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As I began to wade through thirteen pages of the credit-card company’s new policy, I wasn’t sure how it was going to affect me personally. As I waited to be connected to a customer service rep, I considered whether I should even write the fifth novel in my Old Cape House series. Did my readers really enjoy the mysterious historical stories I told? Should I take on more debt to buy my paperback books? I thought about all the author events, book signings, and book fairs that might be canceled because of the virus. When would normal life return?

“Hello, Ms. Struna, this is Thomas. May I have your account information?”

After repeating the information he needed, I explained my dilemma in trying to understand the new policy and asked how it would affect my future purchases.

“Please, do not worry. You will have no change.”

“Are you sure? I am an author and travel frequently. I need to have access to my card at all times for big or small purchases.” I laughed to myself, thinking I wasn’t going anywhere for a while, at least until there was a vaccine.

“Let me reassure you. There will be no change to your card, but Ms. Struna, may I ask you one more question? Are you the author of The Old Cape House?”

My jaw dropped. He was talking about my first novel of suspenseful historical fiction, The Old Cape House, published in 2013. I was stunned and I stammered, “Why, yes I am.” I was still skeptical about what he wanted from me.

Thomas kept talking. “I thought it was you. I recognized your name, and when you told me you were an author, I knew it was you.”

“Oh, my goodness.” My heart started to beat faster with delight at the connection I was making with an unknown foreign reader.

“Ms. Struna, your book changed me. It changed how I look at the world. It showed me ways to be more adventuresome and to be open to new things. Thank you so very much.”

注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1:

I was stunned at the idea that I had made a difference in someone’s life.

Paragraph 2:

I hung up, ending this coincidental connection to a fan reader in a faraway place.

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I am a volunteer of Story Dogs. Rosie and I began our Story Dogs journey at a local elementary school in Term 2 this year.

Story Dogs is based on the successful American literacy program, Reading Education Assistance Dogs, which was built around the appealing idea of children and young adolescents reading to dogs.

Reading sessions take place in a quiet area of the school grounds, such as the library or outside the classroom. A reading session is about 20 minutes long, where each child is one-on- one with the dog team. Books are chosen to suit the student’s reading level.

Jayon, a Year 2 student, is such a good boy as everyone likes. No one is perfect. Jayon, however, wanted nothing to do with reading! That made Jayon’s teachers and parents feel helpless. His wonderful teacher used all kinds of teaching methods, but none of them improved. At the same time, his parents trembled with his reading performance. Jayon struggled to stay focused, which meant he was disinterested in his school work... until he met Rosie!

When Jayon first came to read with us, I noticed a few things about his reading. For example, he would guess the words and become distracted very easily. He was unable to hold the book still, which would obviously make it difficult for him to read and he would lose interest very quickly, which meant I would have to read to him.

So I came up with a plan. I decided I would hold the book instead and point to each word and helped him to sound the words out instead of guessing. To keep him focused and still, I asked him to pat Rosie’s back, which helped keep his hands busy. Rosie certainly didn’t mind a bit!

Using these methods, Jayon’s reading improved every week! He developed a beautiful bond with Rosie and she would show him so much love and affection! She knew he needed her and it was lovely to watch them together. With weeks passing by, Jayon’s enthusiasm for reading became stronger.


Jayon finally loved reading.


I was told that Jayon would receive the Growth Award at the end of year.

