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某英文读书网站 “My favorite writer” 栏目面向中学生征稿,请你写一篇英语稿件,推荐一位你最喜欢的作家。内容包括:
1. 推荐的作家及作品;
2. 推荐理由。
知识点:爱好阅读 文学家 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

I loved the challenge of conquering something bigger than myself. Soon I’d climbed nearly 100 peaks. I often go climbing with my friend Mel Olsen, whom I met in a Facebook group. Three years ago, on December 30, the two of us drove to Oregon to tackle Mount Hood, a 3,400-metre volcano.

It’s safer to start climbs at night, when there’s less risk of the sun melting the snowpack. We started our climbing at 3 am, following the paths alongside the ski runs. It was about -10 ℃, and we wore easily removed layers, knowing we didn’t want to get too hot on the climb. Along the way, we met two other climbers, and the four of us continued on together. After about five hours, we reached a plateau at about 3,000 metres, just before the final push up the mountain. By this point, it felt like my exposed skin was burning. The other climbers decided to turn back, but we went ahead.

At around 9 a.m., we reached an ice step about a metre tall and sloping at around 75 degrees. I volunteered to go up ahead of Mel. Then I suddenly heard a crack, and a whole slab of ice broke off the step, right under my toot.

First I fell backwards, and then I slid. I could hear Mel calling my name as I bounced off the rock face. I remember thinking, This is it. You’re done. I stretched out my arms and legs so I wouldn’t turn over down the mountain. I’d fallen about 200 metres. My clothes were shredded, my helmet was broken, and I had cuts and scratches all over my face.

When I hit the ground, I was buzzing. I started to see where I was hurt. When I reached my left leg, I couldn’t feel anything. So I tied moving my toes. That worked—at least I wasn’t paralyzed (瘫痪).

As Mel made her way down, I started yelling for help, and a bunch of other climbers came to assist me.


When we got to the bottom of Mount Hood, I was taken straight to a hospital, where I stayed for four days.

