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I lost my phone when I was on holiday four months ago. With no phone to use on my way back to Milan, I decided to buy a book at the airport before boarding the plane. There was a discount on Stephen Hawking’s Brief Answers to the Big Questions, and while not necessarily an easy read for the non-reader I was at the time, it touched on some of the subjects I m most passionate(感兴趣的) about so I decided it was worth the £5.99. I paid for it. To my great surprise, I read the whole book on that two-hour return flight — and so my love for reading began. I was confused. Before then, I used to buy books fairly often, hoping I’d read them, knowing months would go by and I wouldn’t even open them. So I wondered. What was different this time? After carefully analysing the situation, I came up with an explanation.

Now I realise, most books on my reading list as a child came from one of three places: suggested books, school books, and “to read before you die” books. As a kid, I didn’t have much experience when it came to books or reading. So when I decided to pick up a book, I thought these were the ones I should read and I believed I would surely enjoy them. Then I ended up thinking of myself as someone that simply didn’t like reading.

It is obvious, in hindsight(在事后看来), that I actually really enjoyed reading. The few times I got to skim through a book that felt right, I would devour (如饥似渴地读) the whole thing in a matter of hours.

Many people approach reading in the wrong way, so they finally end up disliking it the way I did. Keep on reading books you don’t like, and you’ll eventually convince yourself it is reading you don’t like. So just make sure, you are reading books that touch on subjects you are actually passionate(热爱) about — don’t be scared to create your unique bookshelf.

【小题1】What surprised the author?
A.He lost his phone.B.The book was very cheap.
C.The book was easy to read.D.He finished reading the book.
【小题2】What does the author intend to do in paragraph 2?
A.Explore ways to create a reading list.
B.Introduce his particular taste in books.
C.Explain why he used to be a non-reader.
D.Analyze how children’s books are classified.
【小题3】What books does the author advise people to read?
A.Those that attract their interest.
B.Those that enrich their knowledge.
C.Those that are popular among readers.
D.Those that are written by best-selling authors.
【小题4】What is the best title for text?
A.Learning from a great bookB.How I fell in love with reading
C.Creating a successful study tourD.How I developed a reading habit
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Jose Alberto Gutierrez’s life would never be the same again after finding a copy of Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy in the garbage 20 years ago. It happened while he was driving his garbage truck through wealthier neighborhoods at night and seeing deserted books. It sparked his desire to start rescuing books from the garbage. He took home between 50 and 60 books every morning after his nine-hour shift. Eventually, he turned his book collection into a community library.

Colombia’s capital city of Bogota has 13 million residents and 19 public libraries. However, these libraries tend to be far away from where rural and poorer communities live. The option of buying new books is non-existent for families struggling to make ends meet. Having access to a library of books and being taken away to another world while immersed in a book is a luxury for the kids who visit Gutierrez’s library.

Gutierrez grew up poor, and his family could not afford to educate him beyond primary school. Nevertheless, his mother was a keen reader and read stories to him every night. Her love for books left a deep impression on Gutierrez, who never let a lack of formal education stop him from reading classics by the likes of Victor Hugo, Mario Vargas Llosa and Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

Today, his community library, called “The Strength of Words”, occupies most of his home and is piled from floor to ceiling with fiction and non-fiction titles. Everything from school textbooks to story books can be found in his collection of more than 20,000 books!

The Strength of Words library opens every weekend. It is not just school-going children who are enjoying the benefits of The Strength of Words library. Adults are also welcome to expand their horizons and develop new skills to build a better life for themselves.

Despite having done so much for his community, Gutierrez is not yet content to call it a day. He continues to search through bins for reading material and has even travelled to book fairs in Mexico and Chile to sell his idea of building library from unwanted books.

【小题1】What inspired Gutierrez to build the community library?
A.Famous novelists he liked very much.
B.The dilemma he faced on the night shift.
C.Abandoned books he came across at work.
D.The hobby he has taken up since childhood.
【小题2】What is mainly talked about in paragraph 3?
A.Gutierrez’s mother was a good reader.
B.Gutierrez was greatly influenced by his mother.
C.Gutierrez led a difficult life during his childhood.
D.Gutierrez had a disadvantage of poor education.
【小题3】Which of the following can best describe Gutierrez?
A.Responsible and ambitious.B.Humble and thoughtful.
C.Committed and sensitive.D.Creative and courageous.
【小题4】What does Gutierrez’s story tell us?
A.A book holds a house of gold.
B.Constant dropping wears the stone.
C.Good things come to those who wait.
D.One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.

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【小题1】What can be known about Penguin Random House UK from the text?
A.The length of its history.
B.The name of its founder.
C.The accurate circulation of its books.
D.The different stages of its development.
【小题2】Which of the following words can best describe Penguin’s mission?
【小题3】The books published by Penguin are
A.best received throughout the globe.
B.all well illustrated with no exception.
C.written by people from different walks of life.
D.designed to develop creativity in readers.

As a child, I had a library phobia(恐惧症).I associated going to the library with doing research for a school project or a book report. I defined reading as work, and books came from the library, so going to the library for fun was out of the range of my thinking. As hard as they tried, my parents could not get me interested in reading. They purchased a few of the Hardy Boys series.

The books collected dust. The closest I came to wanting to read was The Big Green Book by Robert Graves, with illustrations by Maurice Sendak, a gift from my aunt. Its lead character, a boy of about 8, my age, discovered a book of magic spells. I was fascinated Spells were not in the book, but I drew an imaginary magic circle with a long stick in my bedroom, stood inside the circle, took three deep breaths and made up my own spell. I never became invisible(看不见的),which was my goal. This was my favorite book. I read it again and again. Certainly no need to go to the library.

Eventually, I started reading novels in my 20s. To avoid going to the library, which was only seven blocks from my Brooklyn home, I joined various book clubs. I didn’t mind having to buy a book a month as long as I didn’t have to go to the library.

My library phobia was cured 23 years ago when my family moved to Long Island. The East Meadow Public Library, a two—block walk from our home, became a regular destination for me and my family. My children were introduced to books through the children’s section with free programs that even my wife and I enjoyed. My children made friends , and my wife and I made friends with the parents.

My library card is faded, the edges are ragged and I renew my membership time and time again. I have given up mail—order books, and when I go to a store that sells books, I snap(拍照) pictures of the book jackets that enthral me and put the book on reserve at the library.

【小题1】What can we learn about the book The Big Green Book?
A.It appealed to the author’s parents.
B.It contained some magic spells.
C.It is a gift from the author’s uncle.
D.It inspired the author with some ideas.
【小题2】What did the author prefer to do rather than go to the library?
A.To read novels.B.To go to book clubs.
C.To start a school.D.To purchase books on his own.
【小题3】What made the author fall in love with the library at last?
A.He moved to a new place.
B.He formed a new family.
C.He wanted to meet targeted people.
D.He discovered an additional function of the library.
【小题4】Which can replace the underlined word “enthral” in the last paragraph?
