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Over the last 25 years, British society has changed a great deal. In some ways, however, very little has changed. Ideas about social class whether a person is “working-class” or “middle-class” are one area in which changes have been extremely slow.

In the past, the working-class tended to be paid less than middle-class people, such as teachers and doctors. As a result of this and also of the fact that workers’ jobs were generally much less secure, distinct differences in life-styles and attitudes came into existence. The typical working man would collect his wages on Friday evening and then give them to his wife, leaving a little for drinking or betting.

The type of what a middle-class man did with his money was perhaps nearer the truth. He was and still is likely to take a longer-term view. Not only did he regard buying a house to provide him and his family with security. Only in very few cases did workers have the opportunity (or the education and training) to make such long-term plans.

Nowadays, much has changed. In a large number of cases factory workers earn as much. Social security and laws have made it less necessary than before to worry about “tomorrow”. Working-class people seem slowly to be losing the feeling of inferiority (自卑感) they had in the past. In fact there has been a growing tendency in the past few years for the middle-classes to feel slightly ashamed of their position.

The changes in both life-styles and attitudes are probably most easily seen among younger people. They generally tend to share very similar tastes in music and clothes. They spend their money enjoying themselves, and save for holidays or longer-term plans when necessary. There seems to be much less difference than in previous generations. Nevertheless, we still have a wide gap between the well-paid and the low-paid. As long as this gap exists, there will always be a possibility that new problems will appear between different groups.

【小题1】Which of the following is seen as the main cause of class differences in the past?
A.Life style and occupation.B.Attitude and income.
C.Income and job security.D.Job security and hobbies.
【小题2】The writer seems to suggest that _______.
A.the description of middle-class ways of spending money is quite real
B.working-class ways of spending the weekend remain the same
C.working-class drinking habits differ from the past
D.middle-class attitudes towards their positions have changed greatly
【小题3】According to the passage, what was the typical feature of the middle-class in the past?
A.They had to save money for security.
B.They couldn’t make long-term plans.
C.They could make as much money as they do now.
D.They didn’t have the sense of inferiority.
【小题4】Working-class people’s sense of security has increased as a result of all the following factors EXCEPT that _______.
A.they are provided with social security
B.they can get much income
C.better jobs are available for all of them
D.the government offers legal protection
【小题5】Which of the following statements is incorrect?
A.Changes are slowly taking place in all aspects of the British society.
B.The difference between working-class and middle-class young people is narrowing.
C.The gap in income between the two classes will still remain.
D.Middle-class people may sometimes feel a little inferior.
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Parents and kids today dress alike, listen to the same music, and are friends. Is this a good thing?

Sometimes, when Mr. Ballmer and his 16-year-old daughter, Elizabeth, listen to rock music together and talk about interests both enjoy, such as pop culture, he remembers his more distant relationship with his parents when he was a teenager.

“I would never have said to my mom, ‘Hey, the new Maroon 5 album is really great. How do you like it?’” says Ballmer. “There was just a complete gap in taste.”

Music was not the only gulf. From clothing and hairstyles to activities and expectations, earlier generations of parents and children often appeared to move in separate orbits.

Today, the generation gap has not disappeared, but it is getting narrow in many families. Conversations on subjects such as sex and drugs would not have taken place a generation ago. Now they are comfortable and common. And parent-child activities, from shopping to sports, involve a feeling of mutual trust and friendship that can continue into adulthood.

But family experts warn that the new equality can also result in less respect for parents. “There’s still a lot of strictness and authority on the part of parents out there, but there is a change happening,” says Kerrie, a psychology professor at Lebanon Valley College. “In the middle of that change, there is a lot of confusion among parents.”

Family researchers offer a variety of reasons for these evolving roles and attitudes. They see the 1960s as a turning point. Great cultural changes led to more open communication and a more democratic(民主的) process that encourages everyone to have a say.

“My parents were on the ‘before’ side of that change, but today’s parents, the 40-year-olds, were on the ‘after’ side. ” explains Mr. Ballmer. “It’s not something easily accomplished by parents these days, because life is more difficult to understand or deal with, but sharing interests does make it more fun to be a parent now.”

【小题1】Which of the following indicates that the generation gap is disappearing?
A.Parents share more interests with their children.
B.Parents and children talk more about sex and drugs.
C.Parents and children get involved in the same activities.
D.Parents believe in their children's abilities more than before.
【小题2】What is the change in today’s parent-child relationship?
A.More confusion among parents.
B.Less gratitude to parents from children.
C.New equality between parents and children.
D.More strictness and expectations of parents.
【小题3】What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph mean?
A.Today’s parents can set a limit to the change.
B.Today’s parents follow the trend of the change.
C.Today’s parents don’t take the change seriously.
D.Today’s parents can hardly adjust to the change.

Despite the life-saving COVID-19 vaccines (疫苗), so many people died in the second year of the pandemic in the US that the nation’s life expectancy dropped for a second year in a row last year, according to a new analysis.

The analysis of government statistics found US life expectancy fell by just under half a year in 2021, adding to a dramatic drop in life expectancy that occurred in 2020. Dr. Steven Woolf, a professor of population health and health expert at Virginia Commonwealth University, who helped conduct the analysis, said many of the deaths occurred in people in the prime of their lives. And Woolf added that it drove the overall US life expectancy to fall to 76.6 years—the lowest in at least 25 years.

“Shame on the US,” said Noreen Goldman, a professor at Princeton University. The 2021 drop came after US life expectancy fell in 2020, dropping by almost two years. It’s unclear why this happened, but Woolf and others thought it may be due in part to some Americans more likely to live in states with fewer restrictions, so they let down their guard more, while often refusing to get vaccinated.

“The deaths that occurred in 2021 were a product not only of a lack of COVID-19 vaccines, which was a factor, but also being in places that didn’t observe policies like masking and social distancing that prevented spread of the virus, which was the main reason,” Woolf said.

The 2021 drop also widened the gap in life expectancy between the US and other countries, the analysis found. That was due primarily to lower vaccination rates in the US, researchers said. The researchers also said a big part of that was fewer restrictions and more vaccine hesitation in the US, which resulted in lower vaccination rates and a much higher death number. The other health problems like heart attack and overweight also played a role, they said.

“We spent a fortune on medical care and we’re a high-income country. Our government should be able to do far better,” Goldman said.

【小题1】What was America’s life expectancy before COVID-19?
A.About 79.1 years.B.About 78.6 years.
C.About 77.1 years.D.About 76.6 years.
【小题2】What played an important role in leading the high death rate in the US?
A.Lack of medicine.B.Powerful virus.
C.Violation of anti-epidemic policies.D.The government’s negative act.
【小题3】Which column of a magazine can this text come from?
【小题4】What is Goldman’s attitude toward the government?

A University College London study looked at car use to conclude that cities have to become car-free to survive. Simply put, if we don't reduce the number of cars in our cities then they will just completely clog up and stop moving.

The study notes the number of cars is actually increasing faster than that of people. In 2019, 80 million cars were built while the population increased by 78 million. And the mass production of those cars was responsible for 4% of global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions (排放) ,which is bigger than aviation (航空) and that's before you even fuel them up.

The study authors construct a mathematical model, and residents choose driving their car or taking public transport on the basis of the time it takes to do the trip. “All individuals decide their commuting (通勤) mode trying to reduce their costs, but the result is the overall worst-case situation, where the average commuting time is longer and all people decide to use their car.” write the authors of the study.

Besides, policymakers tend to construct even more car infrastructure (基础设施) and invest even more in private cars, which then encourages more private vehicle use and results in even more traffic jams.

Possible solutions have to be actively encouraged, with more travel options, plus local shops and services.

Also, increasing the costs could be achieved by reducing the space devoted to cars, with more public transport lanes, wider sidewalks, and pedestrian roads, for example.

Dr. Humberto, one author of the study said: “If our goal is to have more liveable and developed cities then we must take part of this land and give it to other modes of transportation: walking, cycling and public transport.

【小题1】Which of the following can replace the underlined words “clog up”?
A.Turn down.B.Break down.
C.Make troubles.D.Get stuck.
【小题2】What can we infer from the numbers in Paragraph 2?
A.The number of cars is larger than population.
B.Car production creates more CO2 than aviation.
C.CO2 emission is largely affected by car production.
D.Global CO2 emission is more serious than expected.
【小题3】What result do study authors get from their model?
A.It is hard for people to keep a balance.
B.It takes more time to drive cars to work.
C.More cars can be used to save time.
D.Driving cars can keep the cost down.
【小题4】What can be a possible way to reduce car use?
A.Building parking lots.B.Saving land for cars.
C.Producing less cars.D.Riding a bus to work.
