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Six people are about to find out what it would be like to live on Mars—without ever leaving the Earth.

Three men and three women will spend eight months living in a special habitat on the side of a volcano in Hawaii. They are part of an experiment being done by NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) that is designed to mimic (模仿) life on Mars.

Some people may become unhappy or bored living under those conditions. Certain personality types may not get along, and living together for a long time could cause them to argue.

By studying people living in similar conditions here on Earth, NASA hopes to learn how to choose the best people for a space mission, and how to help them get along.

The crew (全体工作人员) will live in a two-story dome-shaped (圆顶形) building. The dome is located in an area about 2,400 metres up the side of Mauna Loa, the second biggest volcano in the world. Mauna Loa is an active volcano, but it has not erupted since 1984. It is monitored all the time for signs of volcanic activity. NASA chose the location because the environment there looks very similar to Mars.

During the experiment, the crew will only be able to communicate by email. To make it more like being on Mars, there will be a 20-minute waiting time between the time a message is sent and when it is received. That means it will take 40 minutes to get a reply to an email.

The crew will be performing scientific work while they are there, including some trips outside the dome. When they go outside, they will have to wear spacesuits, just as if they were on Mars.

The commander of the crew is Martha Lenio, a 34-year-old Canadian. Lenio studied engineering and is interested in space exploration and environmental problems. During the mission, she will run experiments on growing food and making compost (堆肥) inside the dome.

The other crewmembers have backgrounds in physics and astronomy. They were chosen from about 150 people who applied to take part in the experiment. None of them are astronauts.

【小题1】What is the main purpose of the experiment?
A.To study people’s behavior.
B.To complete a challenging task.
C.To get familiar with our natural world.
D.To prepare volunteers for life on Mars.
【小题2】When living in a group, volunteers should _________.
A.try to show their own personality
B.learn to get along with each other
C.have no chance to go outside
D.communicate by phone
【小题3】What can we learn from the text?
A.Martha Lenio used to be an astronaut.
B.The experiment will take about two years.
C.All six members have professional backgrounds.
D.All members will run experiments on growing food.
【小题4】From which is the text probably taken?
A.A travel magazine.
B.A science magazine
C.A biology textbook.
D.A geography textbook.
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NASA’s first look at a sample (样本) from a small planet Bennu shows life’s building stones. This is the most material collected from beyond the moon.

When beginning to open the capsule (太空舱) that collected the sample, NASA scientists found extra material outside the collection container, which has led to a few science discoveries.

The material in the capsule was collected by blowing dust and rocks into a container with gas. Much of that material is made up of water-clay (水粘土) minerals. “The reason that Earth is the habitable world that we have, with oceans and lakes and rivers and rain,” said planetary scientist Dante Lauretta of the University of Arizona in Tucson, who leads the OSIRIS-REx mission, “is that these clay minerals, like the ones we’re seeing from Bennu, landed on Earth 4 billion years ago to 4.5 billion years ago, making our world habitable.” Other grains contain a necessary part of life common on Earth, including carbon and iron, Lauretta said, “as well as structures that may have been important for jump-starting life.”

A quarter of the Bennu sample will go to scientists on the OSIRIS-Rex mission for research. The rest will be divvied up among scientists around the world, with a part left for future study.

“This sample is our dream,” said Daniel Glavin, a senior scientist for sample return at Goddard. “I just can’t wait to get at it. And this material will be around for generations and generations.”

【小题1】What did the container collect from the small planet Bennu?
A.Water and gas.B.Carbon-and iron.
C.Dust and rocks.D.Life and earth.
【小题2】What makes our world become a good, suitable place to live in according to Dante Lawretta?
A.The container from Bennu.
B.The clay minerals like ones of Bennu.
C.The scientific part to scientists.
D.Oceans and lakes with rivers.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “divvied up” in the 4th paragraph mean?
A.Divided into.B.Taken back.C.Combined with.D.Stored by.
【小题4】How did Daniel Glavin feel about the material brought from behind the moon?

Play Helps Develop Bigger, Better Brains!

If play is not simply a way to have fun, for what other reasons has it developed? 【小题1】 Earlier this year, Sergio Pellis of Lethbridge University, Canada, reported that there is a strong positive link between brain size and playfulness among mammals in general. 【小题2】The opposite was also found to be true.

According to John Byers of Idaho University, the timing of the playful stage in young animals provides an important clue to what’s going on. If you plot the amount of time a child devotes to play each day over the course of his development, you discover a pattern typically associated with a “sensitive period”—a brief development window during which the brain can actually be adjusted in ways that are not possible earlier or later in life. 【小题3】

“People have not paid enough attention to the amount of the brain activated by play,” says Marc Bekoff from Colorado University. Bekoff studied coyote pups at play and found that the kind of behavior involved was obviously more variable and unpredictable than that of adults. He also reasons that such behavior activates many different parts of the brain.

【小题4】 “There’s enormous cognitive involvement in play,” says Bekoff. He points out that play often involves complex assessments of playmates and the use of specialized signals and rules. He believes that play creates a brain that has greater behavioral flexibility and improved potential for learning later in life. 【小题5】

A.Play just lights everything up.
B.The importance of playfulness is drawing more attention.
C.The latest idea suggests that play has developed to build big brains.
D.A popular explanation is that it helps children develop the skills they will later need.
E.Think of the relative ease with which kids—but not babies or adults—absorb language.
F.Not only is more of the brain involved in play, but it also activates higher cognitive processes.
G.Comparing fifteen orders of mammals, his team found larger brains are linked to greater playfulness.

Scientists have connected the “fat gene” with the “happy gene”. They believed there could be genetic evidence which explains why fat people are often happier than their skinny friends. The breakthrough could be an explanation for why fat characters, such as The Laughing Policeman and Father Christmas are often described as joyful and kind.

FTO is the major genetic contributor to being fat. But it is also connected with an eight percent reduction in the risk of depression. Researchers at McMaster University in Canada had been studying whether there was a connection between being fat and being depressed. They found the opposite was true.

They studied 17,200 DNA from participants in 21 countries. Results showed people with FTO gene — the fat gene — showed less signs of depression. This finding was supported by three additional international studies.

Professor David Meyre said, “We set out from the belief that being depressed and being fat both deal with brain activity. We thought that fat genes may be related to depression. However, we have discovered a molecule (分子) contributing to depression. It is the first evidence that an FTO fat gene is connected with protection against depression.

In a recent interview, actress Lisa Riley said she was more than comfortable with her size. She said she is a “big, really happy” girl who is lucky enough to be confident in her own skin, and added, “Many people want to be thinner. Not me. I love being different and it drives me mad that people don’t believe I’m happy with what I am.”

【小题1】According to the passage, FTO is ________.
A.a molecule connected with happinessB.a kind of DNA from participants
C.a gene that contributes to depressionD.a gene which leads to being fat
【小题2】According to what Professor David Meyre said, we can know ________.
A.his former beliefs were right
B.fat genes are connected with depression
C.there was no evidence for the role of an FTO fat gene in the protection against depression before
D.there should be more people involved in the study
【小题3】By mentioning the actress Lisa Riley, the author aims to show that ________.
A.Lisa Riley is unhappy with her sizeB.it’s not easy to be an actress
C.many people want to be thinnerD.fat people are really happier
【小题4】The passage is likely to appear in ________.
A.a health magazineB.a lesson plan
C.an advertisementD.an amusement program
