time for hormone (荷尔蒙) production, aiding growth, and boosting the immune (免疫) system to fight infections.

Scientists still have many questions about sleep, such as why some people need more sleep than others and how certain animals can function with less sleep. They aim to find ways to improve sleep quality. However, one thing is clear: getting enough sleep is vital for health and intelligence. Think of sleep as a free magic potion that strengthens you, aids growth, boosts immunity, and enhances intelligence, happiness, and creativity. Simply lie down and rest to enjoy these benefits.

【小题1】What inference can be drawn from scientists’ findings about sleep?
A.Sleep serves no purpose.B.Sleep has fundamental processes.
C.Sleep involves complex processes.D.Sleep has minimal impact on brain function.
【小题2】What is the primary function of the body’s “biological clock“?
A.Determining the best time for sleep.
B.Controlling chemicals within the body.
C.Managing eating and digestion patterns.
D.Regulating daytime and nighttime activities.
【小题3】What is the main focus of the third paragraph?
A.Describing the different stages and functions of sleep.
B.Discussing the benefits of daytime activities for overall health.
C.Exploring the effects of inadequate sleep on the body and mind.
D.Analyzing the impact of stress on the immune system during sleep.
【小题4】Which of the following best describes the structure of the passage?
A.Narrative of personal sleep experiences.
B.Comparison of human and animal sleep patterns.
C.Imaginary stories illustrating the advantages of sleep.
D.Explanation of sleep importance, with body processes described.

While staring out of the window during a flight, not everyone will think carefully about the question why airplanes have rounded windows rather than square ones .

Over the years, aerospace engineering has made huge steps in airplane technology, meaning planes can carry more passengers and go faster. The planes have also changed shape to increase safety—including the windows. As commercial air travel took off in the mid -20th century, airline companies began to fly at higher altitudes to lower their cost—the air density (密度) is lower up there, creating less drag (阻力) for airplanes. However, higher altitudes came with problems, like the fact human beings can’t really survive at 30,000 feet. To make that possible, the cabin was changed to a cylindrical (圆柱体) shape to support the pressure inside. But at first, plane builders left in the standard square windows and this expansion meant disaster. The de Havilland Comet came into fashion in the 1950s. With a closed cabin, it was able to go higher and faster than other aircraft .

However, where there’s a comer, there’s a weak spot. Windows, having four comers, have four potential weak spots, making them likely to crash under stress— such as air pressure. By curving the window, the stress that would eventually break the window comer is distributed and the chance of it breaking is reduced. Rounded shapes are also stronger and resist deformation   (变形), and can thus survive the extreme differences in pressure between the inside and outside of the aircraft .

Fortunately, designers figured out the lack of design pretty quick . Now we have nice, rounded airplane windows that can resist the pressure of traveling altitude. It gives being able to gaze out of your window to the world from 35,000 feet a whole new outlook, doesn’t it?

【小题1】Why did airlines aim to fly at higher altitudes?
A.To save money for less drag.
B.To help the plane to take off.
C.To increase safety of the plane .
D.To carry more passengers and go faster.
【小题2】What does the underlined words “de Havilland Comet” in Paragraph 2 refer to?
A.An aircraft.B.A band.
C.A planetD.A design.
【小题3】Which is the advantage of the rounded window?
A.It increases the air pressure.
B.It weakens the strength of air pressure.
C.It reduces the possibility of breaking up.
D.It helps to survive the extreme weather.
