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Friendships can bring joy or sorrow. Since there’s no rule book on what to do when things get tense (紧张), we talked to researchers, authors, and therapists to learn how to manage the common relationship difficulties we all face. 【小题1】

Broken promises

Friends are important for our physical and mental well-being but these relationships aren’t always smooth. 【小题2】 And a major way this happens is through broken promises. Perhaps he canceled plans at the last minute or she declined to take part in an important party. 【小题3】 the first thing to do is remember that no one is perfect, says Jan Yager, PhD, friendship coach.

Experiencing envy

“Sometimes envy shows our deepest wishes,” says Dr. Yager. “【小题4】”she says. She points out that it could be the other way around as well. Your friends might have the same feeling as yours.


There’s no worse feeling than when you check Facebook Monday morning to find out that your friends went on a weekend getaway without you. Scott Christnelly, a therapist, says, “I encourage clients to express their feelings about it but also not to jump to conclusions.” Then find someone else to talk to — maybe a family member, or a close friend (not one who went on the trip) — to explain how you feel. Maybe through that conversation you can brainstorm how you will respond.

A.Feeling left out
B.Hopefully, it helps
C.Learn to be independent
D.But while it may be painful
E.It possibly gets you inspired by your friend’s success
F.Friend breakups can be just as painful as a romantic split
G.In fact, experiencing some serious hurt from your friends is common
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Are you in an unhealthy relationship with yourself?

Do you tell yourself that your own thoughts, feelings, or reactions are not important? Are you standing in the way of your trying new things? 【小题1】 If so, you can begin to take steps to improve the relationship with yourself right now.

Start seeing your relationship with yourself as a true relationship. 【小题2】 You are your own life partner, whether you like it or not. You will never one day pack up and leave yourself. And we need to start holding it to the standard with which we measure other relationships as well.

Get to know yourself. When you know yourself, you make better decisions and have better self-control. Try grabbing a notebook and describing yourself using words and phrases. 【小题3】

Take yourself on a date. Spending time alone increases productivity and creativity. So, go to a museum, go out to eat with yourself, or go for a hike. 【小题4】

Have a hard conversation. What don’t you like about yourself? It’s okay that you don’t like everything about yourself. Examine the things you don’t like. 【小题5】 If you don’t like your habits, looks, schedule, or day-to-day emotions, you can choose to accept them as they are and stop complaining about them or take steps to change them. This simple decision can release a huge burden in your life.

A.So many of us treat ourselves poorly.
B.And it is one worthy of your time and effort.
C.Either choose to accept them or change them.
D.Let yourself relax and enjoy your own company.
E.Write what makes you special and what motivates you.
F.Are you blocking your own personal growth?
G.How do we work to improve our relationship with ourselves?

People are taught how to speak, but good sentence structure and a wide range of vocabulary words won’t always lead to being understood or understanding others.【小题1】

The good news is that it’s never too late to learn how to communicate more effectively. The first step is to realize you’ re having communication issues.【小题2】The following is a list of the top three signs that you need to learn healthier communication skills.

You have the same fights over and over.

Your fights are about the same topic again and again. If this is happening, it means you don’t yet have the skills to resolve conflicts.【小题3】The fight may end, but it’s only a matter of time before you argue about the same thing again. When you learn how to resolve conflicts, issues don’t pile up or become baggage that weighs down your relationship.


You don’t want to fight so you try not to bring up subjects that lead only to pain and disconnection. The problem is that avoiding them leads to pain and disconnection anyway. Unless you learn how to have hard conversations productively, you will get more and more disconnected until your relationship is in danger of ending.

You regularly feel misunderstood or unheard.

No matter how hard you try, you don’t feel understood. Perhaps your partner has expressed the same feeling. Over time the disconnected feeling does damage to your relationship. It’s important to learn how to communicate in a better way, so that both you and the other person feel heard and understood.【小题5】To be heard, your partner will need to learn how to listen. For you, to be able to hear your partner, you will need to do the same.

A.If you can’t resolve issues, they will continue to show up.
B.Then, you can learn how to communicate in a more productive way.
C.This requires more than just speaking to your partner or vice versa.
D.You argue with your partners about some issues.
E.Effective communication requires much more than being able to speak.
F.If you leave conflicts unsettled, you will feel disconnected and lonely.
G.You avoid discussing certain topics.
