选词填空-短文选词填空 较易0.85 引用2 组卷28
Complete the summary using the words from the box below.
alcohol     appropriate     cue     cycle     negative     pill   psychology     reward     tobacco     discipline

Teenagers often have bad habits. Most can be stopped by taking 【小题1】action. However, habits like 【小题2】and 【小题3】 abuse can lead to serious addictions. According to modern 【小题4】, to change bad habits, we must first analyse them using the “habit 【小题5】”. To fix or improve a bad habit, we must first find out what the 【小题6】is. Then we must change the old【小题7】 routine to something more positive. If successful, we will feel a sense of 【小题8】 and our bad habit may disappear. Changing a bad habit is difficult, and it is easy to make excuses and give up. We need to make up our minds and show some 【小题9】, and make small changes over time. There is no magic【小题10】 to help us, but changing will ensure we have a happy and healthy life!

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clue, bitter, request, chain, outcome, impress

Dealing with customer complaints

While we do our best to provide our customers with top-quality products and service, there are unavoidably occasional complaints. The vast majority of customers who complain have reasonable grounds for doing so and we should be grateful to them: the majority of unhappy customers will not make a complaint to us but will instead make it known to a(n) 【小题1】 of ten people, as well as possibly complaining online.

A professional approach

Some 【小题2】 complaints can be delivered forcefully. It is a challenge to remain calm in such situations, but this is what we, as staff, must do. It is worth bearing in mind that we shouldn’t turn it into a personal matter: just address the issue at hand. Take a professional approach if a customer gets angry or upset and keep your own emotions in check.

Finding out what’s wrong

Sometimes, you are 【小题3】 about what the customer really wants. Listen carefully and attentively to what the customer has to say and let him finish. Sometimes people just want to be heard. Ensure you know the exact nature of the problem and give the customer the 【小题4】 that you care and want to know what happened.

Providing solutions

When the customer has given you all the details, be sure to acknowledge the issue. If the customer has not opened an item or the item is faulty (有毛病的), give him a replacement if that is what he 【小题5】. There is no need to have this approved by a manager but note it in the diary in the office and put faulty items in the returns area. However, if the customer demands a refund (退款), you will need to have this processed by management.

In the case of ongoing or more serious complaints, it may be wise to follow up with a phone call or email to make sure the customer is satisfied with the 【小题6】.

After reading the passage below, fill in each blank with a proper word given in the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. embrace               B. still               C. reinvention               D. humble            E. address          F. stable
G. additionally            H. results             I. identify             J. necessarily             K. comfort

Four Leadership Essentials for Uncertain Times

The past two years have sowed a tremendous amount of uncertainty around the world. Yet, we are reminded that even though the most violent of storms, the 【小题1】willow(柳树)bends but does not break. So, which skills and strategies should you pay attention to so that you and your organization can not only survive but even thrive through these complicated times? Here are 4 strategies you can apply to navigate your business in uncertain times:

Don’t Become Paralyzed by Uncertainty

No one knows what is coming over the next few weeks or months. Yet, you cannot afford to stand 【小题2】in the face of ambiguity. You must be willing to act even without what you consider to be complete information.

Gather the best data available to you and move forward. In the words of Marcus Tullius Cicero, “More is lost by indecision than wrong decision. Indecision is the thief of opportunity. It will steal you blind.”

Adopt a Learner’s Mindset

Start by assessing your abilities honestly with tools, such as leadership self-assessment tests, and 【小题3】which ones you want to work on most. Then, set a plan to create opportunities in which you can learn through direct experience, pushing yourself beyond your 【小题4】 zone. This will make you more prepared to face new challenges that you or your organization may encounter on the road.

Accept Life’s Paradoxes

Wise leaders understand that every situation holds positives and negatives, threats and opportunities. As you 【小题5】these contradictions, you will become more resilient.

Ask yourself what you and your company might learn from the current crises. Can you create new products and services that 【小题6】our present circumstances? Can you innovate the way you design and deliver your products and services?

Finally, remember the English proverb, “necessity is the mother of invention.” When faced with difficult situations, we are more likely to create innovative solutions, if we can learn to live with uncertainty, find a(n) 【小题7】footing in the middle of the chaos, and accept life’s paradoxes.

To survive, thrive and profit, organizations must move from disruption to 【小题8】—must evolve to retain and grow their people to ensure a successful talent pipeline-and the most vital organizations will 【小题9】thrive by giving more than they take from the world.

Put simply, this new year demands a more human approach, with a particular eye toward inclusivity and adaptability. This 【小题10】in leaders who can remain optimistic, build flexibility in times of disruption, and deliver business strategies that will create workplaces for both people and organizations to flourish and succeed.
