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Many people make it our New Year decision to get more active — but maybe you have to spend large sums in gyms. 【小题1】 But by changing that plan for these following ideas, you can not only increase your energy but save your money.

Get started with running. Going for a jog costs nothing and is one of the easiest ways to build up your body. If running seems like a task, why not try an app to add to pleasure? I love a sports app called RockMyRun. It understands your personal pace and then matches the music beat to it. 【小题2】

Follow fitness bloggers. The Internet is full of fitness bloggers competing for likes and followers. They often post some free short videos showing how they are exercising. 【小题3】For guidance from a personal trainer, which may even cost£ 30 to 65 an hour.

Take resistance training(抗阻力训练). 【小题4】 You can use them to increase your resistance training — zero gym required. Tins(罐头) of beans or tomatoes can be used as smaller weights, while 2-litre drink bottles offer heavier resistance.

【小题5】 It may be slightly cold to work out there, but most of them are nonprofit community outdoor gyms across the country. With everything you may need, they provide various training workouts. Find your nearest outdoor gym at tgogc. com.

A.Free outdoor gyms.
B.Great various workouts.
C.It is free to download on Android and iOS.
D.Generally, gyms cost on average £ 40.53 a month.
E.Make full use of their efforts by repeating these at home or in the gym.
F.Heavy kitchen items can be used as hand weightlifting equipment.
G.It is necessary for most people to train by lifting hand-held weights.
知识点:方法/策略体育健身 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Before we even realize it’s happening, slowly but surely, we start losing confidence in who we are, what we do, and pretty much everything we ever thought we knew. You’re not alone.【小题1】 Below are simple steps that it offers to help you restore confidence quickly.

Figure Out the Root Cause. Knowing why you’re losing confidence is key to reversing that downward spiral. Not only will it get your confidence back but also it will strengthen it in the process. So, take the time to become aware of your environment, your thoughts, your behaviors, and your relationships.【小题2】

Strike a Pose. Simply put you stand straight, take up some space, put one hand on each hip, chin tilted upward, breathe in, and be present. Hold this pose for a few minutes. 【小题3】Our attitudes often follow our behaviors, her research suggests, meaning that assuming the body language of a powerful person can make anyone who does it feel more confident.

【小题4】Losing confidence means you’ve given your power away. And one of the fastest ways to take back your power is to utter a tiny two-letter word: NO, Practice saying “no” at least once a day. It can be to your own judgy voices of doubt, or it can be to the external factors you’ve identified that have caused you to lose confidence. It, along with these other suggestions: are very powerful steps in restoring your confidence.

Losing confidence in ourselves happens.【小题5】I bet if you ask the people closest to you in your life, they’ll shrug and nod, letting you know that they’ve experienced self-doubt and a loss of confidence, too. It’s part of being human and part of living this thing that we call life.

A.Just Say “No”.
B.You will benefit from it in the long term.
C.They may help you find out your mistakes.
D.It’s happened to me on more than one occasion.
E.It’s one of the power poses suggested by social psychologist Amy Cuddy.
F.In that case, you can identify the negative influences that need to be addressed.
G.According to the online therapy platform Better Health, everyone lacks confidence occasionally.

With so much schoolwork and the pressure of college entrance examination, it comes as no surprise that some students do not consider senior high school as “the best years of their lives”.

【小题1】 Hundreds of users on Reddit, a US social networking website, have posted a list of things they should have known at 15 years old. For example: Make older friends so you can learn from them. Stay in shape when you are younger so it is easier when you get older. 【小题2】

Not every thing on their list will apply to everybody, but there are certainly a few good tips to keep in mind. Below, six inspiring posts have been picked out for you. Let’s take a look.

1. Don’t eat as you please. You will gain weight, and it will be hard to lose it.

2. 【小题3】 If I had started then, I would be really hot by now.

3. Experience the world, really take it all in, and remember that no one can be more human than you.

4. 【小题4】 If you listen to all the hate around you and try to change who you are, you’ll just end up miserable and doing a lot of damage that will take a long time to heal.

5. Go hug your parents right now. Don’t wait. Don’t hide. 【小题5】

6. Looking back, I can see that my parents were just trying to spend some time with me, and I would act like they were bothering me.

A.Love and own who you are.
B.Get off the computer and go to the gym.
C.You’ll have a much easier time with them.
D.However, it is not always necessarily this way.
E.Make sure they know how much you love them.
F.Take risks when you are young because you won’t want to when you are older.
G.There is a world of difference between students who do well and those who do not.

Creating a vegetable garden is fun and rewarding. Find the best place in your yard to plant vegetables and with time and care, your dinner table will filled with healthy, ripe vegetables. 【小题1】

Decide what to grow, What vegetables do you like? Think about which vegetables you’d like to eat each season that also grow in your climate. 【小题2】 Most vegetables grow well in a variety of different climates, but it’s a good idea to learn what grows best in your region’s garden zone before deciding what to plant.

Select a garden area. Vegetables need strong, full sunlight, so choose the sunniest part of your yard. Besides, choose a spot with rich soil. Then, figure out how much space the garden should take up, and where to place vegetable plants. 【小题3】 Figure out how much space you will need for the plants.

Dig holes and plant the seeds or seedlings. Dig holes and put a little fertilizer into each hole, then drop the seeds or place the seedlings into them. Cover the holes with topsoil and a layer of covering materials, if required.

【小题4】 For the first few weeks, while the vegetables take root, you need to keep the topsoil slightly wet. Use the misting function on your rubber to lightly spray(喷)   the garden every day.

Care for the vegetables according to their needs.【小题5】 Continue weeding the garden frequently as the vegetables grow throughout the summer.

When it’s time to harvest, pick only the ripest ones first and allow the others more time to grow. Now, it’s time to enjoy the delicious vegetables with your family.

A.Water the garden.
B.Get the topsoil ready.
C.Then plan your vegetable garden accordingly.
D.Here are a few useful tips for a complete beginner.
E.Different vegetable plants require different amounts of space,
F.This way, you will have produce all summer instead of all at once.
G.Give the vegetable plants the amount of water and fertilizer they require.
