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Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. politely B. deserving   C. strengthened     D. hospitalization   E. cases
F. under-resourced G. unsurprising H. possibly   I. reaching     J. readopted     K. unsustainable

Too many people believe that the pandemic is over, England’s deputy chief medical officer, Prof Jonathan Van-Tam, warned this week: far from it. Europe is at its centre again, WHO has said, urging governments to continue with public health measures. But though Sajid Javid, England’s health secretary, predicted last month that 【小题1】 here could hit 100,000 a day, he remains unwilling to take action — even as the latest Real-time Assessment of Community Transmission (React) findings, for late October, show that about one in 58 people is tested positive — more than double September’s levels.

The indifference of Mr Javid and his boss, Boris Johnson, is 【小题2】, given the government’s record. (Last month’s news report on its response stressed that it had “lacked speed in making timely decisions”: if put less 【小题3】, it was far too late, far too often). But their attitude is doubtlessly 【小题4】 by a drop in recorded cases over the past week. Some experts think the drop may have to do with the growing immunity caused by high infection rates.

While vaccines (疫苗) (and now treatments) are decreasing 【小题5】 rates, current infection levels and breakthrough cases remind us that vaccines do not stop people from catching or spreading Covid, and reduce but do not eliminate the possibility of serious health problems such as long Covid.

The government is counting on boosters (疫苗加强剂), though it says its “plan B” — forced masking, vaccine passports and encouragement to work from home — will be introduced if the pressure on the National Health Service (NHS) is 【小题6】. The British Medical Association believe that point arrived weeks ago. Queues of ambulances are the most visible indication of the pressures. The NHS went into the pandemic 【小题7】 and, more obviously at the current stage, short-staffed. The overall impact has been exhausting. Any further increase in Covid patients, already 【小题8】 more than 9,500, would greatly weaken the ability to deal with the huge backlog (积压的工作).

Why take that risk? Forced masking on public transport and in places such as supermarkets must be 【小题9】. The government should introduce Covid passports for crowded venues. Third doses (针剂) must be made more accessible. Adopting these minimal measures now would save lives and protect the NHS, 【小题10】 preventing the need for more drastic action later.

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Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is ONE WORD MORE than you need.
A. insurance     B. variant     C. significantly     D. hit     E. confirmed     F. encouraging
G. vaccinated   H. imposing   I. border          J. occupancy     K. primarily

Destinations around the world have faced significant tourist reductions amid the coronavirus pandemic. But few have taken a harder【小题1】than Bali, the Indonesian island long beloved of global travelers. Due to strict 【小题2】control measures and a closed airport, Bali went from receiving millions of international visitors to welcoming just 45 in 2021. The two-digit number accounts for the period between January and October 2021 and was【小题3】by the Central Statistics Bureau of Bali.

As the island's Ngurah Rai International Airport(DPS)in Denpasar has been closed to international flights nearly all year, those tourists have almost all come via private yachts. Though the airport officially reopened to international flights on October 14, there have so far only been domestic flights in and out of the airport,【小题4】from Indonesia's capital city of Jakarta.

In order to come to Bali, foreign tourists have to deal with strict Covid-related entry requirements. They must obtain a business visa at a cost of $300(there are no tourist visas at present), take multiple PCR tests and buy special health 【小题5】. In addition, airfare costs are higher than usual due to the lack of direct flights.

One hopeful visitor is Justyna Wrucha, a UK citizen planning a trip to Bali with her husband. It will be their first visit to the island, which has long been on their bucket list. However, they think that the policies relating to foreign visitors are extremely harsh by【小题6】a 10-day quarantine on fully【小题7】people.

Bali's Covid policies are determined by the central government in Jakarta, not by local authorities on the island. Originally, the quarantines were shorter but were recently increased due to fears of the new Omicron【小题8】. Ray Suryawijaya, head of the Indonesian Hotels and Restaurants Association of Bali's Badung District, agrees with Wrucha. "With all those barriers, it's difficult for us to expect foreign tourists to come to Bali," he said.

However, there is one small glimmer of hope with the gradual return of domestic tourism. Ray reports that the【小题9】rate of hotels in Bali is now around 35%. "On weekends, about 13,000 domestic tourists are visiting Bali," he adds. While that small trickle of visitors is an【小题10】note to end the year on, especially for the many Balinese locals who depend on tourism to support their families, it won't be enough to rescue the 2021 season.

Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. avoided     B. processed     C. suited     D. equal     E. steer    F. interfere
G. understandably     H. concentration     I. thirst     J. cabin    K. unsettle

Eating on a plane used to be common practice. But in the age of COVID-19, many passengers are 【小题1】 less inclined to remove their masks to take a mid-flight bite ― or to even have a snack at the airport.

As a result, it’s more common to eat at home before embarking on a flight. Those with longer travel journeys may even eat a large meal to carry them through the day. Still, not all preflight eats are created 【小题2】.

Tracy Lockwood Beckerman, a registered dietitian based in New York City, said it’s worth considering your overall health as you prep for travel, including what you eat and drink. “It’s important to eat foods that will keep your immune system strong, keep you hydrated and are easily digested before flying,” Beckerman said.

So, which foods are best 【小题3】 on a day when you’re traveling by plane?

“It’s super common for dehydration to set in when flying, thanks to the lack of humidity and dry air in the 【小题4】,” Beckerman said. “That’s why it’s not the smartest to have a meal high in sodium (钠) the day before or morning of your flight.” Beckerman also advised going easy on the salt shaker, opting for snacks without added salt to avoid dehydration-related headaches.

Alcohol consumption tends to cause dehydration and has a different effect on the body than if you were to have a drink at ground level due to the low pressure in the cabin and the low oxygen 【小题5】 in blood. Therefore you are more likely to get drunk faster and urinate frequently.

A cup of coffee can leave you dehydrated in an already dry environment and coffee also has a mild diuretic effect, which can lead to more frequent trips to the bathroom.

Beyond the dehydrating effects, caffeine can also keep you awake during a flight, which is often an opportunity to catch up on sleep. The need for more frequent bathroom visits can also 【小题6】 with your ability to doze during your travels.

If you have a sensitive stomach, you might want to 【小题7】 clear of foods that can mess with your digestion. That includes highly 【小题8】 snacks like candy and fast food, which often contain ingredients that could 【小题9】 your digestive system.

A balanced meal that satisfies your 【小题10】 with water and hydrating fruits contains moderate amounts of complex carbohydrates and lean protein, and is low in added sugars and sodium is ideal.

Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one more word than you need.
A. abandoningB. capturedC. cautionD. dominantE. enduringF. fearful
G. griefH. isolationI. lockedJ. popularizedK. revolutionary

Welcome to the YOLO Economy

Something strange is happening to the exhausted, type-A millennial workers of America. After a year spent hunched (弯腰驼背) over their MacBooks, 【小题1】 back-to-back Zooms, they are deciding to risk it all. Some are 【小题2】 stable jobs to start a new business, and others are stepping off the career treadmill altogether.

If this movement has a rallying cry, it’s “YOLO”—“you only live once,” an acronym (首字母缩略词) 【小题3】 by the rapper Drake a decade ago and used by cheerful risk-takers ever since. It has come to characterize the attitude that has 【小题4】 a certain type of bored office worker in recent months.

To be clear: The pandemic is not over, and millions of Americans are still experiencing 【小题5】 for the loss of jobs and loved ones. Not everyone can afford to throw 【小题6】 to the wind. But for a growing number of people with financial cushions and in-demand skills, the dread and anxiety of the past year are giving way to a new kind of professional fearlessness.

“It feels like we’ve been so 【小题7】 into careers for the past decade, and this is our opportunity to switch it up.” said Nate Moseley, 29, a buyer at a major clothing retailer. “The idea of going right back to the pre-Covid setup sounds so unappealing after this past year,” he said. “If not now, when will I ever do this?” If “languishing (受煎熬)” is 2021’s 【小题8】 emotion, YOLOing may be the year’s defining work force trend. A recent Microsoft survey found that more than 40 percent of workers globally were considering leaving their jobs this year.

【小题9】 of employees’ quitting jobs, bosses are trying to boost morale (士气) and prevent burnout. LinkedIn recently gave the majority of its employees a paid week off.

Raises and time off may persuade some employees to stay put. But for others, stasis (停滞) is the problem, and the only solution is 【小题10】 change.
