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One day, while Sutter surfed the Internet watching some videos of cute animals with his mom, he came across a story posted by the local animal shelter (收容所). It explained that there was a cat, which was named Hazel by the workers, living in the shelter and needing help.

The workers found the cat at a transfer station where garbage and other waste are sorted. At first, the workers thought Hazel was just looking for food. But they later discovered that the back legs of the cat were injured. What was worse, after a physical examination, they found the bones of the cat were broken and that necrosis — meaning the death of cells in some part of the body — had set in. The workers thought Hazel would need surgery (手术) to get better. So they called on the community to raise money for the cat.

That was when Sutter got to work. After he knew the story about the poor cat in his community, the nine-year-old cat lover said to his mom,“I just can’t stop thinking about the cat. It is in urgent need of surgery. I want to raise money to help the cat.”Hearing those words, Sutter’ s mother was happy that her son was a kind-hearted boy and decided to help him.

Then Sutter came up with a good idea: making use of the power of cinnamon buns ( 肉桂卷). He knew if there was anything that could get the community members to empty their pockets, it would be this sweet treat: cinnamon buns. Then he and his mom started baking cinnamon buns, and his mom posted Sutter’s efforts on a social media page. Knowing Sutter’s good intention, the whole community reached out and donated money to Sutter. Finally, Sutter was able to raise $850 in total. Then Sutter and his mom gladly went to the animal shelter and dropped the money there.

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With the money, Hazel was able to receive the surgery.


Since adopting Hazel, Sutter has done a lot to help it recover.

知识点:人与动植物 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!


With limited space for parks and gardens, architects and city planners often find it challenging to include greenery in neighborhoods in cities. One creative solution is to grow plants on unused areas like walls and rooftops. It’s a popular idea, and now rooftop gardens and green walls have been sprouting up(大量冒出) in cities around the world.

There are many benefits of having green spaces to the urban landscape. Adding gardens to rooftops or walls can create a pleasant environment — what was once a gray cement(水泥) wall can become a colorful, blooming garden. The CaxiaForum art gallery in Madrid, Spain, is a famous example — one of its walls is covered with 15,000 plants from over 250 different species. In other cities, green walls are being used more functionally, to cover up construction sites and empty buildings and to decorate the lobbies of office buildings.

Using plants to cover walls and rooftops can also keep cities cooler in the summer. Buildings and roads absorb the sun’s heat and hold it, causing a building or neighborhood to stay warmer longer. Plants, on the other hand, provide an enormous amount of shade. There is evidence that growing a roof or wall garden can lower a building’s energy costs.

In New York City, public schools plant rooftop gardens that can reduce heating and cooling costs. In addition to saving the school money, teachers and parents love the gardens because of their educational value — it’s a fun and healthy way for their kids to investigate the world around them. “For the children, it’s exciting when you grow something edible(可食用的),” said Lauren Fontana, principal of a New York public school.

Rooftop gardens and green walls may require a bit more effort to grow and maintain. However, hard work always brings rewards, and with green spaces, the rewards are plentiful.



“Mamma,” said Susie Dean, one summer's morning, “may I go to the woods, and pick berries?”

“Yes,” replied Mrs Dean, “but you must take Rover with you.”

Susie brought her little basket and her mother put up a nice lunch for her. She tied down the cover, and fastened a tin cup to it

The little girl called Rover-a great Newfoundland dog and gave him a tin pail to carry. “If I bring it home full, mamma,” she said. “Won’t you make some berry cakes for tea?”

Away she tripped, singing as she went down the lane and across the pasture. When she got to the woods, she put her dinner basket down beside a tree, and began to pick berries.

Rover ran about, chasing a squirrel or a rabbit now and then,but never straying (偏离)far from Susie.

The tin pail (锡桶)was not a very small one. By the time it was two thirds full, Susie began to feel hungry, and thought she would eat her lunch.

Rover came and took his place at her side as soon as she began to eat. Did she not give him some of the lunch? No, she was in a selfish mood did no such thing.

“There ’ Rover, run away! There's a good dog.” she said; but Rover staid near her, watching her steadily with his clear brown eyes.

The meat he wanted so much, was soon eaten up; and all he got of the nice dinner, was a small crust (面包皮) of gingerbread that Susie threw away.

After dinner, Susie played a while by the by the brook. She threw sticks into the water, and Rover swam in and brought them back. Then she began to pick berries again.

She did not enjoy the afternoon as she did the morning. The sunshine was as bright, the berries were as sweet and plentiful, and she was neither tired nor hungry.

But good, faithful Rover was hungry, and she had not given him even one piece of meat She tried to forget how selfish she had been; but she could not do so, and quite early she started for home.

1. 所续写的词数应为150左右;
2. 应使用5个以上短文标有下划线的关键词语;
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Paragraph 1:

When she was nearly out of the woods, a rustling in the underbrush attracted her attention.

Paragraph 2:

When the faithful dog came and rubbed his head against her hand, Susie put her arms around his neck, and burst into tears.



“Izzy,” Letty cries. “I need a favor.” Letty’s my best friend. “A favor” for her always turns into more. Like last time I agreed to babysit “a few kids”, and we got surrounded by twenty babies. So I ask, “What’s it?” “Crestview Shelter’s got too many animals,” she explains. “I was hoping you could keep some at your empty stable (马厩) for a while.” “No. You know I’m teaching riding lessons. I don’t have time to care for them,” I reply immediately. “I just need the space. Please,” she begs. I can’t refuse anymore. “Okay. But cats only. No dogs.” “Why?” she asks.

“Tiger.” As her name, our mouser (捕鼠猫) Tiger is the queen here, and considers the stable hers. She’ll tolerate cats, but dogs? “A neighbor’s dog wandered on the driveway once, which is close to the stable, and Tiger nearly tore his ears off,” I explain. “No dogs,” agrees Letty. “I’ll bring them tomorrow morning.”

That afternoon, Mom tells me a horse arrives to board. Horse boarding is part of our stable’s business. I hurry over only to see a huge black horse. I couldn’t see over his back. Dad waves me over. “Ms. Heidt and her horse, Titan.” I pat Titan. He doesn’t respond. “He must be tired,” I say, noting his lifeless eyes.

“Actually, he’s been like this for weeks since his partner Kerrick suddenly died. They were inseparable, and now...” Ms. Heidt says. “The animal doctor says it’s not good for him to be alone. ” “Titan’s sure to make friends here,” I tell Ms. Heidt. She hands me his lead and says, “Titan’s big, but he’s a gentleman.” She’s right. Titan follows quietly when I take him away. Horses in the stable notice Titan at once, but they hang back. There’s no interaction.

At about 9 am the next day, Letty and the animals come. As we unload the cats, a spotted dog jumps out. “What?” I shout. “I’m sorry, Izzy,” Letty says. “The staff members there insist we should give Buddy the dog a chance, so... ” ROWR! A sound interrupts her. Tiger rushes to Buddy. We hurry to get something to stop her. But suddenly we find there’s no sign of Buddy. Letty hangs her head. “I’m sorry ——” I accept her apology and we keep seeking Buddy.


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2. 请按如下格式作答。

“Izzy, look!” she points toward Titan worriedly.


Ms. Heidt tears up when she knows the friendship between Titan and Buddy.

